CSDE Welcomes Four More Faculty Affiliates!
CSDE’s Executive Committee is pleased to introduce four of our new UW Faculty Affiliates:
- Paul Fishman– Professor, Health Services. Fishman is a health care economist with expertise in designing and conducting analyses of health service use and cost and the organization of health care systems with a specific emphasis on primary care. He is also an expert on the organization and management of large databases for use in health services research.
- Jose Hernandez - Data Scientist, eScience Institute, University of Washington. Hernandez's interests include the application of data science methods on sociological and educational data and building data tools to facilitate that process. His research combines theory and practice with data science methods to inform education policymaking.
- Tracy Mroz - Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Medicine. Mroz's research focuses on the impact of health policy and delivery system factors on access to and quality of post-acute care services for older adults and adults with disabilities. As an investigator with the WWAMI Rural Health Research Center and the UW Center for Health Workforce Studies, she is leading studies on post-acute care in rural communities and therapy workforce.
- Anissa Tanweer - Research Scientist, eScience Institute, University of Washington. Tanweer's work focuses on human-centered data science, and incorporates a range of qualitative methods for studying the practice and culture of data-intensive computational work, including interviews, surveys, and participant observation. (read more)
CSDE Affiliate Karin Martin and UW PhD Candidate Matthew Fowle Co-author Study on Restitution
CSDE Affiliate Karin Martin and UW Public Policy Doctoral Candidate and CSDE Trainee Matthew Fowle recently published an article in Sociological Perspectives examining restitution as a concept and a practice. Employing descriptive analyses of a national survey experiment and document review, they find that the common and strongly preferred conception of restitution is “direct,” entailing a convicted person compensating a victim for quantifiable loss. Evidence from Victim Compensation Funds (VCFs) in all 50 states demonstrate the widespread use of “indirect” restitution, through which funds from various sources are distributed to qualifying victims. They conclude that the divergence between common conception and widespread practice indicates a need for a revised notion of restitution. To read the article click here. (read more)
Join CSDE & NIH TADA for Webinar Featuring UW’s Bergstrom on Avoiding the Pitfalls of Selection Bias
The NIH Training in Advanced Data Analytics (TADA) Program at the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences is hosting a regular webinar series covering advanced data analytics and data science underlying modern behavioral and social sciences research, with presentations from experts showing the basics of data management, representation, computation, statistical inference, data modeling, causal inference, and various other topics relevant to “big data” and teaching for behavioral and social sciences researchers. On January 21st, Dr. Carl T. Bergstrom from the University of Washington will discuss some of the many ways that selection bias and related phenomena, from right censoring to the “Will Rogers effect,” can arise in medical research and beyond. He will draw from a range of examples, including recent studies on COVID-19. The presentations will be streamed live on Zoom, recorded, and archived on YouTube. To register, visit this link. (read more)
Join UW’s Innovations in Aging and Multigen Practice Lunchtime Series
UW Social Work and the Healthy Gen Center are hosting a regular lunchtime series covering innovations in Aging and Multigen Practice. Upcoming speakers for Winter 2021 include Gillian L. Marshall (UW Tacoma School of Social Work) on January 21, Jordan Lewis (University of Minnesota Medical School) on February 4, Ian Johnson (UW Seattle School of Social Work) on February 18 and Megan Toothaker (Lifelong) on March 4. To register, click here. (read more)
Register Now for PAA 2021!
PAA 2021 Registration is now open. Important Dates and Deadlines:
- February 19, 2021: Deadline for all presenters to register.
- February 28, 2021: Last day the early-bird rate is available.
- March 1, 2021: Regular registration rates will be in effect.
For those who must self-pay, a hardship rate, a 30% discount off a student or regular registration fee, is available. Simply submit a request via this form and PAA will update the registration system to allow access to the hardship rate. To request the hardship rate, you must already have an account set up in the PAA registration system. (read more)
*New* UW Data Science for Social Good Call for Project Proposals and Student Applicants Students and faculty who are interested in an opportunity to work closely with data science professionals and students to make better use of your data are invited to apply to the Data Science for Social Good summer program at the University of Washington eScience Institute. The summer program brings together data scientists and domain researchers to work on focused, collaborative projects for societal benefit. The Call for Project Proposals is open now through February 22nd. The Call for Student Applications opens January 11th, with an application deadline of February 15th. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 program will be conducted remotely. (read more)
*New* T32 Pre-doc/Postdoc Trainee Applications for STD & AIDS Research Due Feb. 22
UW’s Center for AIDS and STD has opened its call for trainees at the pre-doctoral and post-doctoral levels. The program’s goal is to train the next generation of leaders in STD and AIDS research and, since its inception in 1974, has trained 72 predoctoral and 170 postdoctoral trainees. Information about the program and the application can be found here. (read more)
UW CoLab Hosting Webinar on Integrating Race and Culture in Evidence-Based Treatments UW CoLab for Community and Behavioral Health is hosting a lunch webinar on “Integrating Race and Culture in Evidence-Based Treatments” on Jan 21, 2021 from 12-1pm. The webinar will include an overview of effective evidence-based strategies for marginalized populations, and panelists to share their personal and professional experiences and expertise. Speakers & Panelists:
- Won-Fong Lau Johnson, PhD, NCSP: Assistant Director of Service Systems @UCLA-Duke National Center for Child Traumatic Stress
- Laura Escalona-Flores,
- MSW, LICSW: School Based Mental Health Manager @ Neighborcare Health
- Seema Mhatre, LICSW, MPH: Odessa Brown Clinic Seattle Children’s Hospital
- Rickey “Deekon” Jones: Founder and CEO of New Developed Nations
Please click this link for more details and registration. (read more)
Attend Webinar on New Perspectives on Lifespan Inequality The Herczeg Institute on Aging at Tel Aviv University, in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics (University of Southern Denmark) and the Leverhulme Center for Demographic Science (Oxford University), are hosting a webinar on “New Perspectives on Lifespan Inequality” on January 21st 2021 at 9 AM EST. Please click this link to register. (read more)
CSDE Affiliates Plan NOW for an NIH Population Dynamics Branch Research Application! Calling all UW demographers, population scientists, and population health scientists. CSDE strongly encourages you to consider preparing applications (larger ones (R01) or smaller ones (R21/R03) or career awards (K’s) or conference grants (R13s) or small training workshops (R25)) to the Population Dynamics Branch! The Population Dynamics Branch has a broad social science mandate that includes research, data collection, and research training in demography, reproductive health, and population health. Any research captured by CSDE’s Primary Research Areas is eligible, including: Population and Environment, Migrations and Settlements, Health of People and Populations, Demographic Methods and Measurements, Wellbeing of Families and Households. Upcoming due dates are the standard ones for NIH, which are primarily in early to mid February. The scientific review panels for PDB are comprised of social scientists, demographers, and reproductive health scientists. There are typically two panels where your research proposal will be sent, including SSPA and SSPB. Contact CSDE for more details about your applications. We’re happy to support your applications, including offering mock reviews! (read more)