December 6, 2016
CSDE Seminar Series
CSDE Fellows Lecture: Mark Hayward
When: Friday, Dec 9, 2016 (12:30 - 1:30 PM PT) Where: University of Washington, 121 Raitt Hall
Do Recent Declines in U.S. Life Expectancy Signal Bad News for Healthy Life Expectancy?
Life expectancy for non-Hispanic white (henceforth white) Americans with less than high school education has fallen in recent years—particularly for women – while life expectancy has increased substantially for the college educated population. However, the extent to which the declines/increases in life expectancy translate into healthy life expectancy remains unclear.
Mark Hayward and his team combine data from the Health and Retirement Study and U.S.
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CSDE Workshops
Spatial Data Scripting in Python
When: Wednesday, Dec 7, 2016 (11:30 AM - 1:30 PM PT) Where: University of Washington, Savery 117
This workshop explores the basic functionality of the OGR python library. This free and open-source library enables users to work with a variety of spatial data formats. This workshop will implement reading and writing shapefiles as well as testing if a set of geographic coordinates are within a particular geographic boundary. Effectively, a point in polygon operation: one of the most frequently used operations when working with spatial data. This method can answer such questions as: Are these study participants in one census tract or another?
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Connor Gilroy and Jessica Godwin Receive CSDE BD2K Fellowships
Congratulations to Connor Gilroy and Jessica Godwin, the recipients of the CSDE Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Fellowships, funded by CSDE’s NIH T32 institutional Grant!
Connor, a first-year graduate student in the Department of Sociology, has research interests at the intersection of Sociology, Demography and Data Science. As part of his fellowship, Connor will be studying the relationship between online and offline LGBTQ communities. The project is intended to combine online and offline data to understand the impact of the development of online communities on offline behavior.
Jessica, a fourth-year graduate student in the Department of Statistics, has.....
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Matthew Dunbar Publishes Research on Surveillance of HIV Assisted Partner Services
Matthew Dunbar, Assistant Director of CSDE, recently published work on surveillance of HIV assisted partner services (aPS) using routine health information systems (HIS) in Kenya. The utilization of HIS for this purpose in sub-Saharan is lacking for a variety of reasons, but this research seeks to improve knowledge about its scope and quality. The team concluded that such surveillance could feasibly use new technologies and expand into HIV registries throughout the region.
Thanks to CSDE's research services, the team was able to leverage survey design.....
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Demography Events
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Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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