May 23, 2022
CSDE Seminar Series
Stepping Out of Your Cultural Zone: Gentrification, Aging in Place, and the SHARP Study
When: Friday, May 27, 2022 (12:30-1:30 PM PT) Where: Hans Rosling Center Room 101 & Virtual on Zoom
This week we will host Assistant Professor of Neurology at Oregon Health & Science University, Raina Croff as the final speaker for our seminar series this academic year. Dr. Croff will examine the impact of gentrification on healthy aging among minoritized older adults, looking specifically at how aging in place within gentrifying neighborhoods may exacerbate risk factors for cognitive decline. The Sharing History through Active Reminiscence and Photo-imagery (SHARP) study aims to do this through integrating walking, conversational reminiscence, and technology in Portland, Oregon’s historically Black neighborhoods, and is now being replicated in Seattle’s Central District.
You can register for the seminar HERE, and check out all the upcoming topics and register for future seminars on our website.
This seminar is co-sponsored with the Population Health Initiative.
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CSDE Research & Highlights
McCormick & Co-Authors Publish Research on Nonlinear Instrumental Variables
Chunxiao Li, Cynthia Rudin, and CSDE Science Core PI Tyler McCormick recently published research on the use of instrumental variables (IV) in the Journal of Machine Learning Research. The article describes a framework that leverages machine learning to validate the typically unchecked but consequential assumptions in the IV framework, providing the researcher empirical evidence about the quality of the instrument given the data at hand.
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Fredriksen-Goldsen and Co-Authors Publish on Informal Caregiving Among Lesbian and Gay Individuals
Along with the team of co-authors from across Australia, CSDE Affiliate Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen recently published research about informal caregiving in the Australasian Journal on Ageing. The article centers the experiences of gay and lesbian caregivers over 60, using interview data to understand the challenges of these experiences. The authors conclude that caregiving policies and practices need to be responsive to the experiences and challenges faced by older lesbian and gay people.
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Two New Articles from Burt in Behavioral and Brain Sciences
CSDE External Affiliate Callie Burt recently published two articles in Behavioral and Brain Sciences. The first article presents a detailed discussion of the use of polygenic scores in social science research. Burt describes the challenges of employing these measures as well as the implications of these challenges for the integrity of research. The second article, co-authored with Brian Boutwell, engages in a scholarly debate about the role for experimental social psychology in advancing knowledge of real-world group disparities.
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Delaney and Colleagues Publish Analysis of COVID-19 Infections in Manitoba
CSDE External Affiliate Joseph Delaney, along with several colleagues at the University of Manitoba, recently published an article in BMC Research Notes examining the impact of Canada’s public health measures on the incidence of COVID-19 in Manitoba. The study describes how physical distancing in conjunction with other containment measures can reduce the COVID-19 burden by comparing infection rate trends across several periods of restriction implementation and relaxation.
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Updates from the CSDE Research & Training Cores
Join the Center for Health Innovation and Policy Science for an Online Analytics Webinar THIS WEDNESDAY!
Coco Zuloaga PhD, Co-founder and CTO at Tuva Health, will present "The Tuva Project: Making Healthcare Knowledge Available as Open Source Code." The Tuva Project is an ever-expanding repository of healthcare knowledge that is available as open source code. Healthcare researchers and analysts often use raw healthcare data to build similar definitions and concepts over and over. The Tuva Project is a place where: (1) the world can have a conversation around how to define concepts widely used in healthcare analytics and research and (2) share open source code to define those concepts using raw healthcare data. This presentation will be an overview and demo of the Tuva Project. Join the Zoom here. The webinar is Wednedsay, May 25 at 12 PM PT.
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Last CSDE Workshop for the Quarter on 6/2!
Workshop on 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Data & Its Possibilities and Limitations
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine are hosting a 2-day workshop for the U.S. Census Bureau to discuss the suite of data products the Census Bureau will generate from the 2020 Census. The workshop will feature presentations by users of decennial census data products to help the Census Bureau better understand the uses of the data products and the importance of these uses. An important consideration of the workshop will be the overall level of random noise that is injected into the results, which is being done to preserve the confidentiality of responses, as well as the allocation of that noise across data products. The discussion will be focused to help inform the Census Bureau's decisions on the final specification of 2020 data products. A proceedings of the presentations and discussions at the workshop will be prepared by a designated staff rapporteur in accordance with institutional guidelines. You can register here.
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Get CSDE Support for These Upcoming Grant Deadlines!
Would you like to submit a grant proposal in the next few months? CSDE can help! Complete our Planning Proposal Submission Form and we will assist you from initiating an egc1 and developing a budget to submitting a full application.
Here are some upcoming opportunities/deadlines:
- National Institutes of Health
- Population Dynamics Branch (PDB) at the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
- R01, R21, R03, Ks are always available with standard dates (see above)
- R03 opportunity for 2023
- Visit Program Director Dr. Roz King’s presentation for more information about PDB funding.
- National Institute for Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)
- Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
- National Science Foundation
For regular reminders about upcoming funding calls, be sure to browse CSDE’s weekly e-news during the academic year. There is an archive of e-news editions where you can find earlier funding announcements.
If you have any questions regarding upcoming submissions or funding opportunities, contact Belinda Sachs (belindab@uw.edu).
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Demography Events
- CSSS Seminar: Gendered Language Wed, 5/25/2022, 12:30-1:30 PM PT
- CSDE Seminar: Stepping Out of Your Cultural Zone: Gentrification, Aging in Place, and the SHARP Study Fri, 5/27/2022, 12:30-1:30 PM PT
- Program on Climate Change Seminar: “Species movements in a changing climate” Tue, 5/24/2022, 3:30 PM PT
- Seminar: Writing for General Audiences, Hosted by UW News and The Conversation Wed, 5/25/2022, 9:30-10:20 AM PT
- CSDE Workshop: Observational Ethnographic Research: Online & Offline Thu, 6/2/22, 12:00 - 2:00 PM PT
Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Call for Abstracts for Projections Vol. 17: Planning Just Indigenous Futures, Challenging 21st-Century Empire (Deadline: 5/31/2022)
- West Coast Poverty Center 2022 Poverty Summit 6/1/2022
- Call for Applications: Editor/Co-Editors (Deadline: 6/1/2022)
- Call for Papers: Data for Policy Conference (Deadline: 6/1/2022)
- Call for Papers: Panel Study of Income Dynamics Annual User Conference 2022 (Deadline: 6/6/2022)
- Call for Papers: "Abortion and Post-abortion Contraception Behavior: issues and challenges in ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services" (Deadline: 6/7/2022)
- ICPSR Summer Program: Four-Week Sessions 6/20/2022 (Deadline: 6/12/2022)
- Call for Papers: “Population and Climate Change: Defining the Relationship of the 21st Century” 11/30/2022 Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2022, Vienna Institute for Demography (Deadline: 6/15/2022)
- Call for Abstracts: Migration and Mobility Research in the Digital Era (MIMODE 2022) (Deadline: 6/19/2022)
- International Sociology Association World Congress of Sociology: Resurgent Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies 6/25/2022 Melbourne, Australia
- Call for Papers: Critical Perspectives on Migrants, Migration, and COVID-19 Vaccination (Deadline: 6/30/2022)
- Call for Papers: Critical Perspectives on Migrants, Migration, and COVID-19 Vaccination (Deadline: 6/30/2022)
- Call for Abstracts: 50th Anniversary Special Issue on Population Challenges in the 21st Century: Looking Backward, Looking Forward (Deadline: 7/1/2022)
- Call for Papers: “Black Reparations: Insights from the Social Sciences” The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences (Deadline: 7/15/2022)
- Call for Papers: Geographic inequalities in health and mortality: Factors contributing to trends and differentials (Deadline: 7/15/2022)
- IRSA XV World Congress of Rural Sociology: Rural Sustainability in the Urban Century 7/19/2022 Cairns, Australia
- Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science 2022 Conference 9/20/2022 Minneapolis, MN
- International Conference on Family Planning 11/14/2022 Pattaya City, Thailand
- Epidemiologist III – Environmental Epidemiology Program Manager Fairfax County Health Department
- Chief Science Officer – Public Health County of Santa Clara
- Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- Epidemiology Manager Multnomah County, Public Health Division
- Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology Whitman College
- Adjunct Instructor – DNP Epidemiology Maryville University
- Open Rank Faculty Position – Sustainable Development The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- Open Rank Faculty Position – Urban Studies The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- Assistant Extension Professor – Rural Sociology Auburn University
- Postdoctoral Research Scientist Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
- Statistician/Methodologist Lionsgate
- Associate or Professor in Injury Prevention and/or Epidemiology University of Kentucky Department of Epidemiology
- Chief of Branch, Population Trends and Analysis Branch, D1 United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Deadline: 5/25/2022)
- Demographer City of Bellevue, Department of Planning and Community Development (Deadline: 6/1/2022)
- Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology: Criminology/Crime Whitman College (Deadline: 6/7/2022)
- PhD Student Position – Human Mobility, Health, and Disease Ecology Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Deadline: 6/17/2022)
- Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Diet & Complex Systems Drexel University (Deadline: 7/2/2022)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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