CSDE Computational Demography Working Group Meeting (2/8/2023)
Get ready for this weeks Computational Demography Work Group meeting on Wednesday Feb 8, 2023, 3 – 4 p.m! The meeting will be hosted in Raitt 223. To learn more about the group visit here.
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CSDE Workshop: Basics of REDCap Survey and Project Design (2/9/2023)
REDCap is a secure, web-based application that offers a streamlined process for rapidly developing databases that support data capture for research projects. It provides an intuitive interface for data entry, including data validation and audit trails. REDCap’s survey functionality offers advanced data collection features such as branching logic, calculated fields, and repeating instruments. REDCap also provides automated export procedures for seamless data downloads to common statistical packages. Finally, REDCap provides a robust framework for managing the logistics of running a research project
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Demographers of Color(DoC) to Host Workshop on Interviewing and Building Relationships with Reporters (2/10/2023)
This virtual panel discussion features allies and PhD demographers of color who know about public scholarship. There will be a 60 minute workshop by our Scholars Strategy Network allies, followed by 30-min Q&A and discussion facilitated by DoC. Panelists will share about their career and life experiences. Join us for a sincere discussion of pivots, resilience, and hope.
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CSDE Population Research Planning Grants (PRPGs): applications open
PRPGs are esigned to provide in-kind support and/or funds of up to $25k* to support a wide array of activity types throughout the development of a research project. As part of our mission to complement rather than duplicate other campus opportunities such as the Population Health Initiative, seed grants we will consider funding things activities such as:
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CSDE Matching Support: applications open
CSDE is available to provide matching in-kind or monetary support to accompany a submission to other on-campus funding mechanism, such as PHI, EarthLab, or Urban@UW.
All projects must have a CSDE affiliate who is UW faculty and is listed as a PI or co-PI, with any number of other collaborators.
Note that we strongly suggest contacting either Development Core Director (Steven Goodreau) or CSDE Director (Sara Curran) to discuss possibilities for your specific proposal before submission.
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Data Axle Business and Consumer Data Available on the UW Data Collaborative
The UW Libraries have secured ongoing funding to purchase annual updates to the Data Axle business and consumer data, housed on the UW Data Collaborative. The data provide over 400 variables covering some 17 million US businesses spanning 1997 to the present and over 300 variables covering more than 275 million US consumers, spanning 2006 to the present. Annual data updates covering the previous year are generally made available in February.
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NIH Seeks Applicants for All of Us Research Program
The All of Us Research Program (All of Us) within the Office of the Director (OD) encourages investigators to apply for grant awards that will advance research in high-priority mission areas of the Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICOs) through two companion FOAs (1) one to use standard methods and approaches to analyze currently available data within the All of Us Research Program’s Researcher Workbench
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Check Out the Latest Version of the 2023 Diversity and STEM: Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities Report
The National Center for Sciences and Engineering Statistics and the National Science Foundation recently released the newest edition in the Diversity and Stem Report. This report provides high-level insights from multiple data sources into the diversity of the STEM workforce in the United States. It’s definitely something worth checking out and can be found here!
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The Office of Research Invites Applicants to Apply for the Royalty Research Fund Program for Spring 2023 (Due 3/6/2023)
The “Royalty” in RRF is the royalty and licensing fee income generated by the University’s technology transfer program. These funds are awarded as small grants to advance new directions in research, particularly:
- In disciplines for which external funding opportunities are minimal, and/or
- For faculty who are junior in rank, and/or
- In cases where funding may provide unique opportunities to increase applicants’ competitiveness for subsequent funding.
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Nominations Available for IAPHS (Due 2/13/2023)
This summer, IAPHS will hold an election to choose a new president-elect, three Board members, and a Student Representative. The Nominations Committee, chaired by Past President Roland Thorpe, invites suggestions for nominees. Nominations must be received by February 13, 2023. Click here to submit a nomination.
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*NEW* Call for Project Proposals for Data Science for Social Good Summer Program (Due 2/13/23)
The University of Washington Data Science for Social Good (DSSG) summer program at the eScience Institute brings together data scientists and domain researchers to work on focused, collaborative projects for societal benefit. Through DSSG summer program projects, Student Fellows work on interdisciplinary teams led by project leads from academia, nonprofits, and government, along with data scientists at the eScience Institute who offer technical expertise and guidance. Authors of accepted proposals will become Project Leads in the UW DSSG program
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Apply for UWRA Scholarships and Fellowships in Aging! (Due 2/15/2023)
UW students are invited to apply for the 2022-2023 cycle of UWRA Scholarships and Fellowships in Aging. These awards are available to students in any field who are pursuing research or preparing for careers related to aging. More information can be found here. Applications for the UWRA Scholarship in Aging must be submitted by February 15. The application form can be found and submitted here.
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NIH Notice of Special Interest Grant: Research and Capacity Building Efforts Related to Bioethical Issues (Due 2/17/2023)
The NIH Office of Science Policy (OSP) within the Office of the Director (OD) announces the availability of administrative supplements to support 1) research on bioethical issues to develop or support the development of an evidence base that may inform future policy directions, and/or 2) certain efforts to develop or augment bioethics research capacity. Applicants may propose to supplement parent awards focused on bioethics or to address a component related to bioethics in a biomedical and/or health-related behavioral research study.
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Harry Bridges Center Offers Grants for Labor Research To Graduate Students! (Due 2/21/2023)
The Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies currently seeks applications from University of Washington graduate students for grants of up to $5,000 for research about work, workers, and workers’ organizations. Applicants must explain the significance of their proposed research to the interdisciplinary field of labor studies. Proposals must indicate how the research is likely to generate important new information, interpretations, scholarly resources, and contributions to the applicant’s discipline and field. Research may focus on any dimension of labor in the United States or abroad
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Summer Institute in Migration Research Methods at UC Berkeley (Due 3/1/2023)
The 2023 Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Institute is hosting its fifth summer institute. Next summer it will focus on interviewing for migration research. Several UW faculty and students have participated over the years and it has proven to be an important and productive program. Here is a link to the program details.
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Call for Panel Submissions for IAPHS Fall Conference (Due 3/6/2023)
The Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science (IAPHS) will be hosting it’s Fall conference on “Gender, Sexuality, and Health Across the Life Course: Current Challenges and Opportunities for Population Health and Health Equity”. Groups of individuals are invited to submit panels that will present original research or engage in innovative discussions that push the boundaries of population health science, practice, theory, methods, student training, or technological innovations (or a combination of these) around a significant issue related to population health.
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The American Council of Learned Societies Opens Fellowship Opportunities (Due 3/15/2023)
The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) announces the fifth competition for Leading Edge Fellowships, made possible by the generous support of the Mellon Foundation. The program demonstrates the dynamic capacity of the humanities to advance justice and equity in society.
In 2023, the ACLS Leading Edge Fellowship Program will offer 22 two-year fellowships partnering recent humanities and interpretive social sciences PhDs with organizations advancing social justice and equity in communities across the United States.
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*New* Gathering Collaborative & King County Announce $25m Grant Program to Address Racism is a Public Health Crisis (Due 3/26/2023)
The Gathering Collaborative along with King County government invites community and business partners across the region to join in continuing the critical work to undo the harms of systemic racism, which was declared a public health crisis by King County in 2020. Envisioned jointly by community members and King County in August 2021 and launched in March 2022, The Gathering Collaborative is a group of trusted community members who are involved to uplift Black and Indigenous people and their communities – those who are most directly harmed by racism.
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