*New* Issue of Population and Environment
New articles published in the latest issue of Population and Environment! Check them out here.
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*New* Issue of Studies in Family Planning The latest issue of Studies in Family Planning is now available. Read more here.
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*New* Issue of Journal of Family History
The Journal of Family History has released several articles in OnlineFirst! Be sure to check them out here.
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*New* Issue of Journal Of Ethnic and Migration Studies
The Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies has released its special issue, “Revisiting the EU’s new migration regime: The impact of mobility and policies on labour market hierarchies within and across the EU”. Read it here.
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JSDE Seminar: The Economics of Abduction Marriage: Evidence from Ethiopia (10/2/23)
On October 2 (11am) Lindsey Novak (Reed College) will be sharing their research on the economics of abduction marriage to the JSDE seminar. In several Asian and African countries, a sizable share of marriages are initiated by the man abducting the woman he wishes to wed. In this paper, we use quantitative and qualitative methods to characterize the practice of abduction marriage. We first use Demographic and Health Survey data along with ethnographic data to characterize women and ethnic groups affected by this practice in Ethiopia.
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Upcoming NHANES Webinar on Population-Based Survey Experience in Multimode Health and Nutrition Data Collection (10/4/23)
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) is hosting a webinar with state and local-level survey programs to discuss experiences in multimode health and nutrition data collection. Multimode data collection can include interviews, physical assessments, and biospecimen collection. The webinar will address topics such as innovative data collection, including novel survey measurements and meaningful community engagement. The collaborative discussions will generate ideas to improve survey participant experience, response rates, efficiency, and outreach. There will be presentations by State and local programs followed by panel discussion and a Q&A.
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Karen Chen to Present Seminar on Urban Form and Mental Health (10/5/23)
CSDE Affiliate Karen Chen will present her work, “Urban Form and Mental Health”. Her recent research is focusing on urban environmental change and its related issues: 1) environmental health, mental health; 2) sustainable development in mountainous regions; and 3) open data and science for the Global South. Dr. Chen’s talk is part of the ENV H 580 seminar series and is open to faculty, staff, and the public.
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Call for Applications to Attend the Climate Pipeline Project Meeting at Harvard (Deadline 10/13/23)
The Climate Pipeline Project at Harvard University invites applications to attend a meeting at Harvard University on Thursday, December 14th, 2023. The Climate Pipeline Project seeks to foster the work of younger scholars, from graduate students to untenured professors. By spotlighting their work, and helping them develop connections with senior scholars, the project hope to encourage rapid growth in attention to the sociology of climate change and to create connections among people working in this area within sociology.
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*New* Dubal Lecture on Race, Science and Pregnancy Trials Hosted by UW Anthropology Department (10/13/23)
Urban@UW Seminar: The Disabled Gaze: Rethinking the Past, Remaking the Future (10/24/23)
Urban@UW is hosting a seminar by Jaipreet Virdi (University of Delaware), who will speak on technology use by disabled people. How do disabled people use their technologies to draw attention to, rather than hide, their disability? The disabled gaze is an autonomous claiming of identity that rejects typical perceptions of disability as objectifying or exploitative. It offers a way to examines how disabled people, past and present, asserted themselves—through art, for instance—or challenged medical assumptions about their bodies.
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Seminar By College Of The Environment: Heather Tallis On Integrating Nature Into Our Cities (10/25/23)
UW’s College of the Environment invites you to join them for an evening with Dr. Heather Tallis to explore how weaving nature more deliberately into the fabric of our urban communities can improve our quality of life. From urban parks to sustainable infrastructure, integrating nature into our cities makes us healthier, happier, smarter and safer.
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Russell Sage Pipeline Grants Competition for Early-Career Faculty (Deadline 11/1/23)
The Pipeline Grants Competition for early-career faculty is a collaboration between RSF and the Economic Mobility and Opportunity program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The program seeks to promote diversity in the social sciences defined broadly, including racial and ethnic diversity, gender diversity, disciplinary diversity, institutional diversity, and geographic diversity. Only early career researchers who have not previously received a trustee or presidential research grant or fellowship from RSF are eligible to apply.
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Global Innovation Fund Award Open (Deadline 11/8/23)
The Office of Global Affairs (OGA) is now accepting applications for the Fall 2023 Global Innovation Fund (GIF) award cycle. GIF provides seed funding for projects focused on expanding global research and learning at the UW, and we are especially interested in supporting proposals by new entrants and early-career faculty.
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The National Poverty Fellows Program is Seeking Applications for Fellows (Deadline 11/27/23)
The National Poverty Fellows Program at the Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison seeks to build the capacity of researchers to conduct high-quality policy-relevant research on poverty and inequality in the United States and to contribute to the effective use of research and scientific knowledge in the formation of public policy.
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Several Opportunities to Study at the East-West Center (Deadlines ranging from 12/1/23-3/1/24)
The East-West Center is pleased to announce the following opportunities for study and scholarships at the Center starting in August 2024. For more than sixty years, East-West Center students have developed lifelong relationships and a powerful sense of community with others who share a commitment to the US-Indo-Pacific region.
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Russell Sage Grants for Dissertation Research (Deadline 2/1/24)
The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (CSSS) Celebrates 25 years! (5/16/23-5/17/23)
The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (CSSS) will be recognizing its 25th anniversary this academic year. In addition to highlighting special themes during the seminar series, CSSS will hold a celebratory event on campus on May 16th & 17th, 2024 that will bring alums, friends, and campus partners together with workshops, poster sessions, scientific sessions, and ample opportunities for socializing. Please note these dates in your calendar and keep your eyes posted for more details.
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