CSDE Lunch & Learn: Telomere Length as a Measure of Environmental Exposure
Each quarter, CSDE offers 3-5 workshops on data sources, statistical and biomarker methodology, introductions to analysis programs, and more, all given by CSDE staff and faculty affiliates. These workshops can include hands-on training in novel methods and programming, lectures on innovative data sources, and discussions of important issues in research and data collection.
There is just one more workshop on Wednesday, Dec 6th. CSDE is happy to accommodate a few more registrants (register here).
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CSDE Computational Demography Working Group (CDWG) Hosts Kaiping Chen on Applying Computational Methods to Examine Equity in Science Communication (12/06/23)
On December 6 from 3:30-4:30 pm Kaiping Chen, an Assistant Professor in Computational Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison will join CDWG to discuss how to apply computational methods (e.g., NLP, computer vision, network) to examine equity in science communication from digital media to conversational AI. CDWG Will be Hybrid in Fall Quarter 2023. The discussion will take place in 223 Raitt Hall (The Demography Lab) and on Zoom (register here).
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CSDE Population Research Planning Grants (PRPGs) (Rolling deadline)
Population Research Planning Grants (PRPGs) are designed to provide in-kind support and/or funds of up to $25k* to support a wide array of activity types throughout the development of a research project. As part of our mission to complement rather than duplicate other campus opportunities such as the Population Health Initiative seed grants, we will consider funding things activities such as:
- Use of CSDE services beyond the standard allotments for affiliates. This could include statistical or computational consultations, administrative and logistical support, computer accounts, software purchases that contribute to the general good, virtual server capacity that contributes to the general good, communication or webinar support, etc.
- Convening a group of scholars for a grant writing retreat or to brainstorm a possible new research collaboration
- Hiring an RA to analyze data for discussion in the Preliminary Data section of a grant application
- Small pilot research, when relationship to future funding requests are clearly laid out. Note that research that is well suited to an existing pilot research mechanism on campus should be submitted to that mechanism, with an optional request of matching support from CSDE (see below).
- Publication-related fees (when no other funding is available). NEW THIS YEAR: requests for publication fees will only be considered for publications that involve at least one CSDE affiliate and at least one CSDE trainee, and which are targeted to a demography-oriented journal or comparable outlet.
- Travel (when specifically enhancing research project development)
- Many others; just ask!
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CSDE Matching Support to Supplement On-campus Funding (Rolling deadline)
CSDE Matching Support includes in-kind or monetary support to accompany a submission to other on-campus funding mechanism, such as PHI, EarthLab, or Urban@UW. All projects must have a CSDE affiliate who is UW faculty and is listed as a PI or co-PI, with any number of other collaborators. Note that we require (PRPGs) or strongly suggest (matching funds) contacting either Development Core Director (Steven Goodreau) or CSDE Director (Sara Curran) to discuss possibilities for your specific proposal before submission.
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*New* CSDE’s UW Data Collaborative Receives 2nd Endorsement from UW Office of Information Security
CSDE’s UW Data Collaborative is a unique, secure data enclave for researchers collaborating on highly sensitive or proprietary data. In November 2023, the UW Office of Information Security renewed its endorsement of the UW Data Collaborative (UWDC) after a reviewing its infrastructure, updated security protocols and practices safeguarding highly-sensitive, restricted-use data stored within its computing systems. The UWDC first received this endorsement from the Office of the Chief Information Security Officer and Associate Vice President of Infrastructure at UW-IT in 2020.If you would like to learn more about the UWDC, contact Sofia Ayala sgayala@uw.edu UWDC Director or visit their website. (read more)
*New* Support Available for Data Collection Through SDRG’s Survey Research Division
Have a funded project and need some help collecting primary data? Talk to Danielle Woodward – Director of the Survey Research Division at the Social Development Research Group (SDRG), which is connected to UW’s School of Social Work. SDRG can provide many different services to support research, including: recruitment and data collection for surveys across many modalities health measurement and bio-specimen collection; and, sample tracking/subject locating. Email Danielle at dgangnes@uw.edu.
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*New* Issue of Biodemography and Social Biology
Read the newest issue here.
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*New* Issue of Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Read the new issue here!
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*New* NIH designates people with disabilities as population with health disparities
Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable, M.D., director of the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), designated people with disabilities as a population with health disparities for research supported by the National Institutes of Health. The decision was made in consultation with Robert Otto Valdez, Ph.D., the director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, after careful consideration of a report delivered by an NIMHD advisory council, input from the disability community and a review of the science and evidence.
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Several Opportunities to Study at the East-West Center (Deadlines ranging from 12/1/23-3/1/24)
The East-West Center is pleased to announce the following opportunities for study and scholarships at the Center starting in August 2024. For more than sixty years, East-West Center students have developed lifelong relationships and a powerful sense of community with others who share a commitment to the US-Indo-Pacific region.
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*New* UW Data Seminar: Phuong to Discuss Population Health Research & Research Data Sharing (12/5/23)
Join UW Data Science on Tuesday, December 5th for their final UW Data Science Seminar of 2023 with Jimmy Phuong, MSPH, PhD, who is Acting Assistant Professor of UW Biomedical and Health Informatics. The seminar will be held in person in the UW Physics/Astronomy Auditorium A102 from 4:30 to 5:20 p.m. Pacific. Learn more about Dr. Phuong’s seminar here.
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*New* Wittgenstein Centre Conference Registration Open for Virtual Participation (12/6-12/7/23)
This year’s Wittgenstein Centre Conference on “Exploring Population Heterogeneities” will take place December 6-7 in a hybrid format. The registration for online participation is still available. The keynote speakers are Ridhi Kashyap, University of Oxford, Anna Matysiak, University of Warsaw and Iñaki Permanyer, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Find the detailed agenda. Register for online participation.
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Workshop: Updating Your CV to Contextualize Your Contributions in Societally Engaged Work (12/12/23)
This workshop hosted by Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center will take place on Tues. Dec 12th from 10:00-11:30AM on Zoom (register here). Are you a researcher engaging with non-academic partners to develop science that meets real-world needs? If so, you may have noticed that the traditional format of scientific CVs, focused on comprehensive lists of publications and presentations, makes it challenging to convey the distinct skills, activities and products associated with your societally engaged research.
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*New* NIH Releases RFI: Developing Consent Language for Research Using Digital Health Technologies (Due 12/12/23)
NIH is requesting information on the utility and usability of sample language and accompanying considerations developed for use in informed consent documents for digital health technologies utilized in research. See the full RFI here.
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*New* Participate in the One Seattle Open Data Mini-Hackathon (12/14/23)
Are you interested in using publicly available City data to design a data dashboard that tells a story or highlights an issue? Please join the City of Seattle for a friendly half-day hackathon at Tableau’s Fremont office, hosted by Salesforce. The event will take place on Thursday December 14, 2023 with a kickoff at 10:00 and presentation and awards at 2:00 PM. Teams will design and build a new dashboard or visualization that tells a story using a dataset assigned from Seattle Open Data (find the data here). (read more)
*New* Opportunity for Graduate Fellowship: Open Scholarship Commons Community Fellows Workshop Series (Due 12/15/23)
The Open Scholarship Commons Community Fellows Workshop Series is a paid fellowship opportunity for graduate students underrepresented in the field of open scholarship. The goal of this Fellowship is to lift up students as experts in this field and create opportunities for peer to peer learning by offering student-led workshops. Equity is a core value of the UW Libraries Open Scholarship Commons, and this Fellowship, funded by the UW Diversity Council, aims to support the expertise and leadership of underrepresented students in the field of open scholarship.
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*New* RFI by the NIH: Environmental Justice Research Gaps, Opportunities and Capacity Building (Due 12/15/23)
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Environmental Justice Working Group invites feedback on the approaches NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices can take to support research and capacity building efforts to advance environmental justice in the U.S. and globally. Additionally, Request for Information (RFI) responses will enable the NIH Environmental Justice Working Group to be responsive to Executive Order 14096 on Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All, and to synergize NIH efforts with other Federal Agencies in a whole-of-government approach to advance environmental justice.
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ACS Federal Register Comments on HH Roster, Education, Insurance Coverage, Disability, and Labor Force Questions (Due 12/19/23)
There is an active Federal Register Notice for the American Community Survey and Puerto Rico Community Survey for proposed changes to several topics including the household roster, educational attainment, health insurance coverage, disability, and labor force questions. The comment period closes December 19. Click here to leave your comments. (read more)
*New* Apply for the Latinx Scholars Graduate School Fellowship (Due 12/29/23)
Applications are now open for the 2023-24 Latinx Scholars Graduate School Fellowship (LSGF). LSGF awards are hosted by the Office of Graduate Student Equity & Excellence (GSEE) (formerly GO-MAP). In 2013, a group of engaged, committed UW faculty, civic, and business leaders joined together to establish the Latinx Scholars Graduate School Fellowship to provide financial assistance to UW graduate students (master’s and doctoral) who have a demonstrated commitment to Latinx communities.
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Call for Applications: National Research Center on Poverty and Economic Mobility Early-Career Mentoring Institute (12/31/23)
The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) and the University of California, Davis’s Center for Poverty & Inequality Research (CPIR) invite applications for the 2024 National Research Center on Poverty and Economic Mobility Early-Career Mentoring Institute (ECMI). This weeklong convening between June 3-7, held in Davis, California, will provide valuable mentoring and career development opportunities to poverty and social mobility scholars who are in the early stages of their research careers and who have the potential for leadership in supporting members of populations that are underrepresented among academic researchers.
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*New* Two Opportunities for Funding: NIH Firearm Injury and Mortality Prevention Awards (Due 3/15/24)
Apply for EarthLab’s Innovation Grants Program (Due 1/9/24)
Applications are open for EarthLab’s Innovation Grants Program! EarthLab is an institute at the UW College of the Environment taking equitable action on climate change. The Innovation Grants Program invests in collaborations that span academic disciplines, engage multiple sectors and center community questions at the intersection of climate change and social justice. This program is an excellent opportunity for community-engaged research. Learn more about the grant here!
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Apply for the Population and Social Data Science Summer Incubator Program at the Max Planck Institute (Due 1/10/24)
The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) is inviting applications from qualified and highly motivated students for a Summer Research Visit. The goal of the Population and Social Data Science Summer Incubator Program is to enable discovery by bringing together data scientists and population scientists to work on focused, intensive and collaborative projects of broad societal relevance.
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*New* Opportunity for Funding: William T. Grant Foundation Research Grants (Due 1/10/24)
The William T. Grant Foundation updated 2024 application guidelines are now online and detail what applicants need to know to develop a strong letter of inquiry for the Foundation’s research grants on reducing inequality and improving the use of research evidence. The next deadline to submit a letter of inquiry is January 10, 2024.
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*New* Call for Papers: Time Use Conference 2024 (Due 1/12/24)
The conference committee is currently accepting abstracts for the 2024 University of Maryland Time Use Conference on June 13-14 in College Park, Maryland. Submissions are due by January 12, 2024, at 11:59 PM ET. For more information, please view the Call for Papers. Time is a critical but under-researched aspect of racial and ethnic disparities in daily life, including social and public interactions, health and well-being. The focus of the 2024 University of Maryland (UMD) Time Use Conference will be using time use and well-being data to investigate temporal dimensions of racial and ethnic inequities and structural racism.
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Tier 2 grants available from the Population Health Initiative (Due 1/12/24)
The purpose of this tier of grants is to support faculty and PI-eligible staff to develop preliminary data or proof-of-concept needed to pursue follow-on funding to scale one’s efforts. Awards of up to $50,000 per project – or $65,000 per project for teams proposing meaningful partnerships with community-based organizations – will be available with a project period of up to 12 months. One award during the winter 2024 cycle will be reserved specifically for an internationally-focused project through our partnership with the UW Office of Global Affairs.
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Apply for Criminal Justice Innovation Fellowship (Due 1/15/24)
The Social Science Research Council is pleased to announce a new fellowship program with support from Arnold Ventures, the Arnold Ventures Criminal Justice Innovation Fellowships. This program will provide generous and unrestricted support to post-doctoral fellows working to innovate and evaluate more effective and equitable criminal justice policy solutions. The program will support five post-doctoral fellows pursuing policy-relevant causal research for up to 3 years, beginning in September 2024. Fellows may reside in a location of their choosing. (read more)
Call for Applications: The Steinbrueck-Thonn Award for Pike Place Market Research (Due 1/15/24)
The Friends of the Market (FOM) has initiated the Fall 2023-2024 round of the Steinbrueck-Thonn Award for Pike Place Market Research, an academic research award available to current college students and recent graduates. The Steinbrueck-Thonn Award is intended to encourage a broad range of cross-disciplinary and community-engaged scholarship related to the Pike Place Market; research that will serve as a catalyst for greater understanding of and appreciation for this treasured public resource.
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*New* 2025 NOAA NMFS-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship in Fisheries Science (Due 1/25/24)
Apply for the Future Rivers Graduate Training Program (Due 1/26/24)
Applications are now open for the University of Washington Future Rivers graduate training program beginning Autumn quarter 2024! Any prospective (incoming fall quarter 2024) or current PhD or Masters students in any discipline at the University of Washington are encouraged to apply. Future Rivers is a graduate training program building skills in data science, science communication, and social justice to bridge work across all fields to better solve today’s freshwater sustainability challenges.
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Russell Sage Grants for Dissertation Research (Deadline 2/1/24)
NSF-NIH joint funding opportunity on Incorporating Human Behavior in Epidemiological Models (Due Feb 1-14, 2024)
The NSF and NIH is offering awards as part of the The Incorporating Human Behavior in Epidemiological Models (IHBEM) Program. The IHBEM Program supports research that incorporates research on social and behavioral processes in mathematical epidemiological models. The program provides support for projects that involve balanced participation from the mathematical sciences and from the social, behavioral, and economic sciences. They are interested in interdisciplinary collaborations integrating research on behavioral and/or social processes in mathematical epidemiological models.
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NSF Offers Funding for International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) (Due 2/5/24)
The International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) program supports international research and research-related activities for U.S. science and engineering students. The IRES program contributes to development of a diverse, globally engaged workforce with world-class skills. IRES focuses on active research participation by undergraduate and/or graduate students in high quality international research, education and professional development experiences in NSF-funded research areas.
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*New* Apply for the 2025 Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship (Due 2/15/24)
The program is open to graduate students and sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Sea Grant College Program. It enables fellows to work for one year on congressional staff or in a federal agency, where the fellows study, implement, and even create marine policy. More than 40 agency positions and 12 congressional positions are available each year. A virtual information session will be held on Dec. 11th at 12pm (register here).
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*New* NIH NOSI: Administrative Supplements to Recognize Excellence in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Mentorship (Due 2/17/24)
This opportunity supports administrative supplements to existing NIH awards to support scientists who have demonstrated compelling commitments and contributions to mentorship and enhancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) in the biomedical sciences. Funds will support ongoing and future efforts.
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Call for Abstracts: The 2024 Add Health Users Conference (Due 2/29/24) Add Health is now accepting abstracts for the 2024 Add Health Users Conference on Monday, June 17th, and Tuesday June 18th 2024. Any papers using Add Health data are welcome, including those with substantive or methodological topics. Abstracts must be submitted by Thursday, February 29, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. EST. Please use the abstract submission form on the conference website to submit your abstract. For more information, view the full Call for Papers. (read more)
NIH Releases NOSI for Grants Evaluating Digital Technologies and AI Tools (Due: 3/9/24)
The NIH is encouraging grant applications to support the evaluation of the utility and validity of digital health and artificial intelligence (AI) tools and technologies in epidemiological, clinical, and intervention research. The intent is to support the addition of new measurement modalities to evaluate existing and recently developed but not yet validated digital health and AI tools such as sensor technologies, smartphone applications, software as a medical device (SaMD), and AI algorithms.
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*New* Call for Submissions: IAPHS’s 2024 Fall Conference (Due 3/10/24)
The Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science (IAPHS) is accepting panel and abstract submissions from December 1, 2023 to March 10, 2024 for their fall Conference “Tackling declining life expectancy in the US: investigating social drivers and policy solutions”. They are also calling for abstract reviewers and award nominations. Learn more about each of these opportunities in the full story.
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The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (CSSS) Celebrates 25 years! (5/16/23-5/17/23)
The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (CSSS) will be recognizing its 25th anniversary this academic year. In addition to highlighting special themes during the seminar series, CSSS will hold a celebratory event on campus on May 16th & 17th, 2024 that will bring alums, friends, and campus partners together with workshops, poster sessions, scientific sessions, and ample opportunities for socializing. Please note these dates in your calendar and keep your eyes posted for more details.
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NIH Clinical Trial R01 for Biopsychosocial Factors of Social Connectedness on Health (Due 6/22/24)
This funding opportunity announcement invites research projects that seek to explain the underlying mechanisms, processes, and trajectories of social relationships and how these factors affect outcomes in human health, illness, recovery, and overall wellbeing. Types of projects submitted under this FOA include studies that prospectively assign human participants to conditions (i.e., experimentally manipulate independent variables) and that assess biomedical and/or behavioral outcomes in humans to understand fundamental aspects of phenomena related to social connectedness and isolation.
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Call for papers: Special Issue of China Population and Development Studies (Due 8/31/24)
China Population and Development Studies (CPDS) is a Springer published flagship English scholarly peer-reviewed international journal and hosted by China Population and Development Research Center; CPDS addresses a broad range of topics related to population and development internationally (https://www.springer.com/journal/42379). CPDS announces a call for submissions of papers for a special issue that address “Projections/analyses of Households and Living Arrangements, and Applications in Healthy Aging and Sustainable Development Studies”.
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*New* NIH Releases Three Opportunities to Study the Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Human Genetics/Genomics (Due 11/17-11/19/26)
The NIH released three opportunities for funding to study the ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) of human genetic or genomic research. Learn about each of these opportunities in the full story!
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*New* NIH Funding for Research on Screening and Treatment for Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (Due 3/8/27)
The NIH is seeking to fund research to test innovative approaches to implementing SBIRT/P for alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) use and misuse in adult populations that experience health disparities. SBIRT/P, (a term used for purposes of this funding announcement), involves screening individuals for risk of ATOD use and misuse, briefly intervening with a conversation about harmful substance use, and referring individuals for treatment or preventive services, as needed. Proposed research should include prospective tests of SBIRT/P and should leverage collaborations with healthcare and community partners Specific research interests of participating NIH ICOs are detailed within.
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