CSDE Welcomes Former T32 Trainees & Fellows Back as External Affiliates
CSDE is pleased to welcome back some of our former T32 trainees and fellows as External Research Affiliates! Elizabeth Pelletier’s research is motivated by her interest in how policy shapes economic instability, inequality, and wellbeing. (Census Bureau Economist, Income Statistics Branch). Callie Freitag (Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison) focuses on social policies related to aging, disability, and poverty in the United States. Ian Kennedy’s (Assistant Professor, University of Illinois) work aims to contribute to understandings of how contemporary racism, sexism, and transphobia works, in both visible and less visible ways. Learn more about each affiliate in the full story!
Colburn’s Research Featured in Podcast and in Recent HUD Roundtable
Housing affordability and homelessness continue to be top priorities for policymakers at multiple levels of government. Findings from a recent book co-authored by CSDE Affiliate Gregg Colburn (Real Estate) that addresses these pressing issues were featured in Episode 2 of the HomeLAnd podcast. Dr. Colburn was also recently invited to participate in a Housing Policy Roundtable at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to share his work.
Williams and Flaxman Featured in Article on the Long-Lasting Effects of War
Rowhani-Rahbar Inducted into the National Academy of Medicine
Last weekend, CSDE Affiliate and Executive Committee Member Ali Rowhani-Rahbar (Epidemiology) was inducted into the National Academy of Medicine (NAM). Dr. Rowhani-Rahbar was elected last year in recognition of his contributions to the understanding of risk factors and prevention strategies for gun violence and injury. Read more here.
Cohen Partners with Nigerian NGO to Test Training for Responding to Gender-Based Violence in Schools
Despite recent legislative progress on the issue, not all schools in Nigeria are able to effectively support children who experience gender-based violence in schools. Youthcare Development and Empowerment Initiative (YcDEI), in partnership with CSDE Affiliate Isabelle Cohen (Evans School) have gotten funding from the Fund for Innovation in Development to conduct a small-scale randomized assessment of a training program for young students and teachers focused on helping them respond to gender-based violence.
*New* Call for Papers – Population Association of America Applied Demography Conference (due TODAY 10/28/24)
The Population Association of America (PAA) Applied Demography Conference has a Call for Papers closing today. PAA invites participation from anyone whose work intersects with population studies, whether in the academic, government, non-profit, or private sector, and at all levels of seniority. Learn more here.
*New* IPUMS Announces Data Updates for American Time Use Survey and Current Population Survey
The Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) recently released the 2024 Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) data via IPUMS CPS and the 2023 American Time Use Survey’s Eating and Health Module via IPUMS ATUS. IPUMS CPS now includes the 2024 ASEC data as well as August and September BMS samples and telework variables. The 2023 ATUS Eating and Health module has also been released, which provides insight into decisions on eating patterns, grocery shopping, and meal preparation, along with the economic and health status of individuals and households. Learn more here.
Apply for CSDE Winter 2024 Lightning Talks and Poster Session (due 11/1/24)
CSDE is excited to welcome you to the Autumn 2024 quarter! I’m Desiree Salais, a CSDE Trainee and Sociology PhD student. This quarter, I’m also the organizer of CSDE’s Winter 2024 Lightning Talks and Poster Session. Applications are currently open for graduate students to present their research and receive feedback at this event, and we would love to receive your submission! This is an excellent, low-stakes opportunity to practice your presentation skills, grow your network, and prepare for upcoming conferences.
Fall 2024 CSDE Computational Demography Working Group Talks (10/9/24-12/4/24)
In Fall 2024, CDWG is co-hosting weekly seminars with the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR). Researchers from both institutions will meet in hybrid to discuss novel data, methods, and applications of demographic and social science research. Example talks include The Structure of Opportunity and Wage Mobility by Dr. Michael Schultz, and Differentiating Emigration from Return Migration in Digital Trace Data: A case study of scholarly migration by Dr. Aliakbar Akbaritabar.
*New* CSDE Workshop: The Northwest Federal Statistical Research Data Center (NWFSRDC): Enabling Access to Confidential, Unpublished Data from the Federal Statistical System (10/29/24)
Join CSDE for a workshop on October 29th about the Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC) at the University of Washington. The Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC) network comprises Census-managed secure computing labs within top educational and research institutions across the country where qualified researchers conduct approved statistical analysis on non-public data. These data are collected by various government agencies (Census Bureau, NCHS, BEA, BLS, SSA, etc.) and made available to local researchers through agreements with federal statistical agencies.
CSSS Travel Grant Applications Now Open (Due 11/5/24)
CSSS offers a limited number of grants for graduate and undergraduate students and postdoctoral researchers working with CSSS faculty affiliates to cover expenses associated with presenting research at conferences and attending workshops or courses.
These grants are awarded on a competitive basis after review by the CSSS Executive Committee. Preference is given to proposals which advance the long-term goals of CSSS.
NASA Transform to Open Science Training (11/5 and 11/7/24)
Taught by Cameron Riddell & James Powell (Don’t Use This Code) and organized as part of the NASA Transform to Open Science training initiative, this workshop is a wonderful and comprehensive introduction to Open Science principles and practices in data science and for quantitative research in general.
The target audience is graduate students in their first or second year, or those with little exposure to the principles and practices that enable open and reproducible science when analyzing data and writing code.
2025 National Academy of Education – Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowships: Accepting Applications (Due 11/7/24)
The Postdoctoral Fellowship supports early-career scholars working in critical areas of educational scholarship. Fellows will receive $70,000 for one academic year of research, or $35,000 for each of two contiguous years, working half-time. Fellows attend professional development retreats and receive mentorship from NAEd members and other senior scholars in their field. Applicants must have had their PhD, EdD, or equivalent research degree conferred between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2023, to be eligible to apply this year.
eScience Data Science and AI Accelerator (proposals due 11/11/24)
Would 4 hours, 4 days, 4 weeks, or 4 months collaborating with a data scientist accelerate your research to the next level?
Then check out the eScience Institute’s new Data Science and AI Accelerator. We are looking for projects from any research area that would benefit from collaboration with our team of data scientists on data intensive and AI approaches, such as machine learning, scalable data management, statistical analysis, data visualization, open-source software development, and cloud and scalable computing. We support projects that vary greatly in terms of their methods, scope, maturity, and area of application.
IES Announces New Request for Applications for the Special Education Dissertation Research Fellowship Program (Application Deadline 11/14/24)
The National Center for Special Education Research released a new Fiscal Year 2025 grant competition.
Special Education Dissertation Research Fellowship Program (84.324G)
This program seeks to broaden opportunities for emerging researchers to engage with IES and conduct high-quality research related to learners with or at risk for disabilities.
Cultivating Connections for Community Engagement (UW tri-campus): Fall Quarter Community of Practice (save the date for 11/15/24)
SAVE THE DATE: Cultivating Connections for Community Engagement: Fall Quarter Community of Practice
- When/Where: Friday November 15th, 11am-12:30PM via Zoom (link)
- Who: Faculty and staff from Bothell, Seattle or Tacoma campus who are interested in community-engaged research and/or learning
- Why: To connect with faculty and staff from all 3 campuses who practice, support, or are interested in community engagement; to explore what’s happening across the UW in this space; and to generate ideas and share perspectives for building the university’s capacity for community-engaged scholarship, teaching and learning.
- Rough agenda: An update from the tri-campus effort to build institutional capacity for community engagement; time to connect with and learn from one another; and group discussion and idea development for next steps.
NIH Now Accepting Extramural Loan Repayment Program Applications (Due 11/21/24)
The NIH is now accepting applications for the Extramural Loan Repayment Program (LRP)! Awardees can receive up to $100,000 in qualified educational debt repayment with a two-year award.
To learn more about eligibility requirements, application dates, and the benefits of receiving an LRP award, be sure to visit the LRP website, check out our overview video, and attend one of our upcoming events:
- November 6 – Ask Me Anything
Please note that the deadline to submit your Extramural LRP application is November 21, 2024.
Updating the Definition of Sexual and Gender Minority Populations in NIH-Supported Research
Statistics indicate that as of 2024, nearly eight percent of the U.S. population identifies as LGBT, with much of this growth attributed to increases in LGBT identification among younger generations. In recent years, policies and laws have been enacted in support of LGBTQI+ communities and their well-being. For example, the 21st Century Cures Act included provisions for the NIH Director to encourage efforts to improve research related to the health of sexual and gender minority (SGM) populations, including to increase participation of SGM populations in NIH-supported clinical research and to facilitate the development of methods for conducting SGM research.
The Sexual & Gender Minority Research Office (SGMRO) was founded in 2015 within the NIH Office of the Director’s Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives. The office advances SGM health research by developing and coordinating health- and research-related activities at the NIH in collaboration with the agency’s institutes, centers, and offices. One of the office’s primary charges is to lead the implementation of the NIH-wide SGM Research Strategic Plan, the most recent of which is the NIH Strategic Plan to Advance Research on the Health and Well-being of Sexual and Gender Minorities FYs 2021-2025. This notice announces a revision to the definition of sexual and gender minority (SGM) populations for NIH-supported research. (read more)
CSDE Population Research Planning Grants (PRPGs) (Rolling deadline)
Population Research Planning Grants (PRPGs) are designed to provide in-kind support and/or funds of up to $25k* to support a wide array of activity types throughout the development of a research project. As part of our mission to complement rather than duplicate other campus opportunities such as the Population Health Initiative seed grants, we will consider funding things activities such as:
CSDE Matching Support to Supplement On-campus Funding (Rolling deadline)
CSDE Matching Support includes in-kind or monetary support to accompany a submission to other on-campus funding mechanism, such as PHI, EarthLab, or Urban@UW. All projects must have a CSDE affiliate who is UW faculty and is listed as a PI or co-PI, with any number of other collaborators. Note that we require (PRPGs) or strongly suggest (matching funds) contacting either Development Core Director (Steven Goodreau) or CSDE Director (Sara Curran) to discuss possibilities for your specific proposal before submission.
NSF: Proposals Impacting Tribal Nation Resources & Interests
As of 5/20/2024, NSF proposals that may impact the resources or interests of a federally recognized Tribal Nation will not be awarded by NSF without prior written approval from the official(s) designated by the relevant Tribal Nation(s).
Proposers must:
- Seek guidance from the potentially impacted Tribal Nation on activities that require review and prior approval from that Tribal Nation’s authorized designee.
- Submit a written request to the relevant Tribal Nation (based on their guidance), for approval to carry out the proposed activity that requires their review and approval.
- Complete the checkbox for “Potential Impacts on Tribal Nations” on the Cover Sheet. Note, lead organizations are responsible for this on collaborative proposals & proposals with subawards considered a single unified project.
- Upload one of the following into "Other supplementary documents" of Research.gov:
- a copy of the written request to the relevant Tribal Nation to carry out any proposed activity/activities that may require prior approval from them
- written confirmation from the Tribal Nation(s) that review and approval is not required
- a copy of relevant Tribal Nation approval
Overview of Grant Application and Review Changes for Due Dates on or after January 25, 2025
This notice provides the research and research training community an overview of application and peer review changes impacting grant applications submitted for due dates on or after January 25, 2025, including:
- Simplified Review Framework for Most Research Project Grant Applications
- Revisions to the NIH Fellowship Application and Review Process
- Updates to Reference Letter Guidance
- Updates to NRSA Training Grant Applications
- Updated Application Forms (FORMS-I)
- Common Forms for Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support