April 4, 2017
CSDE Seminar Series
CSDE Fellow’s Invited Lecture: Trends in Voting in South Africa from 2003-2014
When: Friday, Apr 7, 2017 (12:30 - 1:30 PM PT) Where: University of Washington, Raitt 121
Speaker: Barbara A. Anderson, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan Fellow Host: Michelle O’Brien
After the end of apartheid in 1994, the African National Congress (ANC) dominated elections with the support of almost all Africans, while non-Africans increasingly supported the main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA). Based on analysis 2003-2014, the party preference of young persons is less tied to their race than older persons.
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CSDE Workshops
Intro to GIS
When: Monday, Apr 10, 2017 (1:00 - 4:00 PM) Where: University of Washington, Savery 117
This workshop will begin by presenting an overview of the basic concepts of Spatial Analysis and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Armed with an understanding of what GIS is, students will complete a hands-on tutorial introducing ESRI’s ArcGIS software. Topics covered during the first week’s lab will include working with GIS data, simple data queries, and map creation (symbolization, labeling, layout and export). Building on the basic concepts covered during the first week, week 2 will focus entirely on hands-on training in GIS for demographic research.
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Gunnar Almgren Publishes Health Care as a Right of Citizenship
Gunnar Almgren, CSDE Affiliate and Associate Professor of Social Work at UW, has published a new book—Health Care as a Right of Citizenship: The Continuing Evolution of Reform. The book outlines the Affordable Care Act’s impact on both health policy and public perception, arguing that the bill’s most significant achievement lies in its popularization of universal health care as a right of democratic citizenship. You can learn more about the book below, and you can also discuss it with the author himself at an upcoming book talk.
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CSDE Welcomes New Affiliates
CSDE is proud to welcome six new Affiliates!
- Carole Lee, Philosophy, University of Washington
- Ott Toomet, iSchool, Tartu University (Visiting Scholar)
- Clair Yang, Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington
- Noah Snyder-Mackler, Psychology, University of Washington
- Elena Erosheva, Statistics and Social Work, University of Washington
- Dan Goldhaber, Social Work, University of Washington
CSDE Affiliates each bring a unique demographic perspective to our academic community, and we're thrilled to work alongside all of these new additions as their research develops.
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RSVP for CSDE’s Reception at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA)
CSDE is pleased to host a reception at Buddy Guy’s Legends for those traveling to PAA 2017. The event will have light appetizers, drink tickets, and cover waived for the 9:00 PM show. We welcome CSDE fellows, students, affiliates, alumni, supporters, and friends! Please RSVP below by 4/21.
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Alexes Harris Discusses Unfair Bail and Government Oversight with Bloomberg
Alexes Harris, CSDE Affiliate and Associate Professor of Sociology at UW, recently talked about how bail and legal fines impact defendants with Bloomberg BNA. Under the Obama administration, the Justice Department monitored issuance of fines and levies to help correct disparities that resulted from uneven application across demographic groups. Harris notes that this scrutiny is unlikely to continue under the new administration, but her research underscores the importance of these issues moving forward.
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Jacob Vigdor Explains How Deportations Could Impact Regional Economies
Jacob Vigdor, CSDE Affiliate and UW Professor of Public Policy and Governance, recently spoke with The News Tribune about the potential economic effects that local economies could feel if the Trump administration follows through with proposed deportations of undocumented immigrants.
“The impact (of increased deportations) would be felt most significantly at the businesses employing and serving these migrants, but there’s a wide swath of small businesses for which a small drop in the customer base would spell the difference between profit and loss,” Vigdor says.
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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