Spring Course Offerings and Highlights!
Registration for Spring 2022 has begun! CSDE Training Director, Jessica Godwin, will be teaching our Spring Proseminar in the Responsible Conduct of Research (CSDE 502) and CSDE Director, Sara Curran, will be teaching Demography & Society (CSDE 513/SOC 513). In addition to the two core courses required for the CSDE Certificate in Demographic Methods, we have compiled a list of recommended electives being taught this quarter that may be relevant to you or your research, many of which are being taught by CSDE Faculty Affiliates.
CSDE Core Courses
CSDE 502 Proseminar: Responsible Conduct of Research (Jessica Godwin)
CSDE/SOC 513 Demography & Society (Sara Curran)
Recommended Electives
AFRAM 405 Advanced African American Studies in Social Science (LaShawnda Pittman)
CSSS/STAT/SOC 563 Statistical Demography and Data Science (Adrian Raftery)
EPI 547/HSERV 514 Population Health & Disparities (Jesse Jones-Smith)
EPI 585 Injury & Violence (Avanti Adhia)
GH 514 Global Population Health (Stephen Bezruchka)
GH 515/HSERV 515 War & Health (Amy Hagopian)
HSERV 573 Topics in Indigenous Health (Myra Parker)
SOC 538 Data Science, Population Process and Health (Zack Almquist)
SOC 590 Urban Sociology (Kyle Crowder)
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Computational Demography Working Group Meeting on 2/16!
*** Rescheduled from 2/9 to 2/16*** The Computational Demography Working Group is meeting February 15th at 2-3PM on Zoom (register HERE) with CSDE Alumni and NIH T32 Data Science & Demography Fellow Emily Pollock (PhD Anthropology UW, 2021), PHAM/PE Fellow, Division of STD Prevention, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. Emily's dissertation focused on demographic effects on dynamic network model simulations as well as the pros and cons of expedited partner treatment as a prevention method for chlamydia transmission among young adults. Emily is currently a fellow in the Prevention Effectiveness Fellowship’s inaugural Public Health Analytics & Modeling track at the CDC, working in the Division of STD Prevention. She works on modeling projects related to a variety of disease dynamics to support and evaluate diagnostic and prevention activities. Emily is excited to come back and talk with her extended CSDE family!
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CSDE Winter Workshops are Coming Up!
CSDE has two exciting workshops coming up covering the analysis and use of survey data in R. On Thursday, 2/17, CSDE Research Scientist Jessica Godwin will lead Introduction to Survey Statistics in R. This workshop will cover statistical analysis of data arising from complex surveys in R using the survey package. The following Thursday, 2/24, we are thrilled to have Kyle Walker (Geography, Texas Christian University), author of the tidycensus package, lead Introduction to tidycensus. The tidycensus package allows for easy user interface with Census and American Community Survey data temporally and across Census geographies. For estimates based on ACS data, the tidycensus package relies on methodology used in the survey package.
NIH Social Network Diffusion of Individual Behavior Change Interventions Virtual Workshop
On March 2-3, 2022, the National Institute on Aging’s Division of Behavioral and Social Research will convene a workshop with subject matter experts to discuss gaps, opportunities, and strategies for adapting individual behavior change interventions to leverage social network dynamics. The workshop will focus on how social network interventions can be leveraged to promote healthy aging, slowing of cognitive decline and prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (AD/ADRD), and improved care for persons living with AD/ADRD and their care partners. You can register for this workshop HERE.
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Register NOW for PAA 2022!
Registration for the Population Association of America 2022 Annual Meeting is now open. Important dates and deadlines:
- February 15, 2022: Deadline for all presenters to register
- February 15 - March 31, 2022: Regular registration rates will be in effect
CSDE Early Career Grant Working Group – consider joining!
Are you an early-career (pre-promotion) faculty member who is thinking about writing a grant? Perhaps you're just beginning to ponder the idea but don't know where to start - or maybe you're already experienced and still need some information, ideas, or moral support. If so, then you should join CSDE's Early Career Grant Working Group! We meet monthly in a hybrid (in-person in Raitt Hall and on Zoom) on third Thursdays from 1:30-2:30. Please email Steve Goodreau (goodreau@uw.edu) to be added to the mailing list and event invitation.
Please note: membership is focused on CSDE affiliates (any UW campus or external) who are in any kind of faculty position prior to their first major promotion (to associate or equivalent). If you have a question about your eligibility, please email Steve Goodreau (goodreau@uw.edu).
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Call for CSDE Proposals: Population Research Planning Grants
CSDE has funds available to provide a variety of forms of support for affiliates submitting grants from now through this summer. This might include funding for hiring an RA (quarterly or hourly), hosting or hiring consultants from inside or outside UW, hiring CSDE scientific staff, acquiring data sets, organizing a mini-workshop or writing retreat, or many other possibilities! One key restriction, however, is that funds cannot be used for faculty salary support or course buyout.
Applications are rolling, and CSDE's core leadership will review proposals every two weeks until the funds are exhausted. Early applications are encouraged!
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