December 13, 2016
CSDE Seminar Series
CSDE Seminar Series Resumes Friday, January 6, 2017
CSDE Research & Highlights
CSDE Joins Interdisciplinary Association of Population Health Scientists (IAPHS) & Offers Free Year-Long Memberships
The Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology is pleased to announce that it recently joined the newly founded Interdisciplinary Association of Population Health Science (IAPHS) with an institutional membership. CSDE is very excited about the IAPHS, a new organization committed to fostering science and innovation to improve health. Check out their website to read about their goal to connect population health scientists across disciplines and sectors, advance the development of population health science,
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Highlights & PDFs from CSDE Trainee Lightning Talks & Poster Session
Recently, eight CSDE trainees from five departments or schools shared their latest work and demographic insights at the first CSDE Trainee Lightning Talks and Poster Session. The high-quality research and presentations were well received by over 60 attendees who contributed to lively conversations. Maria Vignau-Loria was recognized with the best poster award for her work on “the health of returned migrants in Mexico.”
The event was moderated by Sociology graduate student Erin Carll and held in the Research Commons of the Allen Library South, where all posters will remain on display throughout the Winter Quarter. All posters from the session are also now available online in PDF format; you can view these on.....
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Adrian Raftery Publishes Work on Probabilistic Population Projections
Adrian Raftery—CSDE Affiliate, UW professor of statistics and sociology, and director of the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences—recently published research on probabilistic population projections with bayesPop, an R package. The program produces, among other things, a sample from the joint posterior predictive distribution of future age- and sex-specific population counts, fertility rates and mortality rates, as well as future numbers of births and deaths. Its methodology has been used across the.....
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Conferences & Calls for Papers
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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