October 12, 2022
CSDE Seminar Series
CSDE Seminar- Ethical Dilemmas in Relocation as Climate Change Adaptation
When: October 14, 2022 (12:30-1:30pm)
Where: Virtually via zoom, register here
Join us for a talk with Assistant Professor at University of Delaware AR Siders, on a talk regarding ethical dilemmas in relocation as climate change adaptation. Adaptation to climate change may redress, perpetuate, or create social injustices. While stakeholders agree that adaptation should be just, they disagree on how justice should be defined or pursued. This talk will describe several ongoing projects related to adaptation justice in the context of relocation as an adaptation strategy. If you'd like to sign up for 1-on-1 sessions with Dr. Siders click the link here.
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CSDE Research & Highlights
CSDE Affiliate Drake and Co-Authors Publish In Contraception
CSDE Affiliate Alison Drake along with co-authors have published a new article in Contraception entitled “Trajectories of method dissatisfaction among Kenyan women using modern, reversible contraception: A prospective cohort study” The authors sample included a cohort of 947 women and identified four trajectories: consistent satisfaction, increasing dissatisfaction, decreasing dissatisfaction, and consistent dissatisfaction. Their study points to the need for deeper understanding of trajectories of contraceptive experience for advancing person-centered family planning care that addresses users’ changing preferences and challenges.
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CSDE Affiliate Zagheni and Co-Authors Publish in Population Research and Policy Review
CSDE External Affiliate Emilio Zagheni and co-authors publish in Population Research and Policy Review. The article entitled “The Impact of Demographic Change on Transfers of Care and Associated Well-being” aims to evaluate the impact of demographic change on long-term, macro-level childcare and adult care transfers, accounting for the associated well-being effects of informal caregiving. The authors measure the impact of demographic change on non-monetary between different groups. They utilize American Time Use Survey data as well as the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, Disability, and Use of Time Module from 2013 to produce estimates of well-being associated with two forms of care and their future projections.
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CSDE Affiliates Dobra and McCormick Part of UW Statistics NSF-Funded Team to Advance Low Income Inclusion for Statistics and Data Science Training
CSDE Affiliates Dobra and McCormick part of amazing team that secured a $5M National Science Foundation grant to provide financial support, research opportunities, and mentoring to students who want to pursue education in statistics and data science! The University of Washington’s Statistics department has recently announced the formation of the Pacific Alliance for Low Income Inclusion in Statistics and Data Science (PALilSaDS), a partnership led by UW and the University of California, Santa Barbara. Let's congratulate their team on an amazing partnership and opportunity to advance education! (read more)
CSDE Fellow Aasli Nur and Co-authors Publish COVID-19 Research In Journal of Global Health
CSDE Fellow Aasli Nur and co-authors publish a paper in the Journal of Global Health. The paper entitled “Drivers of COVID-19 policy stringency in 175 countries and territories: COVID-19 cases and deaths, gross domestic products per capita, and health expenditures.” The authors utilize a dataset of 175 countries and territories to model the marginal effects of new COVID-19 cases on policy stringency controlling for adjusted gross domestic product (GDP), per capita and health expenditure (% of GDP), and public expenditure on health.
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Updates from the CSDE Research & Training Cores
CSDE Upcoming Workshop- Microsoft Word for the Social Sciences
Population and Environment Released New Issue for September
Population and Environment has released a new issue including several publications. Readers can find new research on demographic characteristics of populations living near oil and gas, the psychology of wildfire and smoke related migration intentions, and much more! Check out this new issue for yourself here!
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New Publication from Demographic Research
Demographic Research has released a new publication by Drs. Sara Johnsen and Megan Sweeney titled “Female sterilization in the life course: Understanding trends and differentials in early sterlization”. This paper utilizes the National Survey of Family Growth to examine racial, ethnic, and educational differences in the prevalence of sterilization and its timing in the life course. Key findings include observing differing patterns of sterilization timing across racial, ethnic, and educational groups.
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The Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies (HCPDS) Accepting Applications for David E. Bell Postdoctoral Fellowship and Spiegelman Postdoctoral Fellowship in Demographic Studies
The Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies (HCPDS) is calling for applications for two postdoctoral fellowships. The David E. Bell Fellowship and the Mortimer Spiegelman Postdoctoral Fellowship are fantastic opportunities for early-career scientists coming from a range of fields such as sociology, public policy, medicine, and economics. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, November 30th, 2022 at Noon (EST). Make sure to check out this incredible opportunity here!
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College of Environment to Host Doug Walker On Climate Crisis
Join the University of Washington College of the Environment’s 2022 Doug Walker Lecture as they explore these topics aon relationship building, community, and the power we share when we act together to address the environmental crisis with environmental advocate and educator Jamie Stroble ’10. This live discussion will be moderated by Maya Tolstoy, Maggie Walker Dean of the UW College of the Environment.
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Demography Events
- Jackson School shares Calendar of Events
- Computational Demography Working Group (CDWG) Autumn 2022 Schedule
- Sign Up to Attend The Harry Bridges Center’s Annual Awards Celebration (Deadline: 11/13/2022)
Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Data Science Career Fair University of Washington, Husky Union Building (HUB) (Deadline: 10/20/2022)
- Department of Social and Health Services position Washington State (Deadline: 9/29/2022)
- DSHS FFA IT Data Management Senior Specialist (Deadline: 9/29/2022)
- Assistant Professor – Immigration/Migration in Public and/or International Affairs (Tenure Stream) University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (Deadline: 10/1/2022)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology University of Southern California (Deadline: 10/3/2022)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology-Specializing in Racial Health Disparities Purdue University (Deadline: 10/3/2022)
- Tenure-Track Assistant Professor University of Nebraska Department of Sociology (Deadline: 10/10/2022)
- Assistant Professor in Race and Cities in the Americas New York University, Department of Social and Cultural Analysis (Deadline: 10/15/2022)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology Duke University (Deadline: 10/15/2022)
- Assistant Professor of Quantitative Social Science Dartmouth University (Deadline: 10/15/2022)
- Postdoc / Research Scientists in Digital and Computational Demography Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Deadline: 10/16/2022)
- DSHS FFA RDA Research Associate Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (Deadline: 10/20/2022)
- Postdoc Position on ERC Project on Siblings’ Intergenerational Social Class Mobility University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology (Deadline: 10/26/2022)
- Assistant Professor, Urban/Social Policy University of Connecticut School of Public Policy (Deadline: 11/1/2022)
- Assistant Professor: Urban and Environmental Health Geographer San Diego State University (Deadline: 11/1/2022)
- Post Doctoral Opportunity at UNC’s Global Food Research Program University of North Carolina (Deadline: 11/15/2022)
- Postdoctoral Research Associate in Education and Mixed Methods Brown University, Population Studies and Training Center (Deadline: 11/30/2022)
- University of South Carolina Seeking Two Tenure Track Positions (Open until filled)
- Postdoc position at Harvard University Harvard University (Open until filled)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Network Science (IUNI Fellow) Indiana University Bloomington (Open until filled)
- Position in Statistical Analysis Center for Criminal Justice Research State of Washington (Open until filled)
- Research positions for Education Research and Data Center State of Washington (Open until filled)
- Senior Research Analyst – State of Washington State of Washington (Open until filled)
- Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation seeking new Research position! University of Washington (Open until filled)
- The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) Seeks Researchers! University of Washington (Open until filled)
- City of Bellevue seeks Demographer Bellevue, Washington (Open until filled)
- Labor Economists at EEOC (Open until filled)
- Several Job Opportunities at The Labor Center and California Policy Lab University of California, Berkely (Open until filled)
- Researcher – Center for Health Information and Analysis Boston, MA (Open until filled)
- School of Public Health at Texas A&M seeks qualified candidates for Instructional Track Professor Positions Texas A&M University (Open until filled)
- Tenure Track Faculty Position, Health and Illness Rowan University- New Jersey, United States (Open until filled)
- Assistant Professor in Rural Sociology Puerto Rico (Open until filled)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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