November 1, 2021
CSDE Seminar Series
Annotating Social Determinants of Health Using Active Learning, and Characterizing Determinants Using Neural Event Extraction
When: Friday, Nov 5, 2021 (12:30 - 1:30 PM PT) Where: Virtual on Zoom
This week CSDE will be hosting Kevin Lybarger, Postdoctoral Fellow at UW Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education. Lybarger will present on using data-driven information extraction models to capture information about the social determinants of health, what is being uncovered with new modeling methods, and upcoming projects that will use these tools.
You can register for this seminar HERE, and check out all the upcoming topics and register for future seminars on our website.
This event is co-sponsored by the Population Health Initiative.
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CSDE Research & Highlights
CSDE Welcomes Four Faculty Affiliates!
CSDE’s Executive Committee is pleased to introduce four of our new UW Faculty Affiliates:
- Mia Bennett—Assistant Professor, Geography. Dr. Bennett is a political geographer skilled in geospatial methods. Through fieldwork and remote sensing, she researches the geopolitics of development in northern frontiers, namely the Arctic, Russian Far East, and along the more remote corridors of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. She is particularly interested in the role of Indigenous Peoples in leading infrastructure development in the North American Arctic.
- Yuan Hsiao—Assistant Professor, Communication. Dr. Hsiao's major research explores the intersection of political communication, social media, and social networks. He is particularly interested in bringing a social network perspective to understanding a variety of communication and social processes, such as how networks on social media contribute to protest mobilization, how social interactions shape the production of misinformation and public opinion, how spatial and social relationships affect the spread of religion, or how community networks affect health behavior.
- Oliver Rollins—Assistant Professor, American Ethnic Studies. Dr. Rollins is a qualitative sociologist who works on issues of race/racism in and through science and technology. Specifically, his research explores how racial identity, racialized discourses, and systemic practices of social difference influence, engage with, and are affected by, the making and use of neuroscientific technologies and knowledges.
- Emma Spiro—Associate Professor at the Information School; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Sociology. Dr. Spiro studies online communication and information-related behaviors in the context of emergencies and disaster events. Recently, she has focused on investigating misinformation online. Her work also explores the structure and dynamics of interpersonal and organizational networks in both online and offline environments.
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Morales and Center for Latinx Health Release New Report on COVID-19 Vaccination Rates
Leo Morales, co-Director of the Latinx Center for Health, has just led the authorship of a newly released, important report on rates of vaccination among Latinos in Washington State, available HERE. Their report finds that overall in Washington state, the rate of fully vaccinated individuals among Latinos twelve years of age and older was 54.6% as of September 29, 2021, up from 40.5% in July (2021), representing a 33.4% increase in the number of vaccinated Latinos. While overall rates have improved since July, the report observes that there is some heterogeneity in rates across the state; some urban and rural Latinx communities are lagging behind and remain at significant risk of COVID-19 infections. [NB: CSDE Research Scientist Phil Hurvitz provided consultative support for the visualizations in the report].
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Attia and Co-Authors Evaluate Effects of Antiretroviral Therapy on Lung Function Among Children with Perinatally-Acquired HIV
CSDE Affiliate Engi Attia co-authored a recent article in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome that tested the effects of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) on children in Kenya. Older children with PHIV commonly experience impaired lung function. The research suggests that for children with PHIV, those who received ART in their first twelve months of infancy had preserved lung function as they grew older.
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Recent Article by Hill and Co-Author Describes Inequities in Childhood Wealth
Published in the Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, CSDE Affiliate Heather Hill and co-author Christina Gibson-Davis' recent article serves as an introduction to the journal's issue on wealth inequality and child development and provides detailed background and conceptual framework of the inequity of wealth in households with children. The authors present demographic breakdowns of the wealth and income of child households across household characteristics including race, child age, and parents' marital status, discuss the contributions made in this issue, and discuss policy implications.
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Updates from the CSDE Research & Training Cores
Call for CSDE Proposals: Population Research Planning Grants
CSDE has funds available to provide a variety of forms of support for affiliates submitting grants from now through this summer. This might include funding for hiring an RA (quarterly or hourly), hosting or hiring consultants from inside or outside UW, hiring CSDE scientific staff, acquiring data sets, organizing a mini-workshop or writing retreat, or many other possibilities! One key restriction, however, is that funds cannot be used for faculty salary support or course buyout.
Applications are rolling, and CSDE's core leadership will review proposals every two weeks until the funds are exhausted. Early appilcations are encouraged!
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CSDE Computational Demography Working Group — Jessica Godwin & Population Dynamics Lab
For this week's meeting, CSDE’s Computational Demography Working Group (CDWG) is hosting Jessica Godwin, along with trainees Neal Marquez, Delaney Glass, and Aja Sutton, who will present about a new CSDE Initiative -- the Population Dynamics Lab (PDL). The PDL aims to create:
- A place for timely, peer-reviewed lab methods and measures in demography
- A repository for citable code, data, and methods documentation of demographic research
- Accessible visualizations and explanation of results generated from methodological innovations in demography
To learn more about this project, you can join this meeting on Wednesday, 11/3 from 2:00-3:00 PM PT using THIS Zoom link.
CDWG meets via Zoom and its calendar of events can be found here.
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Russell Sage Foundation Accepting Inquiries and Grants
The Russel Sage Foundation has shared a number of new calls of interest to social scientists that are due either next week or the following. These include a call for letters of inquiry (due November 10) for research in their three thematic areas: Behavioral Science and Decision Making in Context, Future of Work, & Social, Political and Economic Inequality. There is also a special call for research around two other topics: one about Research on the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting recession in the U.S. and one about research focused on systemic racial inequality and/or the recent mass protests in the U.S.
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Call for Applications: LUNA Health Research Training Program (due 11/30/2021)
The Lighting Up Native Aspirations (LUNA) program is built of a strong network of highly trained Indigenous scholars dedicated to culturally relevant research who are contributing to ameliorating health disparities among Indigenous populations. This program provides a unique interdisciplinary training opportunity in Indigenous health and health disparities research. Trainees will have access to scientific mentors across fields (e.g., life sciences, neuroscience, psychology, public health) as well as in-depth experiences with critical substantive training areas that they may not have exposure to in more traditional biomedical, clinical, or behavioral research programs.
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Demography Events
- UDP Professionals Council Lecture Series with Larry Beasley C.M., Former Co-director of Planning for the City of Vancouver, BC (Tue, 11/2/21 6:00-7:30 PM PT)
- CSSS Seminar: A cautionary note on the use of the third-order polynomial method in simulation studies (Wed, 11/3/21 12:30-1:30 PM PT)
- QUAL Speaker Series: Participatory Methods and the Democratization of Environmental Research (Wed, 11/3/21 12:30-1:30 PM PT)
- Computational Demography Working Group — Jessica Godwin & Population Dynamics Lab (Wed, 11/3/21 2:00-3:00 PM PT)
- ChanGE Presents: A Conversation with Rachel Morello-Frosch (Wed, 11/3/21 2:00-4:00 PM PT)
- Book Talk: Time and Migration: How Long-term Taiwanese Migrants Negotiate Later Life, with Professor Ken Sun (Thu, 11/4/21 4:00-5:30 PM PT)
- CRE2-SHC Partnership | Gatekeeping & the Publishing Landscape for Scholarship on Race, Medicine & Science (Fri, 11/5/21 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM PT)
- Princeton Office of Population Research: The State of Hispanic America Webinar (Thu, 11/11/21 2:00-3:30 PM PT)
Conferences & Calls for Papers
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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