June 14, 2022
CSDE Seminar Series
Summer is Here!
As we turn towards summer activities, CSDE e-news will shift to a bi-weekly schedule. Don’t stop sharing your news, though! Send along news about awards, grants, publications, initiatives, etc. to csde@uw.edu. If you’re planning to work on a grant and would like CSDE’s support for the proposal submission, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Belinda Sachs ( belindab@uw.edu) and consider letting us know via our proposal planning form.
With best wishes for a healthful and happy summer to all of CSDE’s scholars and community members.
See you in two weeks!
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Ornelas & Team Awarded Population Health Initiative Pilot Research Grant
Population Health Initiative recently announced CSDE Affiliate India Ornelas and a number of colleagues as awardees of the Tier 3 Pilot Research Grant. The project is titled, “Amigas Latinas Motivando el Alma (ALMA): Addressing Mental Health Needs Among Latina Immigrant Women in Yakima Valley.” The PIs propose to leverage existing expertise and community partnerships to pilot test the dissemination of the ALMA intervention to reduce depression and anxiety among Latina immigrant women living in the Yakima Valley.
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Hill, Mooney, Rowhani-Rahbar, and Collaborators Study Effects of Child Tax Credits on Maltreatment in New Publication
CSDE Affiliates Heather Hill, Stephen Mooney, and Ali Rowhani-Rahbar–with co-authors Nicole Kovski and Frederick Rivara–recently published new research on reports of child maltreatment in Pediatrics. The authors leverage the natural experiment of a legislated change in the timing of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) transfer payments to low-income families and quasi-experimental methods to estimate the association between EITC and CTC payments and child maltreatment reports.
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Fowle Awarded Two Accolades from the Evans School
Colburn & Fyall Analyze the Use of Hotels as Homeless Shelters in New Publication
CSDE Affiliates Gregg Colburn and Rachel Fyall, partnered with co-authors Christina McHugh, Pear Moraras, Victoria Ewing, and Samantha Thompson, recently published research on local homeless shelter policy in Housing Policy Debate. This study analyzes the COVID-19 homelessness response in King County, in which people were moved out of high-density emergency shelters into hotel rooms. The study highlights a new approach to shelter delivery that not only responded to the public health imperatives of COVID-19, but also indicated positive health and social outcomes compared to traditional congregate settings
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Updates from the CSDE Research & Training Cores
CSDE is Hiring an Administrator and a Program Coordinator!
The Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology is looking for a full time Administrator and a full-time Program Coordinator to support our population science research infrastructure center funded by the NICHD.
With the Director, the Administrator is a primary point person for the development, coordination and implementation of center-wide efforts (including infrastructure and training grants, as well as reporting for internal and external purposes). The Administrator is the chief financial officer and business manager responsible for financial planning, management and overseeing daily center operations, acting independently and responsibly, given general direction from the Director and within the University's policies and procedures. These responsibilities include departmental administration, business planning, financial management, personnel, research project support and other functions as necessary.
The Program Coordinator will provide program support for CSDE staff and Affiliates while managing day-to-day functions of the Center. The Program Coordinator will report to the Administrator, but will also support the director, CSDE staff and affiliates as needed. As such, the successful candidate will have the capacity to interact with a client base from a wide variety of units and seniority, and communicate effectively about the services & mission priorities of CSDE.
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Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR)
The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research invites Expressions of Interest proposals to participate in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships scheme with the MPIDR as host institution. The scheme enables experienced researchers (PhD or equivalent research experience) from across the globe to conduct a research and professional development project at a European research institution for up to 2 years. It pays a generous monthly stipend, and several allowances.
If you are interested, please send a 3-page summary proposal and your CV to Dr. Kathrin McCann, mccann@demogr.mpg.de. The proposal should contain an outline of your research project, and information on your professional development and implementation/dissemination plans. The deadline to apply is August 14, 2022.
For further information, please see here.
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Call for Abstracts: Migration and Mobility Research in the Digital Era (MIMODE 2022) (Deadline: 6/19/2022)
- 2022 Virtual Research Symposium: Assessing Capacity for Using Data to Build Actionable Evidence 6/22/2022
- International Sociology Association World Congress of Sociology: Resurgent Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies 6/25/2022 Melbourne, Australia
- Call for Papers: Critical Perspectives on Migrants, Migration, and COVID-19 Vaccination (Deadline: 6/30/2022)
- Call for Papers: Critical Perspectives on Migrants, Migration, and COVID-19 Vaccination (Deadline: 6/30/2022)
- Call for Abstracts: 50th Anniversary Special Issue on Population Challenges in the 21st Century: Looking Backward, Looking Forward (Deadline: 7/1/2022)
- Call for Papers: Southern Demographic Association 2022 Annual Meeting 10/17/2022 Knoxville, TN (Deadline: 7/15/2022)
- Call for Papers: “Black Reparations: Insights from the Social Sciences” The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences (Deadline: 7/15/2022)
- Call for Papers: Geographic inequalities in health and mortality: Factors contributing to trends and differentials (Deadline: 7/15/2022)
- IRSA XV World Congress of Rural Sociology: Rural Sustainability in the Urban Century 7/19/2022 Cairns, Australia
- Call for Papers: “New Horizons in Ageism Research: Innovation in Study Design, Methodology, and Applications to Research, Policy, and Practice” Journal of Applied Gerontology (Deadline: 8/31/2022)
- Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science 2022 Conference 9/20/2022 Minneapolis, MN
- International Conference on Family Planning 11/14/2022 Pattaya City, Thailand
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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