Author Meets Critics – Crowded Out: The Costs and Consequences of Crowdfunding Healthcare – Dr. Nora Kenworthy
- When: Friday, Oct 11, 2024 (12:30-1:30PM)
- Where: 360 Parrington Hall and on Zoom (register here)
We are looking forward to hosting Nora Kenworthy (School of Nursing and Health Studies, University of Washington Bothell) on Friday, Oct. 11 in Parrington Hall 360 and on Zoom. This seminar is co-sponsored by the Population Health Initiative.
Join UW Bothell Professor and CSDE Affiliate Nora Kenworthy for an author-meets-critics discussion of her recent book, Crowded Out: The True Costs of Crowdfunding Health Care (MIT Press). Crowded Out draws on nearly a decade of research on crowdfunding for health care costs in the US and around the globe, showing how this now ubiquitous form of charitable assistance is fueled by, and further reinforces, the financial and moral “toxicities” of market-based health systems. Using ethnographic and quantitative data, the book examines how charitable crowdfunding so quickly overtook public life, and who gets left behind by these new platformed economies. Dr. Kenworthy will be joined by Anjum Hajat (Epidemiology, UW) and Amy Hagopian (Health Systems and Population Health, UW).
CSDE Welcomes 3 New Research Affiliates
CSDE is pleased to introduce three of our new UW Research Affiliates! Drew Messamore (Assistant Professor, Sociology) examines the rising popularity and formalization of rental landlording in the United States, as well as how a new generation of urban housing movements are confronting urban inequalities. Patrick Greiner’s (Assistant Professor, Sociology) research centers on providing greater insight into the complex co-constitution of social inequalities, environmental changes, and their consequences. Ipsita Dey’s (Assistant Professor, Comparative History of Ideas) work is at the intersection of Pacific Island Studies, Indigeneity Studies, South Asian Diaspora Studies, Environmental Anthropology, and ethnographic ethics. Learn more about each affiliate in the full story!
Research from Goodreau, Hamilton and Co-Authors Featured in AP News Story on Young Americans’ Use of Contraceptives
Data suggesting that young Americans’ condom usage is declining has triggered concern among HIV experts. An AP News article on this subject cites research from lead author Steve Goodreau (UW Anthropology & CSDE Development Core Director) and co-authors including CSDE Senior Research Scientist/ Engineer Deven Hamilton in AIDS and Behavior which finds evidence of reduced condom usage in younger populations. For the news article, Goodreau emphasized how increasing use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) may contribute to a higher risk of HIV transmission. Read the journal article here.
New Report on Commercial Gentrification Published by PHI & CSDE’s Summer Applied Research Fellowship Program
A team of graduate and undergraduate students with Dr. Jessica Godwin recently published a report on commercial gentrification in King County using information from Data Axle and the Census Bureau’s County Business Patterns dataset. The 2024 Applied Research Fellowship team (Carmen Choong, Anoushka Manik, Sydney Pope, Priyanka Shrestha, and Jenny Speelmon) shared their full set of findings in a published report and presentation to King County stakeholders on Thursday, August 22nd. The Fellowship program is run by the Population Health Initiative in partnership with CSDE, and this year’s project was developed in partnership with the King County Demographer’s office and the Seattle / King County Department of Public Health. To read more about the program visit here.
Swanson and Co-Authors Highlight the Consequences of Coastal Population Growth
In a recent contribution to Scientific Reports, CSDE External Affiliate David Swanson (UC Riverside) and co-authors argue that current coastal population growth trends portend significant consequences for the natural world. Using recently available data, the authors estimate annual continental and global coastal populations from the shoreline inward. The research emphasizes the need for effective strategies to address the challenges posed by this growth. Read the article here.
Brown Co-Authors Commentary Revisiting Principles of the International Conference on Population and Development
CSDE External Affiliate Win Brown and co-author Karen Hardee published commentary in Global Health: Science and Practice which argues that the Programme of Action from the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) can still be useful in bridging polarized view about the role of population in addressing issues of global health. In their article, the authors argue that the ICPD Programme of Action can help ensure appropriate scrutiny of policy responses in order to uphold human rights and gender equality.
*New* Intro to R II: Working With Data (10/8/24)
Join CSDE Statistical Demographer & Training Director Jessica Godwin for a 75 minute introduction to data manipulation in R. This workshop, the second in a series of 3, will cover reading and writing data, summarizing data, creating new variables, and moving between long and wide data formats. This workshop will be followed by Intro to R III: Data Visualization.
The workshop will be hybrid with in-person attendance in Savery 121 and a Zoom link for online attendance will be provided upon registration.
CSSS Fall 2024 Seminar Series (10/2/24 – 12/4/24)
The CSSS Seminar features local and visiting scholars presenting current research at the intersection of statistics and the social sciences. Seminars are held on Wednesdays from 12:30-1:30 pm in room SAV 409 during an academic year. Seminars are available to anyone interested and are being presented in a hybrid format. To attend a seminar virtually, please register here. An email with login information will be sent to you upon registration.
Fall 2024 CSDE Computational Demography Working Group Talks (10/9/24-12/4/24)
In Fall 2024, CDWG is co-hosting weekly seminars with the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR). Researchers from both institutions will meet in hybrid to discuss novel data, methods, and applications of demographic and social science research. Example talks include The Structure of Opportunity and Wage Mobility by Dr. Michael Schultz, and Differentiating Emigration from Return Migration in Digital Trace Data: A case study of scholarly migration by Dr. Aliakbar Akbaritabar. Please refer to the Quarter Schedule for the full list of speakers.
*New* Sign Up for the Qualitative Demography Network from the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) (Due 10/15/24)
Qualitative methods in demography enable us to study the reasoning, motivations, processes and mechanisms underlying observed demographic behaviour and trends. However, as the demographic discipline predominantly uses quantitative methods, qualitative researchers can sometimes feel marginal. We would like to initiate a qualitative demography network, in which qualitative demographers and population studies researchers can exchange ideas, inspire each other, and brainstorm about the future role of qualitative research in demography. If you are interested in joining our network, which aims to organise two thinkery sessions before the end of the year, please fill in the following form:
Call for Papers: Demographic Change and Challenges in the Americas – Canadian Studies in Population (10/15/24)
Special issue of Canadian Studies in Population on “Demographic Change and Challenges in the Americas”
- Deadline for submissions: 15 October 2024
This special issue of Canadian Studies in Population will spotlight key demographic concerns facing the Americas, including migration, mortality and morbidity, fertility, and family dynamics, and provide a forward-looking introduction that sets an agenda for a more integrated approach to understanding demographic change in the region.
*New* Dr. Sara Curran to Deliver Samuel E. Kelly Distinguished Faculty Lecture (10/17/24)
While the idea of “to be counted is to be seen”, is often taken for granted as foundational for democracy, who is counted and why has changed numerous times in our nation’s history. These changes have impacts big and small and implications on politics and policymaking. In this lecture, Dr. Sara Curran will discuss past and present ways in which demographic diversity has been measured and why, and also the intersectional complexities of measuring demographic diversity.
NIH Now Accepting Extramural Loan Repayment Program Applications (Due 11/21/24)
The NIH is now accepting applications for the Extramural Loan Repayment Program (LRP)! Awardees can receive up to $100,000 in qualified educational debt repayment with a two-year award.
To learn more about eligibility requirements, application dates, and the benefits of receiving an LRP award, be sure to visit the LRP website, check out our overview video, and attend one of our upcoming events:
Please note that the deadline to submit your Extramural LRP application is November 21, 2024.
2025 National Academy of Education – Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowships: Accepting Applications and Informational Webinars (Due 11/7/24)
The Postdoctoral Fellowship supports early-career scholars working in critical areas of educational scholarship. Fellows will receive $70,000 for one academic year of research, or $35,000 for each of two contiguous years, working half-time. Fellows attend professional development retreats and receive mentorship from NAEd members and other senior scholars in their field. Applicants must have had their PhD, EdD, or equivalent research degree conferred between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2023, to be eligible to apply this year.
IES Announces New Request for Applications for the Special Education Dissertation Research Fellowship Program (LOIs due 9/19/24, Application Deadline 11/14/24)
The National Center for Special Education Research released a new Fiscal Year 2025 grant competition.
Special Education Dissertation Research Fellowship Program (84.324G)
This program seeks to broaden opportunities for emerging researchers to engage with IES and conduct high-quality research related to learners with or at risk for disabilities. NCSER will provide financial support for advanced doctoral students—under the guidance of a sponsor at their university—to conduct research in understudied areas related to learners, their families, practitioners, and policymakers.
- The application deadline is November 14, 2024.
Cultivating Connections for Community Engagement (UW tri-campus): Fall Quarter Community of Practice (save the date for 11/15/24)
SAVE THE DATE: Cultivating Connections for Community Engagement: Fall Quarter Community of Practice
- When/Where: Friday November 15th, 11am-12:30PM via Zoom (link)
- Who: Faculty and staff from Bothell, Seattle or Tacoma campus who are interested in community-engaged research and/or learning
- Why: To connect with faculty and staff from all 3 campuses who practice, support, or are interested in community engagement; to explore what’s happening across the UW in this space.
Updating the Definition of Sexual and Gender Minority Populations in NIH-Supported Research
CSDE Population Research Planning Grants (PRPGs) (Rolling deadline)
Population Research Planning Grants (PRPGs) are designed to provide in-kind support and/or funds of up to $25k* to support a wide array of activity types throughout the development of a research project. As part of our mission to complement rather than duplicate other campus opportunities such as the Population Health Initiative seed grants, we will consider funding things activities such as:
CSDE Matching Support to Supplement On-campus Funding (Rolling deadline)
CSDE Matching Support includes in-kind or monetary support to accompany a submission to other on-campus funding mechanism, such as PHI, EarthLab, or Urban@UW. All projects must have a CSDE affiliate who is UW faculty and is listed as a PI or co-PI, with any number of other collaborators. Note that we require (PRPGs) or strongly suggest (matching funds) contacting either Development Core Director (Steven Goodreau) or CSDE Director (Sara Curran) to discuss possibilities for your specific proposal before submission.
NSF: Proposals Impacting Tribal Nation Resources & Interests
As of 5/20/2024, NSF proposals that may impact the resources or interests of a federally recognized Tribal Nation will not be awarded by NSF without prior written approval from the official(s) designated by the relevant Tribal Nation(s).
Proposers must:
- Seek guidance from the potentially impacted Tribal Nation on activities that require review and prior approval from that Tribal Nation’s authorized designee.
- Submit a written request to the relevant Tribal Nation (based on their guidance), for approval to carry out the proposed activity that requires their review and approval.
- Complete the checkbox for “Potential Impacts on Tribal Nations” on the Cover Sheet. Note, lead organizations are responsible for this on collaborative proposals & proposals with subawards considered a single unified project.
- Upload one of the following into "Other supplementary documents" of
- a copy of the written request to the relevant Tribal Nation to carry out any proposed activity/activities that may require prior approval from them
- written confirmation from the Tribal Nation(s) that review and approval is not required
- a copy of relevant Tribal Nation approval
Review NSF's Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1), CH2 E10, Seeking and Obtaining Tribal Nation Approval for Proposals that May Impact Tribal Resources or Interests.
Overview of Grant Application and Review Changes for Due Dates on or after January 25, 2025
This notice provides the research and research training community an overview of application and peer review changes impacting grant applications submitted for due dates on or after January 25, 2025, including:
- Simplified Review Framework for Most Research Project Grant Applications
- Revisions to the NIH Fellowship Application and Review Process
- Updates to Reference Letter Guidance
- Updates to NRSA Training Grant Applications
- Updated Application Forms (FORMS-I)
- Common Forms for Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support
Although each of these initiatives has specific goals, they are all meant to simplify, clarify, and/or promote greater fairness towards a level playing field for applicants throughout the application and review processes.