CSDE Welcomes Four More Faculty Affiliates!
CSDE’s Executive Committee is pleased to introduce four of our new UW Faculty Affiliates:
- Annie Chen– Assistant Professor, Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education, University of Washington. Chen integrates methods and approaches from multiple fields in her research, leveraging text mining, visualization, and statistical techniques to better understand people’s behavior and experience. A key area of her research expertise is text and visual analytics, particularly in the extraction and visualization of concepts relating to behavior, social and psychological processes, and contexts.
- Anirban Basu – Professor, Department of Pharmacy, University of Washington. Basu is a health economist and a statistician who specializes in research on comparative and cost effectiveness analyses, causal inference methods, program evaluation, and outcomes research. He directs The Comparative Health Outcomes, Policy, and Economics (CHOICE) Institute at the University of Washington, Seattle, with appointments in the departments of Pharmacy, Health Services, and Economics.
- Vanessa Oddo – Acting Assistant Professor, Department of Health Services, University of Washington. Oddo is an obesity epidemiologist whose research focuses on the social and economic determinants of nutrition-related health. Currently, she is leading a NIH-funded study that is investigating the extent to which precarious employment is related to obesity and cardiometabolic risk in the U.S. She also studies the impacts of nutrition policy and has expertise in investigating the diet quality of populations and determinants of obesity.
- Natasha Rivers – Program Manager, Sustainability & Measurement, BECU. Rivers works at BECU as a social impact, sustainability, and data measurement professional. She is developing a strategic framework around social impact by measuring BECU’s commitment to philanthropy, financial health and education, member engagement, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. In her previous role as Demographer for the Seattle School District, Natasha provided data required for Facilities and Capital Levy planning. She conducted scientific research and evaluation studies to measure the impact of Seattle’s affordability crisis, including the rise of K-12 homeless youth. (read more)
CSDE Regional Affiliate Amy Bailey Awarded NIH R21 Grant!
CSDE Regional Faculty Affiliate Amy Kate Bailey (Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago) has been awarded an R21 grant from the National Institutes of Health. The project, “Historic Violence and Contemporary Racial Disparities in Birth Outcomes,” will assess whether county-level histories of threatened and completed lynchings predict contemporary rates of infant mortality, pre-term birth, and low birthweight, as well as racial disparities in these key health metrics. Prof. Bailey, who serves as the PI, completed substantial work on the grant application while she was a visiting researcher and seminar coordinator at CSDE during her 2019-2020 sabbatical, and consulted with multiple CSDE staff members and affiliates during that process. CSDE Faculty Affiliate Amelia Gavin is also a consultant on the project. (read more)
*New* Population Health Initiative Call for Proposals [due 1-29-21]
The Population Health Initiative has launched its call for pilot grants due to PHI by January 29, 2021. These pilot grants are intended to encourage the development of new interdisciplinary collaborations among investigators for projects that address critical challenges to population health. CSDE is always happy to help you in the preparation of your applications - whether that is with scientific consultations or pre-award proposal support, which includes budget preparation, all ancillary materials, management of submission, and experienced reviewers for providing feedback on your narrative. Contact Sara Curran, Steve Goodreau or Scott Kelly with any questions. (read more)
Encourage Early Stage Investigators to Submit a Paper to NIH Competition [due 1-31-21]
The NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences (OBSSR) annually seeks paper submissions by Early Stage Investigators that showcase Dr. Matilda White Rileys’ visions of research excellent in health-related behavioral and social sciences. Up to four ESI awardees will be selected to present the findings from their accepted papers during the 14th NIH Matilda White Riley Behavioral and Social Honors, to be held virtually on Wed., May 5, 2021. Many CSDE affiliates’ research are great candidates for this competition. Consider encouraging your colleagues! The submission deadline is January 31st, and articles must be submitted here. (read more)
Canadian Population Studies Annual Meeting Now Virtual [Paper Submissions Due 2-1-21]
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation and based on a survey of CPS members conducted in Fall 2020, the 2021 CPS Annual Meeting will be held remotely. For more information, see the Call for papers. The deadline to submit is February 1, 2021. Abstracts should be submitted to CPS.CFA2021@gmail.com. Notification about accepted papers will be sent to corresponding authors beginning on March 1, 2021. Graduate students are especially welcome to participate in the Conference. Each year, the CPS holds a competition for the best student paper, awarding the winner with a $500 cash prize. Further details on the competition are included in the Call for Papers. Session themes for CPS 2021 include mortality; morbidity and health; family; immigration and migration; social diversity; labour market and education; fertility; Indigenous demographics; sex, gender and sexuality; COVID-19 and other topics. The conference will also feature some fun social events! The CPS strongly encourages all persons attending the conference to "renew" their membership fees. All attendees to the conference are expected to be paid members of the Association. Questions about the conference may be directed to the Organizing Committee Chair, Amélie Quesnel-Vallée (amelie.quesnelvallee@mcgill.ca). (read more)
*New* Call for IAPHS Workshop Proposals [Due: 03-05-2021]
The Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Sciences (IAPHS) invites proposals for pre-conference workshops on October 19th in connection with the 2021 conference that is to be held in Baltimore, Maryland October 19-22, 2021. Proposals for the Pre-Conference Workshops will be accepted until March 5th. You can submit your proposal here. Workshops should be designed to engage the audience in a focused learning, skill-oriented interactive experience. For each workshop, some didactic presentation content is acceptable, but the emphasis should be on engaging with the audience and aimed at filling a current gap in knowledge or practice. Case studies, simulation, small group exercises, and sharing of tools and resources is strongly encouraged. Workshops will be held in 2 hour or 4-hour time blocks. Proposals will be solicited from the IAPHS membership and reviewed by the Professional Development Committee, in conjunction with the Program Committee Chairs.(read more)
Register Now for PAA 2021!
PAA 2021 Registration is now open. Important Dates and Deadlines:
- February 19, 2021: Deadline for all presenters to register.
- February 28, 2021: Last day the early-bird rate is available.
- March 1, 2021: Regular registration rates will be in effect.
For those who must self-pay, a hardship rate, a 30% discount off a student or regular registration fee, is available. Simply submit a request via this form and PAA will update the registration system to allow access to the hardship rate. To request the hardship rate, you must already have an account set up in the PAA registration system. (read more)