Raftery Provides Empirical Perspectives on US’ Declining Birthrates
In a recent essay in The Conversation, CSDE Affiliate Adrian Raftery offers nuanced and comparative insights on the CDC’s May 2021 report about a decline in U.S. birth rates. In the essay, Raftery cautions against a panicked reaction, noting that falling birth rates have been true in the U.S. for forty years, such trends are similar to other similarly-situated nations, and that the very recent and dramatic decline in immigration to the U.S. contributed to the seemingly startling decline in birthrates. (read more)
Igra and Kenworthy’s Study on Crowdfunding and COVID-19 Makes News!
CSDE Affiliate Nora Kenworthy, along with UW Sociology PhD Student Mark Igra and other co-authors, recently published an article in Social Science & Medicine examining the scope and impacts of COVID-19 related crowdfunding in the early months of the pandemic and assessing how existing social and health inequities shaped crowdfunding use and outcomes. The article received significant attention in the media and a special press release from the UW. Using data collected from all US-based GoFundMe campaigns mentioning COVID or coronavirus, the authors use a descriptive analysis and a series of negative binomial and linear models to assess the contributions of demographic factors and COVID-19 impacts to campaign creation and outcome. They find that Crowdfunding provides substantially higher benefits in wealthier counties with higher levels of education, and differential outcomes based on the racial and ethnic composition of county population. Taken together, the findings demonstrate how a market-oriented digital technology used to respond to large-scale crisis can exacerbate inequalities and further benefit already privileged groups. CSDE Research Scientist Christine Leibbrand provided statistical consulting for the study. (read more)
Bleil Receives R01 Grant from NIH!
Congratulations to CSDE Affiliate Maria Bleil, Research Assistant Professor in Nursing, who recently received a NIH/NHLBI R01 Grant to study the effect of postnatal parenting support in primary care on cardiometabolic health in early childhood among at-risk families. The study aims to determine whether benefits of a Promoting First Relationships (PFR intervention), originally designed to impact parent-child behavioral and relationship outcomes in infancy extend to the child’s cardiometabolic health in early childhood. NIH funding will support the return of 214 mother-child dyads (85% of 252 total families) who participated in the original RCT. CSDE will provide support for the biomarker data collection, including assistance in developing protocols and training the study staff to conduct on-site point-of-care blood testing, and to collect biospecimens. CSDE's Biodemography Lab will assay the resulting specimens for biomarkers that may be related to cardiometabolic health. Once the data are collected, CSDE will be supporting Bleil’s statistical analyses.(read more)
Barrington Appointed Director of ARCH – Center for Anti-Racism in Community Health
Congratulations to CSDE Affiliate Wendy Barrington for her new position at the School of Public Health as the inaugural Director of the Center for Anti-Racism in Community Health (ARCH). This important and extraordinary initiative at the School of Public Health will be well-served by Dr. Barrington’s vision for, and practice of, dismantling racism and racist institutions impacting population health. (read more)
*New* UW Royalty Research Fund Grants [Due September 27, 2021]
Applications are open for the Fall 2021 round of the UW Royalty Research Fund (RRF) grant program. Proposals are due Monday, September 27, by 5:00 PM. This program aims to support new directions in research, particularly in disciplines for which external funding opportunities are minimal, for faculty who are junior in rank, or in cases where funding may provide unique opportunities to increase applicants’ competitiveness for subsequent funding. Proposals from all disciplines are welcome, with budgets up to $40,000. Application instructions can be found at the Office of Research website. Acting, temporary (including limited duration), or postdoctoral appointments are ineligible to apply for the RRF program as PI or co-PI, but may be included in the budget for the project team. Please see the updated instructions here. Contact the RRF administrative staff with questions about the program; new applicants should contact Peter Wilsnack, doogieh@uw.edu, 206-685-9316. (read more)
Attend Add Health 2021 Virtual Workshop [7/26/2021]
The Add Health team are hosting a workshop about the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health data. The Add Health data are a rich source of longitudinal information on adolescent to adult health, especially for exploring the social, biological, and behavioral linkages across the life course. These are great data for exploring many population health, life course, and reproductive health questions. The UW hosts some, but not all, of these data on our highly secure UW Data Collaborative site and several of our affiliates are active users of the data. If you’re interested, we’d encourage you to attend the workshop and get in touch with us at dcollab@uw.edu, if you have a project that might use these data. To read more and register for the workshop, click here and here. (read more)
Looking for Data? IPUMS CPS May Be Of Interest
IPUMS CPS has released data from the April 2021 Basic Monthly Survey as well as COVID-19 supplement variables from March 2021. Voter and Veterans Supplement data are now available for 2020. May 2021 and the disability supplement as well as new samples for the child support and public arts supplements will be available soon. For more information, see the IPUMS website. (read more)
Center for Human Resource Research (CHRR) at The Ohio State Announces American Population Panel
There are several representative population panels around the country, but The Ohio State’s CHRR American Population Panel is one of the newer ones. It is a team and a panel that are particularly attentive to the kinds of needs of demographers and population scientists. They have just released an update on how to access the panel and work with the CHRR team. You may be familiar with CHRR as it is also home to the National Longitudinal Surveys. Dr. Elizabeth Cooksey, Director of CHRR, visited CSDE a few years ago to give a talk on the NLS, as well as on the Amish registry database she was building. For more information about the APP email panel@appanel.org (read more)