October 25, 2021
CSDE Seminar Series
Inequality, Immigration, & Ethnoracial Stratification in the US
When: Friday, Oct 29, 2021 (12:30 - 1:30 PM PT) Where: Virtual on Zoom
This week, CSDE Affiliate and Administrator at Northwest Federal Statistical Research Data Center (NWFSRDC) Carlos Becerra will be presenting his longitudinal research on trends in socioeconomic outcomes between and within immigrant groups. This work departs from previous research that conceives of national immigrant groups as racially homogeneous; assume that human capital is the best predictor of immigrants’ incorporation in the host society; and only consider inequality between groups neglecting to examine the significance of within group inequality.
You can register for the seminar HERE, and check out all the upcoming topics and register for future seminars on our website.
This seminar is co-sponsored with the Population Health Initiative and the Northwest Federal Statistical Research Data Center (NWFSRDC).
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Tolnay Honored by SUNY Albany’s Center for Social and Demographic Analysis
CSDE Affiliate and former editor of Demography Stew Tolnay has just learned that the Center for Social and Demographic Analysis at SUNY-Albany has established the Stewart E. Tolnay Graduate Student Research Paper Award. While Stew is UW Professor Emeritus and the S. Frank Miyamoto Professor of Sociology, he previously served on the faculty at SUNY-Albany. Stew is a remarkable scholar with contributions in many areas, but notably in the fields of historical demography and the social demography of race. Stew is also known for his remarkable mentorship of early career scholars, as well as some of the most timely and thoughtful guidance for senior scholars. As editor of Demography (2010-13), he offered three years of carefully crafted and thoughtful editorial letters to numerous authors. Many editors since have indicated Stew’s standard as a high and worthy bar!
Congratulations Stew! We’re so lucky you returned to UW and CSDE! We’ve all benefited tremendously from your presence in our midsts! Well-deserved!
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CSDE Welcomes Four New External Affiliates!
Throughout the year, CSDE reviews applications from demographers working at other universities, as well as those working in the private and public sectors. These affiliates are keen to engage with CSDE's scholarly community. As external affiliates they are able to access our computing resources (including data and software) and online seminars or workshops, consults with our scientific staff, and collaborate easily with CSDE's UW faculty on research projects. Non-UW demographers interested in a affiliating with CSDE can click here to apply. This quarter, we welcome four new external affiliates:
- Kim Korinek — Professor of Sociology and Director of the Asia Center at the University of Utah. Korinek’s research examines the mutually transformative effects of social demographic changes, like population aging and population mobility, and individual and family level experiences of receipt of support, living arrangements, socioeconomic mobility, health care utilization, and other outcomes related to wellbeing.
- Sam Jenness — Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at the Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University. Jenness is an infectious disease epidemiologist specializing in mathematical and computational approaches for studying the drivers of and prevention strategies for infectious disease through the framework of dynamic transmission networks. He leads the EpiModel Research Lab and also collaborates on several projects in both methods and applications for infectious disease epidemiology.
- Ethan Sharygin - Assistant Professor & Population Research Center Director at Portland State University. Sharygin’s recent work concerns demographic consequences of wildfire, in particular on how first responders can more accurately estimate population in fire zones and how applied demographers can estimate migration in and around disaster areas using innovative small area estimates methods.
- Jennifer Hook — Professor of Sociology at the University of Southern California. Her research areas include gender, family demography, inequality, work-family, social policy, and comparative sociology. Hook's recent work examines the influence of country context on women’s employment, fathers’ time with children, and the division of household labor, as well as the impacts of state policy and practice on foster children’s outcomes and the economic vulnerability of parents involved with the child welfare system.
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Wakefield Awarded Funding to Lead UNICEF & UW Research Team on Estimating Subnational Mortality Among Children Under 5
CSDE affiliate and Executive Committee Member Jon Wakefield will lead the work on a Programme Cooperation Agreement between the University of Washington (UW) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). UNICEF is collaborating with the UW to further develop robust methods to generate subnational child mortality estimates and tools to apply the methods. These estimates can be used to identify geographic areas or populations with high risk of mortality as the first step to identifying bottlenecks and prioritize key interventions to save children’s lives.
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Grover and Colleagues Receive NSF Award to Conduct Research on Coastal Disaster Resilience & Mitigation
The NSF recently awarded a research grant to Michigan Technical University and CSDE Affiliate Himanshu Grover (Co-PI). The project brings together community partners, including a regional planning agency, county officials, and local officials from the Keweenaw Bay Indian community, with university researchers to understand the data gaps in addressing flooding and coastal disaster in two rural counties in Northern Michigan. The proposed project's vision is to develop methods that use remote sensing data resources and citizen engagement (crowdsourcing) to address current data gaps for improved flood hazard modeling and visualization that is transferable to other rural communities.
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CSDE Trainee Allen and Co-authors Study Demographic Trends of Contraception in Burundi in Latest Publication
CSDE Trainee Courtney Allen with UW Sociology and CSDE Alum Kerry MacQuarrie and co-author Alison Gemmill recently published a cluster analysis of women's reproductive and contraceptive experiences in Burundi. The paper describes patterns of pregnancy and contraceptive use by partitioning observed behaviors into six distinct groups. By identifying, naming, and highlighting the distinctions across these various clusters, the authors capture the variation in women's needs for contraception and variation in preferences over their lifetime.
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CSDE Trainee Glass and Co-Authors Explore Vaccine Hesitancy Among Arab Americans in New Publication
CSDE Trainee Delaney Glass contributed to a recently published article in the Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities with a team of co-authors from the Advancing Arab American Health Network and Allies Research Group (PI: Nadia Abuelezam, Sc.D.). The piece, available in full HERE, uses responses from the Survey of Arab Health in America to describe trends and differences in vaccine hesitancy among Arab Americans. The authors find that over half of the participants reported an intention to be vaccinated, but that women and moderately religious individuals disproportionately comprised those who reported they were unlikely to receive the vaccine.
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Bostrom and Co-Authors Publish International Comparison of Perceived Earthquake Risks
CSDE Affiliate Ann Bostrom and colleagues recently published an analysis of differences in perceived disaster risks across Sendai, Japan and Seattle, WA. The paper, available in full HERE, compares survey results across each of these communities and explores each community's willingness to pay for Earthquake Early Warning systems, which represent a large public investment in disaster preparedness.
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Curran and Colleagues Review Possibilities of Forest Restoration in Low- and Middle-Income Countries in New Publication
CSDE Director Sara Curran and co-authors recently published an Annual Review of Environment and Resources article on the state of knowledge about forest restoration (FR) as a climate mitigation strategy in low- and middle-income countries. Their review finds that while there may be possibilities for extensive mitigation through scaling up of FR, there are also significant and complicating mediating factors related to migration and livelihoods, as well as the ecological and silvicultural conditions, in those countries. The full article is available through open access.
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Updates from the CSDE Research & Training Cores
*** Extended *** CSDE Lightning Talk Applications due 10/26!
If you would like to present at this quarter's CSDE Lightning Talks and Poster Session please submit an abstract by the end of Tuesday, October 26, 2021.
- What: This is a wonderful, low-stakes opportunity for anyone who has incorporated demographic themes into their research to practice presentation skills and grow their network.
- How: Submit a brief abstract and information about yourself and your collaborators on the project. Submit your application HERE. We will select up to 7 participants.
- Where: the lightning talks will take place via Zoom!
- When ... Dates and deadlines:
- COB Friday, October 26: deadline to submit an abstract
- COB Friday, October 29: you will be notified if you have been selected
- COB Friday, November 19: deadline to email presentation slides to Courtney Allen (ckallen@uw.edu)
- Friday, December 10: CSDE Lightning Talks and Poster Session from 12:30-1:30pm. Zoom link TBA.
Please email ckallen@uw.edu if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing your submissions.
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Call for CSDE Proposals: Population Research Planning Grants
CSDE has funds available to provide a variety of forms of support for affiliates submitting grants from now through this summer. This might include funding for hiring an RA (quarterly or hourly), hosting or hiring consultants from inside or outside UW, hiring CSDE scientific staff, acquiring data sets, organizing a mini-workshop or writing retreat, or many other possibilities! One key restriction, however, is that funds cannot be used for faculty salary support or course buyout.
Applications are rolling, and CSDE's core leadership will review proposals every two weeks until the funds are exhausted. Early applications are encouraged!
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CSDE Computational Demography Working Group - Jon Agnone, Director of People Analytics, Tableau (10/27 @ 2pm)
CSDE’s Computational Demography Working Group (CDWG) is hosting Jon Agnone, Director of People Analytics at Tableau for its weekly working group meeting. Jon Agnone is a data scientist who works extensively to extend social research into a more dynamic data and visualization context so as to advance both the science and its applications. You can join this meeting on Wednesday, 10/27 from 2:00-3:00 PM PT using THIS Zoom link.
CDWG meets via zoom and its calendar of events can be found here. Meetings involve brief presentations and plenty of time for Q&A.
Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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