Don’t Miss CSDE’s Winter 2022 Lightning Talks and Poster Session!
Mark your calendars for March 11th, 2022 at 12:30 PM for CSDE’s Fall 2020 Lightning Talks and Poster Session. Six graduate students from the Health Metrics Sciences, Health Systems & Population Health, Statistics, and Sociology Departments are eager to present their research discuss their work with you during poster presentations. The session will take place on Zoom — you can register for the seminar HERE. You are sure to learn something new from the these very interesting presentations,
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CSDE’s T32 Fellowship Program Seeking Applicants (Due April 20, 2022)
CSDE’s Data Science and Demography T32 Fellowship program is now accepting applications for a 12-month fellowship for AY 2022-23. This training program is ideal for pre-doctoral candidates who have strong interests in gaining methodological training in data analytics and with research interests in the social determinants or social structural factors linked to population well-being, population health, or demography. The program provides mentoring and support for trainees pursuing scientific careers in relevant academia, government, or private sector organizations.
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CSDE Winter Workshops!
CSDE has two exciting workshops coming up covering the analysis in R. On Thursday 3/3, CSDE Research Scientist Phil Hurvitz will lead a workshop on Replicable Geospatial Analysis in R. The following week on Thursday 3/10, Phil Hurvitz and Matt Dunbar will lead an Introduction to Address Geocoding. The workshop will cover theoretical and practical aspects of geocoding, will provide some best practices, and complete with a hands-on exercise geocoding a set of addresses using ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap). Workshops will be held in hybrid format, with in person attendance in CSSCR Computing Lab in Savery 117.
Now Accepting Applications: Global Innovation Fund
The UW Office of Global Affairs (OGA) is now accepting applications for the Spring 2022 Global Innovation Fund (GIF) award cycle. GIF seeds projects focused on expanding international research and learning at the UW, and we are especially interested in supporting proposals by new entrants and early career faculty. There are three categories of awards for this cycle:
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CSDE Early Career Grant Working Group – consider joining!
Are you an early-career (pre-promotion) faculty member who is thinking about writing a grant? Perhaps you're just beginning to ponder the idea but don't know where to start - or maybe you're already experienced and still need some information, ideas, or moral support. If so, then you should join CSDE's Early Career Grant Working Group! We meet monthly in a hybrid (in-person in Raitt Hall and on Zoom) on third Thursdays from 1:30-2:30. Please email Steve Goodreau ( to be added to the mailing list and event invitation.
Please note: membership is focused on CSDE affiliates (any UW campus or external) who are in any kind of faculty position prior to their first major promotion (to associate or equivalent). If you have a question about your eligibility, please email Steve Goodreau (
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Call for CSDE Proposals: Population Research Planning Grants
CSDE has funds available to provide a variety of forms of support for affiliates submitting grants from now through this summer. This might include funding for hiring an RA (quarterly or hourly), hosting or hiring consultants from inside or outside UW, hiring CSDE scientific staff, acquiring data sets, organizing a mini-workshop or writing retreat, or many other possibilities! One key restriction, however, is that funds cannot be used for faculty salary support or course buyout.
Applications are rolling, and CSDE's core leadership will review proposals every two weeks until the funds are exhausted. Early applications are encouraged!
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