August 8, 2022
CSDE Affiliates Spotlight
CSDE Welcomes Five New External Affiliates!
Throughout the year, CSDE reviews applications from demographers working at other universities, as well as those working in the private and public sectors. These affiliates are keen to engage with CSDE's scholarly community. As external affiliates they are able to access our computing resources (including data and software) and online seminars or workshops, consults with our scientific staff, and collaborate easily with CSDE's UW faculty on research projects. Non-UW demographers interested in affiliating with CSDE can click here to apply. We are excited to welcome five new external affiliates:
- Hilary Bethancourt -- Research Associate, Department of Anthropology, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University. Dr. Bethancourt is passionate about working toward comprehensive and integrative approaches to addressing the social inequities and modifiable diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors that negatively impact physiological, mental, and emotional well-being.
- Joana Cunha-Cruz -- Professor, Department of Clinical and Community Services - School of Dentistry University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dr. Cunha-Cruz’s research focuses on epidemiological and intervention studies on pediatric oral conditions in Alaska Native, Latinx and low-income rural communities, as well as data analyses of national surveys and complex datasets merging different types of electronic health records.
- Julius Doyle -- Independent Researcher. As an Anthropologist, Dr. Doyle has researched a number of intersectional studies concerning the racialized experiences of African Americans and the ways that it affects their health and well-being, and presented on topics concerning the barriers that can hinder Black community outreach initiatives, academic success, and cultivating a truly diverse and inclusive work space.
- Jamie Goodwin-White -- Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of California Los Angeles. Dr. Goodwin-White’s research interests include migration and immigration, inequality, labor markets, and social statistics. Dr. Goodwin-White teaches courses on population geography, social geography, inequality, race and ethnicity, and migration.
- Nick Huntington-Klein -- Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Seattle University. Dr. Huntington-Klein's recent research primarily focuses on econometric methods and the economics of education. He graduated from the University of Washington with a PhD in Economics in 2012.
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CSDE Research & Highlights
New UN World Population Prospects Benefit from UW (Current and Past) Experts
Romich and Team will Evaluate Pay Structure in Human Services with City of Seattle and King County
The City of Seattle Human Services Department and King County recently awarded CSDE Affiliate Jennie Romich a large contract to conduct a comparable worth wage analysis of the regional human services sector. Working with the Seattle Human Services Coalition (SHSC) and regional human services workers, Romich's team at the School of Social Work will produce a report with recommendations for an updated pay structure for human services organizations. Presentations to regional stakeholders, including funders and human services organizations will take place after the report is completed, which is scheduled for January, 2023.
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Berridge, Turner, Fredriksen-Goldsen & Colleagues Publish Research on Novel Dementia Care Technology
CSDE Affiliate Clara Berridge, CSDE Trainee Natalie Turner, and Affiliate Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen with co-authors Liu Liu, Sierramatice Karras, Amy Chen, and George Demiris recently published new research in JMIR Aging. The article assesses the feasibility of a unique tool Berridge designed to support family decision-making about diverse technologies used in dementia home care which include a number of monitoring technologies which can be considered invasive. Through a pilot study with dementia care dyads, the authors find the tool presents a feasible and acceptable intervention to educate, facilitate conversation about these technologies, and document preferences.
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Cohen Cited in J-PAL Brief on Improving Tax Compliance
The Addul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) recently published a research brief citing work from CSDE Affiliate Isabelle Cohen. The brief reviews 36 randomized evaluations and a quasi-experimental evaluation in 32 countries which show that sending simplified tax reminder messages is a highly cost-effective strategy to increase short-term tax compliance. Cohen's paper presents findings from a randomized evaluation of text message tax reminders she conducted in collaboration with the Uganda Reserve Authority.
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Updates from the CSDE Research & Training Cores
CSDE Welcomes Pan as Director of the CSDE Biodemography Lab
CSDE welcomes Dr. Tiffany Pan as the new Director of CSDE’s Biodemography Lab and a new member of CSDE’s Science Core of Research Scientists. Dr. Pan returns to Seattle as a UW alum from the UW’s Department of Anthropology and CSDE’s training program. Most recently, Dr. Pan further developed her scientific acumen, teaching experience, and lab direction at UCSB in Dr. Amy Boddy’s lab. Tiffany has diverse research interests and ties across the UW which she will no doubt build on as she guides the Biodemography Laboratory forward.
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CSDE Recommends: August Issue of Population Research and Policy Review Now Available!
The August issue of Population Research and Policy Review is now available to read online! This edition features 20 articles that explore themes of cost of living and migration, fertility decisions across the world, and population projection and estimation methods. The issue features three open-access articles which separately explore the impact of paternal leave on childbearing intentions, analyze ethnic variation in completed and desired fertility in Kyrgyzstan, and discuss the demographic consequences of a female-biased sex ratio for population growth and population age structure. The journal issue also features an article from CSDE External Affiliate David Swanson--published in pre-print back in April--which presents a case study of Hopi Tribe population projects using the cohort-component method.
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New Request for Proposals from the NLCHDD!
The Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America (NLCHDD), funded by the National Institute on Aging, invites interested researchers to submit pilot proposals that have the potential to better understand how US adult health and mortality outcomes are shaped by multiple (e.g., state and local) contexts simultaneously. Health and mortality among middle-aged and older adults differ markedly across geographic areas of the United States. Pilot projects funded by the NLCHDD in recent years have examined why these outcomes differ across state contexts or across local contexts. This year, the NLCHDD seeks proposals that will examine how multiple contexts jointly shape health and mortality of midlife and older adults. Proposals are due Friday, October 14th.
As always, if CSDE's teams can be of additional help with your research planning or an application, please let us know. You can submit your interest and plans to the proposal planning form or contact Belinda Sachs (belindab@uw.edu).
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CSDE Seeks to Hire Computational Demographer & Research Scientist, an Administrator, and a Program Coordinator!
CSDE seeks a Computational Demographer to join its Scientific Core. This position will have a joint role and complementary responsibilities within the UW eScience Institute. This position provides methodological support to faculty and graduate students studying demographic processes and their connections to population health dynamics, as well as leadership on innovative new projects consistent with the scientific emphases of CSDE and eScience. It requires broad social science research skills, advanced computational skills, and an orientation towards service and facilitation of research. The successful candidate will provide support for researchers in the areas of responsible conduct of research, transparent science, data construction, statistical and/or machine learning training, demographic forecasting and probabilistic modeling.
CSDE is also looking for a full time Administrator and a full-time Program Coordinator to support our population science research infrastructure center funded by the NICHD.
With the Director, the Administrator is a primary point person for the development, coordination and implementation of center-wide efforts (including infrastructure and training grants, as well as reporting for internal and external purposes). The Administrator is the chief financial officer and business manager responsible for financial planning, management and overseeing daily center operations, acting independently and responsibly, given general direction from the Director and within the University's policies and procedures. These responsibilities include departmental administration, business planning, financial management, personnel, research project support and other functions as necessary.
The Program Coordinator will provide program support for CSDE staff and Affiliates while managing day-to-day functions of the Center. The Program Coordinator will report to the Administrator, but will also support the director, CSDE staff and affiliates as needed. As such, the successful candidate will have the capacity to interact with a client base from a wide variety of units and seniority, and communicate effectively about the services & mission priorities of CSDE.
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Computational Demographer University of Washington Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
- Administrator University of Washington Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
- Program Coordinator University of Washington Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
- Assistant Director – NULab Northeastern University
- Machine Learning Specialist University of Washington eScience Institute
- Assistant Professor, Sociology of Race/Ethnicity Yale University
- Postdoctoral Position University of Washington, College of Education
- Machine Learning Specialist University of Washington, eScience Institute
- Associate or Full Professor in Sociology Rice University
- Director of Research National Asian Pacific Center on Aging
- Assistant or Associate Professor – Women’s, Sexual, and Reproductive Health Johns Hopkins University, Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health
- Assistant or Associate Professor Maternal, Fetal and Perinatal Health Johns Hopkins University, Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Adolescent Health Johns Hopkins University, Department of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health
- *** FOR STUDENTS *** Graduate Research Assistant: WA Elections Database Project University of Washington, CSDE
- *** FOR STUDENTS *** Graduate Research Assistant University of Washington Center for Evaluation & Research for STEM Equity (Deadline: 8/14/2022)
- Future of Aquatic Flows Postdoctoral Scholar University of Washington Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (Deadline: 8/19/2022)
- Researcher in Demography Stockholm University (Deadline: 8/28/2022)
- Assistant Professor – Sociology of Immigration The Ohio State University (Deadline: 9/1/2022)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology, Data Science/Quantitative Methodology Western Washington University (Deadline: 9/1/2022)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Aging, Tissue Injury, and Pruritus University of British Columbia (Deadline: 9/1/2022)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Sociology (Deadline: 9/2/2022)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology (criminology focus) North Carolina State University (Deadline: 9/12/2022)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology (gender focus) North Carolina State University (Deadline: 9/12/2022)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology (race focus) North Carolina State University (Deadline: 9/12/2022)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology Florida State University (Deadline: 9/15/2022)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology (computational focus) University of Chicago (Deadline: 9/21/2022)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology (China focus) University of Chicago (Deadline: 9/21/2022)
- Three Tenure Track Assistant Professor Openings Boston University School of Social Work (Deadline: 9/30/2022)
- Postdoctoral Fellow – Social Relationships University of British Columbia, Department of Psychology (Deadline: 9/30/2022)
- Three Tenure Track Assistant Professor Openings Boston University School of Social Work (Deadline: 9/30/2022)
- Assistant Professor – Quantitative Health Policy Analysis University of California Berkeley, School of Public Health (Deadline: 9/30/2022)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology – Latinx Bowdoin University (Deadline: 10/15/2022)
- Postdoc Position on ERC Project on Siblings’ Intergenerational Social Class Mobility University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology (Deadline: 10/26/2022)
- Faculty Fellow, European & Mediterranean New York University (Deadline: 12/20/2022)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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