*NEW* Join CSDE at the PAA for Reception on Thursday 6-8pm (4/13/23)
Following on a pre-pandemic tradition, CSDE will host a reception for affiliates, trainees, alumni, friends of CSDE on April 13, 2023 from 6-8pm at Rosie’s on the Roof in the Higgins Hotel in NOLA. The Higgins Hotel is located in the Arts & Warehouse District of NOLA. We’ll provide the food and you provide the good energy and fun times! We look forward to seeing you there.
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*NEW* CSDE Research Team Seeking Volunteer Graduate Students for Research Project on New Method for Counting Homeless
CSDE Affiliates Zack Almquist, Amy Hagopian, and Nathalie Williams are rolling out a pilot project to test out a new method for improving the required unsheltered Homelessness count (often called the Point-in-Time Count). The plan is to administer short surveys to individuals experiencing homelessness across 10+ sites from April 17-May 15 using respondent-driven sampling (RDS) methods. We are currently looking for graduate student volunteers to help manage the sites’ data collection teams.
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*NEW* Computational Demography Working Group: Recruiting Volunteers for Large Scale RDS PIT Count King County 2023 (4/12/23)
Please join the CDWG for a fascinating presentation on a novel method for sampling hard to reach populations. In April 2022 King County Regional Homelessness Authority (King County Continuum of Care) with CSDE Affiliate Zack Almquist ran a novel method known as Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS) to estimate the total population of unsheltered people experiencing homelessness in King County at a single point-in-time. This is based on the HUD reporting mandate, where every Continuum of Care (CoC) attempt to count the total number of unhoused residents in a single night (see https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/hdx/pit-hic/) every two years.
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*New* CSDE’s Grant Writing Summer Program (GWSP) – Applications Open! (Deadline: 5/12/23)
This summer, CSDE is offering its Grant Writing Summer Program (GWSP) to assist scholars in preparing applications to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). CSDE aims to demystify the grant-writing process and create a supportive environment that produces grant proposals ready for submission to the NIH within the coming year. We have a strong track record of successful funding for participants.
Participants will meet in person every other week for 10 weeks over the summer.
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CSDE Population Research Planning Grants (PRPGs): Open for Applications
Population Research Planning Grants (PRPGs) are designed to provide in-kind support and/or funds of up to $25k* to support a wide array of activity types throughout the development of a research project. As part of our mission to complement, rather than duplicate, other campus opportunities, we will consider funding many more small and large types of activities that will lead to research products (publications, grants, data access sites and data documentation, code repositories, etc.).
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CSDE Matching Support: Open for Applications
CSDE is available to provide matching in-kind or monetary support to accompany a submission to other on-campus funding mechanism, such as Earthlab, Population Health Initiative, Royalty Research Fund, or Urban@UW
All projects inquiring about matching funds, must have a CSDE affiliate who is a UW faculty and will be listed as a PI or co-PI.
Note that we strongly suggest contacting either Development Core Director (Steven Goodreau) or CSDE Director (Sara Curran) to discuss possibilities for your specific proposal before submission.
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CSDE Science Core – Upcoming Workshops
Each quarter, CSDE offers 3-5 workshops on data sources, statistical and biomarker methodology, introductions to analysis programs, and more, all given by CSDE staff and faculty affiliates. These workshops can include hands-on training in novel methods and programming, lectures on innovative data sources, and discussions of important issues in research and data collection. Over the course of the academic year, CSDE will offer a diverse and exciting set of workshops, some of which will be offered in person and others remotely via Zoom.
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Calling All UW Researchers Who Use Administrative Microdata from Washington State or Local Public Agencies (4/27/2023)
On April 27, 2023, CSDE Affiliate and West Coast Poverty Center Director Jennifer Romich and the UW Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology will host a convening for UW-affiliated researchers who use or have used Washington state or local administrative microdata from Washington State agencies. The event will take place in 101 Hans Rosling Center with lunch provided for registered participants. We will overview current efforts to create a data repository and an accessible integrated state administrative dataset for population and policy research.
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New Security Information on the UW Data Collaborative
The UW Data Collaborative (UWDC) is CSDE’s secure computing platform. The system allows us to host highly sensitive data in a highly secured Windows remote desktop environment. Users can access their data and perform processing on powerful servers using state of the art analytical software such as Stata, SAS, ArcGIS Desktop (ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap) and open-source applications including R, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, and QGIS.
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CSSS Seminar: Regulating Ethics – The Status and Stakes of Institutional Ethical Review for the Social Sciences (12:30pm, 04/12/23)
Professor Rebecca Tipton (The Swiss Graduate Institute) will speak about her research around ethical review in the social sciences. Since 1974, institutional ethical review of human subjects research has transformed from a peculiarly American practice to a global standard. However, worldwide, social scientists have found institutional ethical review ill-suited for addressing ethical concerns in their disciplines. Critiques of ethical review made by scholars of politics and IR have emphasized ethics in practice.
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Harry Bridges Center to Host Discussion on Role of Public Records Request and the Freedom of Information Act (4/19/23)
Please join the Harry Bridges Center on Wednesday, April 19th from 12:30 – 2 pm to discuss the role of public record requests and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in labor research and beyond. We will discuss Washington State’s Public Record Act and the FOIA, specifically what these acts allow and how they support researchers and anyone interested in accessing materials that are within the purview of the acts.
The panel will include Joyce Sinakhone,
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Join the Washington Center for Equitable Growth in a New Virtual Event (4/19/23)
The Washington Center for Equitable Growth would like to invite you to a virtual event, “Getting on the GRID: Accessing and using statistics from the Global Repository of Income Dynamics,” on Wednesday, April 19, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EDT.
The webinar will delve into the data available at the Global Repository of Income Dynamics, a research project that assembles comparable cross-country statistics on income inequality and other income dynamics.
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*New* NIA Joins NIH P20 Call for Exploratory Grants for Climate Change and Health Research Center Development (Due 5/1/23)
The National Institute on Aging (NIA) has joined the NIH call for P20 exploratory grants for climate change and health research. NIA is specifically interested in understanding the biological, behavioral, and socioecological processes related to climate change and extreme weather that affect the health and wellbeing of older individuals, including those living with Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease related dementias (AD/ADRD), as examined in human and/or other animals.
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Global Innovation Fund Award Open: Global Engagement Fellows (Due 5/5/2023)
Consider applying to this new opportunity!
The Office of Global Affairs (OGA) offers awards up to $3,000 to convene new cross-disciplinary groups of faculty and staff (referred to as “communities”) that share a common interest in:
- a region or country
- a research theme
- good practice/innovation in inclusive globally engaged teaching, including study abroad
- other topics relating to global engagement
Communities will meet during Fall 2023 – Spring 2024.
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Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Climate Change and Health Administrative Supplements (Due 5/9/23)
The over-arching intent of this solicitation is to: (1) enrich and expand the research community in CCH to include new researchers from multiple disciplines, both in the US and in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) globally; and (2) conduct research that will create new knowledge to reduce or mitigate health threats attributable to climate change across the lifespan and build health resilience or develop adaptation mechanisms for individuals, communities, and nations around the world, especially among those at increased risk from,
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*NEW* Social Networks and Health Workshop @Duke University Open for Registration (5/19/23)
Duke University is once again hosting its one week summer workshop program on social networks and health. The workshop offers comprehensive training in network methods for health scholars. The workshop will be live and in-person this year from May 15-19 on Duke’s campus in Durham NC. Thanks to generous support from the NICHD, they are offering this training at significantly subsidized cost; registration is $125 for the week and covers lunch & coffee each day.
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University of Washington Undergraduate Research Program Seeks Volunteers for Symposium! (5/19/23)
The Undergraduate Research Program (URP) is seeking volunteers for this year’s UW Undergraduate Research Symposium on Friday, May 19, 2023. The volunteers are critical to the success of the Symposium.
This year’s event will take place fully in person, and there are a variety of volunteer opportunities taking place between 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Brief descriptions of volunteer roles are available on the sign-up link below, or on the Symposium Volunteer Page. Volunteers are welcome to sign up for multiple shifts (as long as the times do not conflict).
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The Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies Request Proposals for Washington State Labor Research Grants (Due 5/22/2023)
The Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies is requesting proposals for the Washington State Labor Research Grants.
The deadline for funding for the 2023-2024 academic year is May 22nd. Priority is given to proposals by University of Washington faculty, both full-time and lecturer. University of Washington graduate students may also apply if their project is sponsored by a faculty member.
Please review additional information in the above link for further information and reach out to Rachel at rerstad@uw.edu with any questions.
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Workshop Alert! ICPSR Panel Study of Income Dynamics (6/12 – 6/19/23)
This five-day workshop will orient participants to the content and structure of the core PSID interview, its special topics modules, and its supplemental studies, including the Child Development Supplement (CDS), the Transition into Adulthood Supplement (TAS), and the 2013 Rosters and Transfers Module. In addition we will discuss topics including the recently-released genomics data collected from children and primary caregivers in CDS as well as new data files which explain family relationships and demographic characteristics over time.
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2023 ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods (Registration Due 06/19/23)
Apply for the 2023 ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods! They will be offering over 90 courses and lectures in research methods. Nearly all of which will be offered both in person and online live with recordings available. On campus housing is available for the 3-Week Sessions and Intersession! For more information, look here!
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Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Accelerating Behavioral and Social Science through Ontology Development and Use (Due 9/30/23)
The Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR), with other NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs), intends to promote a new initiative by publishing a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to accelerate behavioral and social science through ontology development and use. Applications will be encouraged to develop new or expand existing ontologies for behavioral or social science research (BSSR). Applicants will be expected to form multi-disciplinary teams including subject matter experts in one or more BSSR fields,
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