CSDE Computational Demography Working Group Hosts Brad Foster on Measuring Migration with Linked Census Bureau and Administrative Records (5/17/23)
On May 17 from 3-4pm Brad Foster, a Senior Sociologist in the Census Bureau’s Center for Economic Studies, earned his Ph.D. from the UW Sociology department and is an alumnus of the CSDE training and fellowship program will join CDWG to discuss measuring migration with linked Census Bureau and administrative records. Brad will provide an overview of ongoing efforts at the Census Bureau to leverage administrative records — in combination with decennial and survey data
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CSDE Open House – Successful Despite the Weather!
*New* CSDE Seeks ASE for Research to Examine the Impact of the Dobbs Decision on Family Violence
CSDE is seeking a graduate research assistant to join our research team to examine the impact of the Dobbs decision on family violence in US Google search data using a natural experiment that takes advantage of both the timing of the national-level Dobbs decision and the variation in abortion restrictions by states following the decision. This research will occur under the direct supervision of Dr. Jeanie Santaularia. The largest responsibility of the RA will involve performing a literature review and assisting in writing papers,
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*New* CSDE Affiliates Shah and Balderas Guzman Seek ASEs for Research on Climate Maladaptation
CSDE Affiliates Sameer Shah and Celina Balderas Guzman seek two (2) graduate research assistants to support a systematic literature review of climate change maladaptation scholarship. This research will occur under the direction and supervision of Professors Sameer Shah and Celina Balderas Guzmán. The duties of the research assistants will primarily include closely reading and coding academic peer-reviewed articles. For more details read the job description here.
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New Content from the Journal of Marriage and Family
Check out the latest release from the Journal of Marriage and Family, Volume 85, Issue 3! You can find the new articles contained in the volume here!
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New Issue of Journal of Demographic Economics
Check out the newest issue from the Journal of Demographic Economics Volume 89, issue 2. This journal is sure to have plenty of research you’ll be interested in! To view this new edition, please click here!
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Interested in GIS? Read About CUGOS Spring Fling Recap to Learn and Network!
The Cascadia Users of Geospatial Open Source (CUGOS) is a Pacific Northwest group with members who are users and promoters of open source geographic information system (GIS) software and applications. Members come from all walks of life, including a large spectrum of business and academia, and active Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) members (board members, charter members, and active project participants). CUGOS meetings take place the third Wednesday of every month at 6:00 PM.
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CSDE Population Research Planning Grants (PRPGs): Open for Applications
Population Research Planning Grants (PRPGs) are designed to provide in-kind support and/or funds of up to $25k* to support a wide array of activity types throughout the development of a research project. As part of our mission to complement, rather than duplicate, other campus opportunities, we will consider funding many more small and large types of activities that will lead to research products (publications, grants, data access sites and data documentation, code repositories, etc.).
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CSDE Matching Support: Open for Applications
CSDE is available to provide matching in-kind or monetary support to accompany a submission to other on-campus funding mechanism, such as Earthlab, Population Health Initiative, Royalty Research Fund, or Urban@UW
All projects inquiring about matching funds, must have a CSDE affiliate who is a UW faculty and will be listed as a PI or co-PI.
Note that we strongly suggest contacting either Development Core Director (Steven Goodreau) or CSDE Director (Sara Curran) to discuss possibilities for your specific proposal before submission.
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CSDE Science Core – Upcoming Workshops
Each quarter, CSDE offers 3-5 workshops on data sources, statistical and biomarker methodology, introductions to analysis programs, and more, all given by CSDE staff and faculty affiliates. These workshops can include hands-on training in novel methods and programming, lectures on innovative data sources, and discussions of important issues in research and data collection. Over the course of the academic year, CSDE will offer a diverse and exciting set of workshops, some of which will be offered in person and others remotely via Zoom.
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Social Networks & Health Workshop to be Live-streamed (5/15-5/19)
Duke University’s Social Networks & Health Workshop is now making it possible for remote attendance through a livestream option. The workshop will be featuring a number of cutting edge researchers, including jimi adams, James Moody, Craig Rawlings, Brea Perry, Ashton Verdure, Peter Mucha, Kieran Lele, Gabriel Varela, Dana Pasquale, Scott Duxbury, David Schaefer, Carter Butts, Sam Jenners (CSDE External Affiliate and CSDE Alum!), Alex Volfovsky, Thomas Wolff, Peter Cho and Jessilyn Dunn. The topics covered include ABM,
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West Coast Poverty Center Invites Applicants for Dissertation Fellowships for Summer or Fall 2023 (Due 5/15/23)
The West Coast Poverty Center invites applications from University of Washington-Seattle doctoral students for the 2023 West Coast Poverty Center Dissertation Research Fellowship competition. The purposes of these one-quarter awards are two-fold: (1) to encourage scholarship on poverty-related topics; and (2) to promote equity, inclusion, diversity and access to academic poverty research careers.
Applicants may apply for either: (1) dissertation proposal preparation support or (2) dissertation completion support.
Support may be requested for the Summer 2023 or Fall 2023 quarters.
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CSSS Seminar: Isaiah Andrews, Professor of Economics at Harvard University (5/17/23)
Please join the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences for their next speaker in the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences Seminar Series. On Wednesday, May 17 at 12:30 pm, Isaiah Andrews, Professor of Economics at Harvard University, will give a seminar titled, “Inference on Winners.”
This seminar will be offered as a hybrid session. Below please find the abstract and information about joining in-person or on Zoom.
Many empirical questions concern target parameters selected through optimization.
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Social Networks and Health Workshop @Duke University Open for Registration (5/19/23)
Duke University is once again hosting its one week summer workshop program on social networks and health. The workshop offers comprehensive training in network methods for health scholars. The workshop will be live and in-person this year from May 15-19 on Duke’s campus in Durham NC. Thanks to generous support from the NICHD, they are offering this training at significantly subsidized cost; registration is $125 for the week and covers lunch & coffee each day.
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University of Washington Undergraduate Research Program Seeks Volunteers for Symposium! (5/19/23)
The Undergraduate Research Program (URP) is seeking volunteers for this year’s UW Undergraduate Research Symposium on Friday, May 19, 2023. The volunteers are critical to the success of the Symposium.
This year’s event will take place fully in person, and there are a variety of volunteer opportunities taking place between 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Brief descriptions of volunteer roles are available on the sign-up link below, or on the Symposium Volunteer Page. Volunteers are welcome to sign up for multiple shifts (as long as the times do not conflict).
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Join the Bridges Center Next Thursday (May 11th) to Learn More About the Washington State Labor Research Grant (WSLRG) (Due 5/22/23)
Please join the Bridges Center next Thursday (May 11th) to learn more about the Washington State Labor Research Grant (WSLRG). WSLRG application materials are due Monday, May 22nd. The meeting will include space for questions about the application process, examples of past WSLRG recipients’ projects, and more! If you have questions or want to discuss the WSLRG further and are not available next Thursday at 3:30 pm to join, please reach out to me to schedule a time to talk.
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*New* Announcing the 7th Annual UW GIS Symposium (5/25/23)
The GIS Symposium highlights and celebrates the transformational role of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, and data visualization technologies at the UW and beyond. The event will feature a keynote lecture (more details coming soon) followed by short talks from the UW GIS community. To submit a proposal, click here.
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*New* 17th Annual Graduate Climate Conference (GCC) (Due 6/7/23)
MIT will be hosting the 17th Annual Graduate Climate Conference (GCC) on November 2-4, 2023 at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. The GCC is an annual interdisciplinary climate conference run by graduate students, for graduate students featuring panel discussions, presentations, workshops, social events, and more. GCC highlights climate research from a variety of disciplines within the physical, natural, and social sciences and humanities, including: anthropology, atmospheric sciences, biology, communication, environmental sciences,
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Deadline Extension for the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) Data User Workshop! (6/12-6/16/23)
There is still time to apply to this year’s workshop on the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Please see the information below and contact Noura Insolera (nehamid@umich.edu) with any questions.
Join the ICPSR waitlist: https://cvent.me/ZLQP91 Upload application materials (CV and cover letter): https://forms.gle/sG4h9Aoix79theY9A
This five-day workshop will orient participants to the content and structure of the core PSID interview, its special topics modules,
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Introduction to Vocabularies in Population Research (6/12/23)
On June 12, 2023 @5am, the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) is hosting a webinar to discuss a recent report of the IUSSP-CODATA Working Group on FAIR Vocabularies in Population Research. The working group is proposing to build a new system for finding, integrating, and harmonizing data in the field of population research. The first step is to create a dictionary for creating metadata categories for datasets.
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2023 ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods (Registration Due 06/19/23)
Apply for the 2023 ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods! They will be offering over 90 courses and lectures in research methods. Nearly all of which will be offered both in person and online live with recordings available. On campus housing is available for the 3-Week Sessions and Intersession! For more information, look here!
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NSF Announces Cultural Anthropology Program Senior Research Awards (Due 8/15/23)
The National Science Foundation recently providing guidelines for submitting Cultural Anthropology Senior Research Award proposals. The Cultural Anthropology Program supports research aimed at understanding patterns, causes and consequences of human social and cultural variation, including research that has implications for confronting anthropogenic problems.
See the guidelines in PDF format
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Call for Abstracts: 23rd Annual IGSC Conference (Due 9/15/23)
The East-West Center International Graduate Student Conference (IGSC) is accepting abstracts from current graduate students, as well as from scholars, practitioners, artists, and scientists, who have completed a graduate degree within the past three years. IGSC welcomes abstracts globally and from any discipline related to the US and Asia-Pacific region.
This year’s theme is Elucidating the Periphery: Rethinking Neglected Narratives and Novel Approaches. This student organized conference provides an opportunity to venture beyond one’s own boundaries to interface with neglected narratives from peripheral perspectives as well as novel techniques in a transdisciplinary context.
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