Summer Network Modeling for Epidemics Workshop: Applications Open for 2022!
Network Modeling for Epidemics (NME) is a 5-day short course at the University of Washington that provides training in stochastic network models for infectious disease transmission dynamics.
This is a ''hands-on'' course, using the EpiModel software package in R ( EpiModel provides a unified framework for statistically based modeling of dynamic networks from empirical data, and simulation of epidemic dynamics on these networks. This course will touch on the deterministic and individual-based models, but its primary focus is on the theory, methods and application of network models. The course uses a mix of lectures, tutorials, and labs with students working in small groups. Click here to apply!
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First Meeting of the Quarter for Computational Demography Working Group Meeting!
When: Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 (2:00-3:00 PM PT) & then every other Wednesday Where: Raitt 233 (The Demography Lab) & Virtual on Zoom
Please come and introduce yourself and meet up with the other members of CDWG! We will be running this meeting in a hybrid format for the first time in two years! You can also refer to our website for more details about upcoming meetings.
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Call for Applications: Population Health & CSDE Summer Applied Research Fellowship
With support from the Population Health Initiative, CSDE is excited to announce our fourth summer Applied Research Fellowship Program. This opportunity connects a team of undergraduate and graduate fellows to address critical demographic analyses of population growth, housing demand, and housing supply for King County and Public Health Seattle King County. The deadline to apply is April 8, 2022.
This summer’s program will build upon the last two summers’ development of tract level forecasts of population and the geographic distribution of households by size and renter/owner status.
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Limited Submission Funding Opportunity: The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Higher Learning Call for Concepts
In the interest of maintaining a grantmaking portfolio that supports inquiry into issues of vital social, cultural, and historical import, the Higher Learning program at the Mellon Foundation invites ideas for research and/or curricular projects focused on any of the three areas outlined below:
- Civic Engagement and Voting Rights
- Race and Racialization in the United States
- Social Justice and the Literary Imagination
The University of Washington may submit a total of three concepts. The UW Office of Research will determine who is allowed to submit a concept on behalf of the UW. If interested, by 5:00 PM Friday, April 8, 2022 please submit to
- A one‐page letter of intent with a description of proposed aims and approach.
- CV (not NIH format) of the PI
To submit a full proposal through CSDE, please complete the Planning Proposal Submission Form.
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CSDE Spring Quarter Workshops
We're excited to offer the following workshops this quarter:
- Agent Based Modeling in R
- Observational Ethnographic Research: Online and Offline
- Data Storage & Access with the UWDC
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Limited Submissions: William T. Grant Scholars Program 2022
The William T. Grant Scholars Program supports career development for promising early-career researchers. The program funds five-year research and mentoring plans that significantly expand researchers’ expertise in new disciplines, methods, and content areas.
The Foundation supports research in two distinct focus areas: 1) Reducing inequality in youth outcomes, and 2) Improving the use of research evidence in decisions that affect young people. Proposed research must address questions that align with one of these areas.
CSDE’s Administrative Core is here to help on both internal and external grants - don’t hesitate to contact Belinda Sachs with questions ( or if you have a grant you’d like to start planning, submit a planning form through our online portal we’ll work closely with you and with your home department.
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Now Accepting Applications: UW Thesis Competition for Graduate Students
Add to Your Calendars: Race, Health, and Justice Symposium!
CSDE’s Grant Writing Summer Program (GWSP) – Applications Open! (Deadline: 4/30/22)
This summer, CSDE is offering its Grant Writing Summer Program (GWSP) to assist scholars in preparing applications to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). CSDE aims to demystify the grant-writing process and create a supportive environment that produces grant proposals ready for submission to the NIH within the coming year. We have a strong track record of successful funding for participants.
Participants will meet in person every other week for 10 weeks over the summer. They will learn more about the details of NIH grant mechanisms, writing, and reviewing, while also engaging in intensive writing of their own proposals. Participants will be paired with a senior mentor who will review their proposals, and participants will also review each other’s work.
Applying to the GWSP is open to CSDE affiliates (UW and external) as well as to local post-docs writing K awards with one or more CSDE affiliates on their mentoring team. If accepted, the program is free for applicants in these groups. Other researchers in the Seattle area are also eligible to apply and may be accepted if space is available; the program fee is $7,500 for these applicants. Current graduate students are not eligible to apply. Applications are due April 30, 2022.
For more information, and to apply, please see Still have questions? Email Steve Goodreau at
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Funding Opportunity: Spencer Foundation Large Research Grants
The Large Research Grants on Education Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, with budgets ranging from $125,000 up through $500,000 for projects ranging from one to five years.
To this end, this program supports proposals from multiple disciplinary and methodological perspectives, both domestically and internationally, from scholars at various stages in their career. The Spencer Foundation anticipates that proposals will span a wide range of topics and disciplines that innovatively investigate questions central to education, including for example education, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, sociology, law, economics, history, or neuroscience, amongst others.
To submit a full proposal through CSDE, please complete the Planning Proposal Submission Form. Letters of intent are due to the funder by May 4, 2022.
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National Academies of Sciences Workshop: Structural Racism and Rigorous Models of Social Inequity
When: Monday, 5/16/2022 (10:00 AM-4:00 PM EST) & Tuesday, 5/17/2022 (9:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST) Where: Virtual & In-person (Washington, D.C.)
The purpose of this workshop is to identify and discuss the sources and mechanisms through which structural racism operates. Invited experts will not only provide insights into known sources of structural racism and models of health equity, but also go beyond these to discuss novel sources and approaches. The workshop will help identify key research and data needs and priorities for future work on structural racism and health inequity. for the first time in two years! You can also refer to our website for more details about upcoming meetings.
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New Population Health Initiative Funding Opportunity
The Population Health Initiative, in partnership with Novo Nordisk and the University of Washington’s Engineering Innovation in Health program, is launching a pilot grant program to catalyze innovative projects that seek to develop solutions for people experiencing chronic disease(s). This program is intended to support UW researchers in testing scalable ideas that seek to better understanding at the intersections of biology, data, digital tools, behavior and financial implications. Applications are due May 31, 2022.
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Upcoming UW CHIPS Seminars on Homelessness
The University of Washington Center for Health Innovation & Policy Science, with CSDE as a co-sponsor, is excited to highlight two upcoming seminars in their ongoing Homelessness series.
On Wednesday, April 20, 2022: Graham Pruss will present a talk titled "Vehicle Residency and the Nomadic Turn: How a UW Undergrad Project Drove National Research to Inform Public Policy, Social Services, and Legal Advocacy."
On Wednesday, May 18, 2022: Isaac Rivera, Sarah Elwood, Victoria Lawson will convene for a panel discussion titled "Portraits for Change: Homelessness and Refusal Politics."
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CSDE’s T32 Fellowship Program Seeking Applicants (Due April 20, 2022)
CSDE’s Data Science and Demography T32 Fellowship program is now accepting applications for a 12-month fellowship for AY 2022-23. This training program is ideal for pre-doctoral candidates who have strong interests in gaining methodological training in data analytics and with research interests in the social determinants or social structural factors linked to population well-being, population health, or demography. The program provides mentoring and support for trainees pursuing scientific careers in relevant academia, government, or private sector organizations.
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CSDE Early Career Grant Working Group – Consider Joining!
Are you an early-career (pre-promotion) faculty member who is thinking about writing a grant? Perhaps you're just beginning to ponder the idea but don't know where to start - or maybe you're already experienced and still need some information, ideas, or moral support. If so, then you should join CSDE's Early Career Grant Working Group! We meet monthly in a hybrid (in-person in Raitt Hall and on Zoom) on third Thursdays from 1:30-2:30. Please email Steve Goodreau ( to be added to the mailing list and event invitation.
Please note: membership is focused on CSDE affiliates (any UW campus or external) who are in any kind of faculty position prior to their first major promotion (to associate or equivalent). If you have a question about your eligibility, please email Steve Goodreau (
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Call for CSDE Proposals: Population Research Planning Grants
CSDE has funds available to provide a variety of forms of support for affiliates submitting grants from now through this summer. This might include funding for hiring an RA (quarterly or hourly), hosting or hiring consultants from inside or outside UW, hiring CSDE scientific staff, acquiring data sets, organizing a mini-workshop or writing retreat, or many other possibilities! One key restriction, however, is that funds cannot be used for faculty salary support or course buyout.
Applications are rolling, and CSDE's core leadership will review proposals every two weeks until the funds are exhausted. Early applications are encouraged!
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