New Study by CSDE Affiliates Erosheva and Lee Finds Significant Black – White Differences in NIH Grant Award Outcomes
In a new study by CSDE Affiliates Elena Erosheva, Carole Lee and Statistics PhD student Sheridan Grant, the team has found significant Black-White difference in NIH Grant Award Outcomes. The team’s NIH R01 project has yielded several publications. Most recently, in their study, which sampled from over 54,000 R01 applications submitted between 2014-2016 by Black and White investigators, they assessed whether investigator race explains any part of the criterion scoring differences in the review process and how criterion scores are combined to produce the final review score. They used an exact matching approach to arrive at balanced samples and then a multilevel modeling analyses to evaluate outcomes. They find that funding award decisions for Black scientists is 55% lower than that for white scientists.
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CSDE Trainee Spotlight: Maxine Wright
How does neighborhood change influence an individual’s wellbeing? What does this mean for their mental health? How do processes of urban displacement complicate our understanding of the neighborhood effects health framework? These are the types of questions that CSDE Trainee Maxine K. Wright aims to explore.
Maxine received her B.A. in Philosophy, Neuroscience, and Psychology, an interdisciplinary program at Washington University in St. Louis and is currently a PhD student in the Department of Sociology at the University of Washington, working on her M.A. under the supervision of CSDE Affiliate and Professor of Sociology Jerald R. Herting. As a BIPOC scholar, Maxine is committed to applied research and using her research to empower the communities she studies in order to facilitate change. She takes an interdisciplinary and mixed-methods approach to her sociological research, and benefited from the mentorship of CSDE Director Sara Curran, particularly with regards to qualitative methods. She is a trainee in CSDE's Graduate Certificate in Demographic Methods.
This year, Maxine is providing crucial support for CSDE as the organizer of CSDE Lightning Talks & Poster Session for Fall quarter. And don’t forget! CSDE trainees and other graduate students can submit project proposals for this quarter’s Lightning Talks & Poster Session HERE by Friday, October 23rd!
*New* Request for Proposals: NIH Pilot Grants for Animal Models for the Social Dimensions of Health and Aging
Applications are open for NIH’s “Animal Models for the Social Dimensions of Health and Aging Research Network” pilot grant. These projects support research on animal models or comparative studies relevant for understanding the social determinants of health and aging. The grants will support 2 – 4 projects with start dates in 2021 and a maximum budget of $25,000. Project proposals should be submitted through the network website, no later than November 15, 2020. If you’re considering this funding opportunity, please consider filling out a proposal planning form and you will receive high quality and timely pre-award support for your application from our team!
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David E. Bell Postdoctoral Fellowship at Harvard Accepting Applications!
The Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies (HCPDS) is currently accepting applications for the next cohort of the David E. Bell Postdoctoral Fellowship. The Bell Fellowship is an interdisciplinary, postdoctoral training program designed for researchers and practitioners in the fields of population sciences and/or population health. Through self-directed research, selected candidates examine a broad range of critical issues, most from within the HCPDS’s focal areas: 1) social and environmental determinants of population health; 2) aging societies; 3) workplace and well-being; and 4) social/family demography.
Deadline for applications: 8 December 2020 at noon Eastern Time (U.S.).
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