CSDE Welcomes Four More Faculty and Regional Affiliates!
CSDE’s Executive Committee is pleased to introduce four of our new UW Faculty Affiliates:
- Zack Almquist– Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of Washington, Seattle. Almquist’s research centers on the development and application of mathematical, computational and statistical methodology to problems and theory of social networks, demography, education, homelessness, and environmental action and governance. His research has been published in highly regarded peer-reviewed journals such as the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Sociological Methodology, Mathematical Population Studies, American Journal of Human Biology and Political Analysis. Almquist joins CSDE as a faculty affiliate, and currently serves on CSDE’s Executive Committee, and as CSDE’s Core Training Director and co-chair of CSDE’s Primary Research Area - Demographic Measurements and Methods.
- Nora Kenworthy– Associate Professor, Nursing and Health Studies; Adjunct Associate Professor, Global Health; Adjunct Associate Professor, Anthropology, University of Washington, Bothell. Kenworthy's research explores the politics of global health governance, the sociopolitical impacts of HIV initiatives in southern Africa, and the changing roles of philanthrocapitalism and corporations in shaping global health programming. She is the author of Mistreated: The Political Consequences of the Fight Against AIDS in Lesotho (2017, Vanderbilt University Press). Kenworthy joins CSDE as a faculty affiliate.
- Susan Schaffnit – Researcher in Demography, Pennsylvania State University. Schaffnit’s research is interdisciplinary, pulling on methods and theory from evolutionary anthropology, demography, and population health science. She currently conducts research on early marriage, women’s fertility and health in Tanzania, Bangladesh, and India. Schaffnit joins CSDE as a regional affiliate.
- Yeon Jung Yu– Assistant Professor, Anthropology, Western Washington University. Yu’s research interests lie in social networks, sex work, HIV/AIDS, drug use, and social stigma. Her work is focused on extensive field research on “hidden” rural-to-urban migrant women working in the sex trade in contemporary China. She is currently writing a book based on her dissertation with the working title Enmeshed: Social Networks and the Integration of Female Sex Workers in Post-Socialist China. Yu joins as a CSDE regional affiliate. (read more)
Hirschman and Vignau Loria to speak at 2nd PAA Presidential Webinar [03-05-21]
CSDE Affiliate Charlie Hirschman will be featured in the second of a series of webinar panels featuring three PAA Past Presidents reviewing the main points of their respective PAA Presidential addresses and commenting on how demographic and social changes have evolved since then. Could they give essentially the same address today and have it still be true? Why or why not? Past president panelists include Reynolds Farley (1988), Anne Pebley (1998), and Charles Hirschman (2005). Following the presentations, there will be discussions/questions from 3 distinguished graduate students, including CSDE Fellow Maria Vignau Loria. Upon registering, you will get a link to the Zoom event and also a link the PAA YouTube channel that will include video recording of the event. For more information click here. (read more)
*New* Join CSDE’s Family Planning Research Working Group
CSDE aims to convene and host a working group that seeks to bring together an interdisciplinary group of health scientists/practitioners with social scientists to read and discuss current research about family planning, as well as to workshop participants’ research projects (no matter what stage those projects). The purpose of the working group is to broaden and deepen our understanding of family planning decisions and behaviors through integration of social scientific insights, health outcomes, and clinical experiences.The motivation for the working group resides in several observations - family planning adoption has remained stalled in many parts of the world, conceptual challenges remain with regards to ideas of unmet need or discontinuation, and women and their partners have a dynamic and contingent relationship to family planning that is not well-served by current clinical practices or interventions. We welcome participants with similar interests in reading, discussing, and workshopping projects around these ideas. The working group plan is to meet 2-3 times per quarter for about 90 minutes. Those interested in participating can sign up here. (read more)
*Don’t Miss* CSDE’s Winter 2021 Lightning Talks and Poster Session!
Mark your calendars for March 12th, 2021 at 12:30 PM for CSDE’s Winter 2021 Lightning Talks and Poster Session. Seven graduate students from the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, Economics, Sociology, Epidemiology and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research are eager to present their research in two-minute lightning talks and discuss their work with you during poster presentations. The session will take place on Zoom. You are sure to learn something new from the these very interesting presentations, which will cover a wide range of key topics in population science. Come mingle with colleagues, meet the next generation of population scientists, vote on the best poster, and support CSDE's trainees! (read more)
*New* NSF Program Solicitation for Leveraging Deep Learning Expertise
The NSF Directorates MPS, CISE, ENG, and the Social, Behavior, and Economics Division (SBE) will jointly sponsor research collaborations among mathematicians, statisticians, electric engineers, and computer scientists to tackle the most challenging theoretical questions in the general area of the Mathematical and Scientific Foundations of Deep Learning. Deep learning has met with impressive empirical success that has fueled fundamental scientific discoveries and transformed numerous application domains of artificial intelligence. Our incomplete theoretical understanding of the field, however, impedes accessibility to deep learning technology by a wider range of participants. Confronting our incomplete understanding of the mechanisms underlying the success of deep learning should serve to overcome its limitations and expand its applicability. The NSF program solicitation can be found at NSF-21-561. For timely responses to your questions, please direct your email messages to the Program Directors on the MoDL Working Group at modl@nsf.gov
To learn more about it, join a webinar on March 5, 2021, 1-2pm EST. The SCALE MoDL Management Team representing several NSF Divisions, including SBE/SES and SBE/BCS, will host the webinar. Any members of the community who are interested in this funding opportunity are invited to participate in the webinar. The webinar will have an open question and answer period for your questions submitted anonymously through the Zoom webinar Q&A feature. Participants may also submit questions in advance through the registration form or by sending an email to modl@nsf.gov. Please use this link to register. (read more)
*New* FOA Studying and Addressing the Impact of Structural Racism and Discrimination on Minority Health and Health Disparities
The NIH has just published a new funding opportunity announcement to solicit applications on (1) observational research to understand the role of structural racism and discrimination (SRD) in causing and sustaining health disparities, and (2) intervention research that addresses SRD in order to improve minority health or reduce health disparities. Letters of Intent are due in April and applications will be due in August. CSDE is always happy to help you in the preparation of your applications – - whether that is with scientific consultations or pre-award proposal support, which includes budget preparation, all ancillary materials, management of submission, and experienced reviewers for providing feedback on your narrative. Contact Scott Kelly, Sara Curran, Steve Goodreau, or Belinda Sachs with any questions. (read more)
*New* UW Simpson Center for the Humanities Faculty Summer Grants [due 03-15-2021] The Simpson Center is piloting two new summer programs in the humanities and humanistic social sciences for 2021, with a deadline of March 15. First Book Fellowships aim to support assistant professors in the humanities and humanistic social sciences whose appointment carries with it the expectation of a book for tenure and who are in the final stages of completing their first book manuscript. Faculty Summer Reading Group grants support cross-departmental reading groups for tenure-track faculty and teaching faculty.Please direct any questions to Rachel Arteaga, Simpson Center Assistant Director, at rarteaga@uw.edu. (read more)