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Demographic Measurements and Methods

How many we are, how fast is our society growing, and why are we moving are just a few questions fundamental to social science knowledge and particularly important for growing our understanding of population health. CSDE scholars conduct scientific investigations that advance statistical demography, population projections, spatial demography, demographic measurement, big data generation and analyses, and demographic models for population research. The Primary Research Area Chairs for Demographic Measurements and Methods are Adrian Raftery and Zack Almquist.

Research Area Affiliates

Clayton Page Aldern
Managing Director

Scott W. Allard
Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance

Zack W. Almquist
Assistant Professor, Sociology

James Anderson
Research Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences

Betty Bekemeier
Professor, Psychosocial & Community Health

Ann Bostrom
Professor, Public Policy & Governance/Weyerhaeuser Endowed Professor in Environmental Policy

Diana Canzoneri
Demographer & Senior Policy Analyst, City of Seattle

Kam Wing Chan
Professor, Geography

KC Gary Chan
Professor, Biostatistics; Professor Health Services

Vivien Chen
Research Analyst

Laura Cowen
Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics

Sara Curran
Professor, International Studies; Professor, Public Policy & Governance; Director, CSDE

Butch de Castro
Professor, Child, Family & Population Health Nursing; Associate Dean, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, School of Nursing

Jack DeWaard
Scientific Director and Senior Associate, The Population Council

Michael Esposito
Assistant Professor, Sociology

Paul Fishman
Professor, Health Services

Benjamin Fitzhugh
Professor, Anthropology

Brian Flaherty
Associate Professor, Psychology

Abraham Flaxman
Associate Professor, Global Health; Associate Professor, Health Metrics Sciences

Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen
Professor, Social Work

Dan Goldhaber
Affiliate Professor, School of Social Work

Steven Goodreau
Professor, Anthropology

Susan Graham
Associate Professor, Medicine and Global Health; Adjunct Professor, Epidemiology

Alan Griffith
Assistant Professor, Economics

M. Elizabeth Halloran
Professor, Biostatistics

Alexes Harris
Professor, Sociology

Janelle Hawes
Assistant Professor, Social Work and Criminal Justice

Jerald Herting
Professor, Sociology

Heather Hill
Professor, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance

George Hough
Education Research Analyst

Yuan Hsaio
Assistant Professor, Communication

Samuel Jenness
Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology - Rollins School of Public Health

Rob Kemp
Senior Forecast Analyst

Hyoshin Kim
Senior Research Scientist

Carole Lee
Professor, Philosophy

Michelle Lee
Assistant Professor, Strategy and Organizations at Smith School of Business

John Leverso
Assistant Professor, Sociology

Mark Long
Dean, School of Public Policy

Afra Mashhadi
Assistant Professor, Computing & Software Systems

Ross Matsueda
Professor Emeritus, Sociology

Tyler McCormick
Associate Professor, Statistics and Sociology

Laina Mercer
Research Statistician, Institute for Disease Modeling

Joseph Mienko
Senior Research Scientist, Partners for Our Children - Social Work

Martina Morris
Professor Emeritus, Sociology and Statistics - University of Washington

Katherine Nesse
Assistant Professor of Urban Studies, Urban Studies Program Director, Department of Sociology

Michelle O'Brien
Research Scientist

Roberto Orellana
Professor, School of Social Work

Kivan Polimis
Principal Data Scientist

Gundula Proksch
Associate Professor, Architecture

Daniel Promislow
Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University

Adrian Raftery
Professor, Statistics; Professor, Sociology

Natasha Rivers
Program Manager | Sustainability & Measurement

Anita Rocha
Research Associate

Elaina Rose
Associate Professor, Economics

Mauricio Sadinle
Clinical Assistant Professor, Biostatistics

Ethan Sharygin
Assistant Professor & Population Research Center Director

Jane Simoni
Professor, Psychology

Emma Spiro
Associate Professor, Information School

Amy Spring
Assistant Professor, Sociology

Aja Sutton
Postdoctoral Scholar, Earth System Science

Bryan Sykes
Associate Professor, Department of Criminology, Law & Society

Tim Thomas
Research Director, Urban Displacement Project

Jacob Vigdor
Professor, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance

Peter Vitaliano
Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Bradley Wagenaar
Associate Professor, Global Health

Jon Wakefield
Professor, Statistics and Biostatistics

Thaïsa Way
Professor Emeritus, Landscape Architecture, Director Urban@UW

Marcia Weaver
Research Professor, Health Metrics

Nathalie Williams
Professor, Sociology; Professor, Jackson School of International Studies

Hendrik Wolff
Associate Professor, Economics

Clair Yang
Assistant Professor, Jackson School of International Studies