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CSDE Research Affiliate

Daniel Promislow

Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University

Tel: 206-616-6994

CSDE Research Areas:

  • Demographic Measurements and Methods
  • Health of People and Populations

In the News:

Daniel Promislow’s lab focuses on the biology of aging, using theoretical, computational, experimental and comparative approaches. While this focus has led him to study a diverse set of questions, the key demographic traits of age-specific mortality and reproduction play a central role in all of this work. The Promislow group is interested in how patterns of selection shape and are shaped by these demographic parameters. Using a systems biology approach, they study high-dimensional molecular features as a bridge linking upstream genetic and environmental variation to downstream phenotype variation. In addition to lab-based work in the fruit fly, Promislow is the Principal Investigator and Co-Director of the NIH-funded Dog Aging Project, a nationwide open-data citizen science study of aging and age-related diseases in tens of thousands of companion dogs.