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Environments and Populations

Social and ecological contexts simultaneously influence, and are shaped by, population health and population dynamics. Embracing this complexity and methodological challenge, CSDE scholars study human resilience and adaptation to climate change, the role of neighborhoods in conditioning human behavior, and policy and program interventions and their impact on population outcomes. CSDE’s research tools include quasi-experimental designs, sentinel studies, spatial analyses, and multi-level and longitudinal assessments. The Primary Research Area Chair for Environments and Populations is Ann Bostrom.

Research Area Affiliates

Clayton Page Aldern
Managing Director

Kessie Alexandre
Assistant Professor, Geography

Scott W. Allard
Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance

Zack W. Almquist
Assistant Professor, Sociology

Leigh Anderson
Professor, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance

Anirban Basu
Professor, Health Economics; Professor, Health Services; Adjunct Professor, Economics

Luke Bergmann
Associate Professor, Geography

Maria Bleil
Clinical Assistant Professor, Child, Family and Population Health Nursing

Ann Bostrom
Professor, Public Policy & Governance/Weyerhaeuser Endowed Professor in Environmental Policy

Steven Bourassa
Professor and Chair, Runstad Department of Real Estate; Director, Washington Center for Real Estate Research

Gregory Bratman
Assistant Professor, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology; Director, Environment and Well-Being Lab

Dan Brown
Director and Professor, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences

Callie Burt
Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology

Joseph Cook
Associate Professor, School of Economic Sciences

Kyle Crowder
Professor, Sociology

Robert Crutchfield
Professor Emeritus, Sociology

Sara Curran
Professor, International Studies; Professor, Public Policy & Governance; Director, CSDE

Butch de Castro
Professor, Child, Family & Population Health Nursing; Associate Dean, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, School of Nursing

Jack DeWaard
Scientific Director and Senior Associate, The Population Council

Dan Eisenberg
Associate Professor, Anthropology

Nicole Errett
Assistant Professor, Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences

Betsy Evans
Associate Professor, Linguistics

Xinguang Fan
Assistant Professor, Sociology

Benjamin Fitzhugh
Professor, Anthropology

Amanda Fretts
Associate Professor, Epidemiology

Karin Frey
Research Associate Professor, College of Education

Mary Kay Gugerty
Professor, Nonprofit Management, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance

Katarina Guttmannova
Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Anjum Hajat
Associate Professor, Epidemiology

M. Elizabeth Halloran
Professor, Biostatistics

Alexes Harris
Professor, Sociology

Stephen Hawes
Professor, Epidemiology

Jerald Herting
Professor, Sociology

Jeremy Hess
Professor, Global Health; Professor, Emergency Medicine; Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences; Adjunct Professor, Atmospheric Sciences

Donna Johnson
Professor Emeritus, Health Services

Jessica Jones-Smith
Associate Professor, Health Services & Epidemiology

Hyoshin Kim
Senior Research Scientist

Michelle Lee
Assistant Professor, Strategy and Organizations at Smith School of Business

John Leverso
Assistant Professor, Sociology

Patricia Louie
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology

Maya Magarati
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Ross Matsueda
Professor Emeritus, Sociology

Susanne May
Professor, Biostatistics

Jacqueline Meijer-Irons
User Researcher, Experiences and Devices Management

Katherine Nesse
Assistant Professor of Urban Studies, Urban Studies Program Director, Department of Sociology

Paula Nurius
Professor & Associate Dean, School of Social Work

Roberto Orellana
Professor, School of Social Work

Jennifer Otten
Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences; Adjunct Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance; Undergraduate Program Director, Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

Vedavati Patwardhan
Postdoctoral Scholar, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)

Trevor Peckham
Environmental Scientist, Hazardous Waste Management Program

Steve Pfaff
Professor, Sociology

Kivan Polimis
Principal Data Scientist

Gundula Proksch
Associate Professor, Architecture

Adrian Raftery
Professor, Statistics; Professor, Sociology

Natasha Rivers
Program Manager | Sustainability & Measurement

Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Professor of Epidemiology; Bartley Dobb Professor for the Study and Prevention of Violence

Edmund Seto
Associate Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences

Sameer Shah
Assistant Professor & John C. Garcia Professor, Environmental and Forest Sciences

Ethan Sharygin
Assistant Professor & Population Research Center Director

Karen Snedker
Professor, Sociology

Sarah Stone
Executive Director, eScience Institute

Aja Sutton
Postdoctoral Scholar, Earth System Science

David Takeuchi
Associate Dean, Office of Faculty Excellence and Research, School of Social Work

Tim Thomas
Research Director, Urban Displacement Project

Peter Vitaliano
Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Thaïsa Way
Professor Emeritus, Landscape Architecture, Director Urban@UW

Yen-Chu Weng
Lecturer, College of the Environment

Nathalie Williams
Professor, Sociology; Professor, Jackson School of International Studies

Dafeng Xu
Assistant Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance