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CSDE Research Affiliate

Stephen Hawes

Professor, Epidemiology
University of Washington
Tel: 206-685-0146

CSDE Research Areas:

  • Environments and Populations
  • Health of People and Populations
  • Migration and Settlement

In the News:

Dr. Hawes’s primary research interests are in human papillomavirus (HPV) and other STDs, cervical cancer, and HIV and he has more than 20 years of research experience conducting cohort studies in Senegal, West Africa as well as in Seattle. He also studies biomarkers for various cancers including cancer of the cervix, anus, lung, breast, ovary, and skin. Dr. Hawes is Associate Director of the UW Strategic Analysis, Research and Training (START) Center and is a faculty member in the UW Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Program.