Attend These NIH Webinars on Data Management & Sharing!
The National Institute for Health recently issued NOT-OD-22-184 announcing these two upcoming webinars on the updated Data Management and Sharing Policy, which goes into effect January 25, 2023. Consider attending!
- Thursday, August 11; 1:30 – 3:00 PM EST
Understanding the New NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy In this first webinar of the series, you will learn about DMS policy expectations, the applicability of the policy, how to prepare a Data Management and Sharing Plan, and considerations for sharing data responsibly. August 11 - Part 1 - DMS Webinar Registration
- Thursday, September 22; 1:30 – 3:00 PM EST
Diving Deeper into the New NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy In this second webinar of the series, we will expand upon the information presented in the first webinar and dive deeper into topics including privacy protections for data from human participants and justifiable limitations on sharing data. September 22 – Part 2 – DMS Webinar Registration
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CSDE Seeks to Hire Computational Demographer & Research Scientist, an Administrator, and a Program Coordinator!
CSDE seeks a Computational Demographer to join its Scientific Core. This position will have a joint role and complementary responsibilities within the UW eScience Institute. This position provides methodological support to faculty and graduate students studying demographic processes and their connections to population health dynamics, as well as leadership on innovative new projects consistent with the scientific emphases of CSDE and eScience. It requires broad social science research skills, advanced computational skills, and an orientation towards service and facilitation of research. The successful candidate will provide support for researchers in the areas of responsible conduct of research, transparent science, data construction, statistical and/or machine learning training, demographic forecasting and probabilistic modeling.
CSDE is also looking for a full time Administrator and a full-time Program Coordinator to support our population science research infrastructure center funded by the NICHD.
With the Director, the Administrator is a primary point person for the development, coordination and implementation of center-wide efforts (including infrastructure and training grants, as well as reporting for internal and external purposes). The Administrator is the chief financial officer and business manager responsible for financial planning, management and overseeing daily center operations, acting independently and responsibly, given general direction from the Director and within the University's policies and procedures. These responsibilities include departmental administration, business planning, financial management, personnel, research project support and other functions as necessary.
The Program Coordinator will provide program support for CSDE staff and Affiliates while managing day-to-day functions of the Center. The Program Coordinator will report to the Administrator, but will also support the director, CSDE staff and affiliates as needed. As such, the successful candidate will have the capacity to interact with a client base from a wide variety of units and seniority, and communicate effectively about the services & mission priorities of CSDE.
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Call for Pilot Proposals: Studies of Health and Mortality of Midline and Older Adults
The Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America (NLCHDD), funded by the National Institute on Aging, invites interested researchers to submit pilot proposals that examine how multiple contexts (e.g., state and local) jointly shape health and mortality of midlife and older adults. Examining multiple contexts is essential because it 1) reflects the reality that people are embedded in multiple contexts, each having independent or synergistic effects on adult health and mortality, 2) can identify appropriately targeted strategies and interventions. Proposals might examine, for example, how state policy contexts affect adult in health in rural versus urban counties; or how the relative importance of different contexts on health changes across the life course and differ by gender, race/ethnicity, and SES. The NLCHDD is seeking proposals that will advance science in this important area and to lead to fundable grants.
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CSDE Recommends — Recent Population Studies Table of Contents
CSDE is starting a new regular service for its community. We’ll be highlighting links to recent table of contents for population research journals. Not only might this be of interest for your research, but we encourage you to submit your work to these outlets, too!
Population Studies recently published its July issue featuring several articles circling the topic of family formation at different stages. Several studies included take on distinct factors affecting fertility, including remarriage, women's health, and variation in fertility preferences. The issue additionally features some articles centering improved methodology--one of which, as we highlight above, is authored by CSDE Affiliate Mark Long, CSDE Trainee Elizabeth Pelletier, and CSDE Affiliate Jennie Romich. Lastly, the issue features several articles on sex ratios and gender differences in health both early and late in life.
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