May 25, 2021
CSDE Seminar Series
Panel: Issues of Fraud in Research
When: Friday, May 28, 2021 (12.30 - 1.30 pm) Where: Virtual via Zoom
This week, CSDE’s seminar is a panel discussion about issues of fraud in research. Fraud in research is a multifaceted and long-standing problem that has evolved and become more complex as research has moved online, making it easier for participants and fraudsters to participate in research. Panelists include CSDE Research Scientist Christine Leibbrand, Melissa Simone (University of Minnesota) and Danielle Woodward (UW Social Work).
Christine Leibbrand will discuss a research study that experienced substantial online fraud and the methods implemented to identify it, Melissa Simone will discuss her research on preventing survey bots, and Danielle Woodward will discuss fraud that occurs amongst human participants and researchers. CSDE Director Sara Curran will moderate the panel.
Register for the Zoom seminar here. This quarter, CSDE is recording the seminar series and posting the links on its website. Visit our site here. (read more)
CSDE Workshops
Attend CSDE Brownbag on Methods for Sampling Hard to Reach Populations!
When: June 8 & June 10, 2021 (1.00 - 2.00 pm) Where: Virtual via Zoom
CSDE is excited to announce that we will be holding a Brownbag: Methods for Sampling Hard-to-Reach Populations on Tuesday, June 8th from 1-2pm and Thursday, June 10th from 1-2pm. In this Brownbag, one of the leading statisticians studying innovative approaches to sampling, Tyler McCormick (UW Statistics and Sociology) will discuss the benefits, assumptions and pitfalls of methods for sampling hard-to-reach populations. McCormick will discuss how these methods operate in real research contexts, using cases suggested by attendees. This will be a great opportunity to learn more about existing and innovative methods for sampling and how to apply them in your own research.
Attendees are encouraged to attend both sessions, which will each focus on different sampling methods, in order to gain a more comprehensive insight into sampling methods and how best to apply them in your projects. A description of the Brownbag and the link to the sign-ups is here. We encourage attendees to also complete this short survey by Tuesday June 1st where you can submit descriptions of your proposed or in-progress research studies that aim to survey hard-to-reach populations, so we can better tailor examples and materials to the interests of attendees. (read more)
CSDE Research & Highlights
Join us for NICHD Population Dynamics Branch Funding Briefing! (05/26/2021)
On May 26 @8:30 am, Dr. Rosalind King, Population Dynamics Branch (PDB) Program Director, will join CSDE for an hour long briefing about funding opportunities through the branch and NICHD. After a brief presentation and overview of PDB’s priorities and mission, Dr. King will answer questions from participants. Dr. King is both a PDB Program Director and Associate Director for Prevention at NICHD. Additionally, Dr. King chairs the institute’s Reproductive Health Interest Group and serves as a project scientist for the Science of Behavior Change Program within the NIH Common Fund. Register for this event here and join us by Zoom for the webinar. (read more)
Wakefield on WHO Technical Advisory Group That Develops Model for Excess Mortality Estimation
CSDE Affiliate Jon Wakefield and Biostatistics PhD Student Serge Aleshin-Guendel are participating on the the WHO Technical Advisory Group on COVID-19 Mortality Assessment. As part of that effort, Wakefield, Aleshin-Guendel and the TAG have developed a new model for estimating excess mortality. To read more about their work visit their report at the WHO link. Those results were also recently reported on by the New York Times. (read more)
CSDE Affiliates Join in Penning Opinion on COVID-related Vulnerabilities Among Women of Color and Non-Binary Faculty
CSDE Affiliates Jane J. Lee, Anna Zamora-Kapoor and Karin D. Martin joined Dr. Ching-In Chen, Dr. Jacqueline L. Padilla-Gamiño, Dr. Beatrice Wamuti, and Dr. Linh T. Nguyen in an opinion piece for the South Seattle Emerald in which they explain how women of color and non-binary faculty have also experienced the negative multiplier effects resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic’s impacts on those most vulnerable, even in the higher education sector. The authors of the opinion have been meeting regularly since 2019 as part of an early career women and non-binary faculty working group. Read their opinion here. (read more)
NIH Launches New Bridge2AI Program
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Fund has established a new program, Bridge to Artificial Intelligence (Bridge2AI), which aims to generate flagship data sets and best practices for the collection and preparation of Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML)-ready data to address biomedical and behavioral research grand challenges. The program plans to support several interdisciplinary Data Generation Projects (OTA-21-008) and one complementary cross-cutting Integration, Dissemination and Evaluation (BRIDGE) Center (NOT-RM-21-021). The new program was the subject of a recent post on the National Library of Medicine (NLM) Director’s blog. NIH will also host a series of webinars and virtual events in June to share more information about the program with prospective applications. (read more)
Notice of Special Interest: Ancillary Reproductive Health Projects to Existing Large and/or Longitudinal Studies
The goal of this NOSI is to support the addition of reproductive health components to ongoing large and/or longitudinal studies that have not previously collected data or specimens relevant to reproductive health on a large-scale basis. It is anticipated that this mechanism will allow the collection of data and bio specimens from large and/or long-running studies that will enable researchers to address reproductive questions that would otherwise require independent cohorts. There is a new due date extension to July 1 (extended by NOT-HD-21-034). (read more)
NIH Working Group Provides Report on Importance of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
An NIH Working Group documenting the trans-institute contributions of behavioral and social sciences researchers and research has just published a report that should be of interest to many CSDE affiliates and trainees. In their executive summary, they point to how COVID-19 transmission, structural racism, health disparities, firearm violence, and opioid addiction are among the urgent public health issues that are predominantly social and behavioral in nature. Effectively addressing these issues requires a robust basic behavioral and social sciences research (bBSSR) agenda that can support new and innovative approaches to understanding and changing behavior and social systems. (read more)
Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Postdoctoral Researcher, IT for a Sustainable and Secure Society Uppsala University, Sweden (Deadline: 5/28/2021)
- Equity Scholars, Urban Institute, Washington, DC (6/1/2021)
- Postdoctoral or Predoctoral Position on Machine Tools for Behavioral Science Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany (Deadline: 6/6/2021)
- Term Faculty (Non-Tenure Track) – School of Public Service, Statistics and Research DePaul University (Deadline: 6/9/2021)
- Postdoctoral Positions (Cluster Hire) in Dairy Food Systems, University of Vermont (6/21/2021)
- Predoctoral Fellowship in Child & Family Well-being University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (Deadline: 9/15/2021)
- Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty Position in Aging and Cognitive Health University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth (Open until filled)
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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