BaRcelona Summer School of Demography
The Center for Demographic Studies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona is currently accepting applications for a four-module Summer School of Demography to deliver R training for demographic researchers, including coverage of data visualizations and spatial analysis. The program runs from July 4 through July 29, 2022 in Spain, and participants have the option to selectively attend modules. Applications are due 3/31/3022.
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Upcoming Applicant Info Webinar: Evaluating the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic-related Food and Housing Policies and Programs on Health Outcomes in Health Disparity Populations
The NIH is hosting an informational webinar for those interested in applying to their Request For Applications related to COVID-19 housing & health outcomes research. The webinar will provide an overview of the FOA and address questions submitted in advance of the webinar. NIH staff will discuss the purpose and scope of this funding opportunity; go over the scientific review process and review criteria; and share the specific research interests of each of the participating NIH Institutes and Office.
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CSDE Winter Workshops are Coming Up!
CSDE has two exciting workshops coming up covering the analysis in R. On Thursday, 2/24, we are thrilled to have Kyle Walker (Geography, Texas Christian University), author of the tidycensus package, lead Introduction to tidycensus. The tidycensus package allows for easy user interface with Census and American Community Survey data temporally and across Census geographies. For estimates based on ACS data, the tidycensus package relies on methodology used in the survey package. The following Thursday, 3/3, CSDE Research Scientist Phil Hurvitz will lead a workshop on Replicable Geospatial Analysis in R.
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Now Accepting Applications: CSDE Data Science and Demography Training Fellowship
CSDE is pleased to announce the availability of 12-month fellowships supported by the NIH T32 fellowship program in Data Science and Demography Training (DSDT) to begin mid-September 2022. In the upcoming year, there are four openings for the DSDT fellowship program. This fellowship provides a monthly stipend (NIH predoctoral level) and a small travel grant. Tuition (including the Operating Fee and Building Fee), and health insurance premiums are also covered. The fellowship is renewable for a second year, as long as sufficient progress is made towards the fellow’s training goals. Applicants should submit their application packet to the DSTD Program Director (Zack Almquist; and CSDE’s training program advisor (Jill Fulmore: by 5pm on 04/20/2022 (Friday).
Now Accepting Applications: Global Innovation Fund
The UW Office of Global Affairs (OGA) is now accepting applications for the Spring 2022 Global Innovation Fund (GIF) award cycle. GIF seeds projects focused on expanding international research and learning at the UW, and we are especially interested in supporting proposals by new entrants and early career faculty. There are three categories of awards for this cycle:
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Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute Grants Deadlines Approaching
A reminder that the ADAI Small Grants Program deadline is March 15th and if you are interested in applying please submit a CSDE Planning Proposal Submission Form. We are here to help!
Regular Small Grants (all alcohol and drug topics)
Research is supported across a broad range of study related to alcohol and drug use and addiction, from pharmacology to clinical and psychosocial research. These grants are available to UW researchers only. Applications are due by 5:00pm on March 15, 2022. Full RFA available here.
Cannabis Small Grants
Research is supported across a broad range of study related to cannabis use, from pharmacology to clinical and psychosocial research. Funding this cycle is for up to 12 months. These grants are available to UW researchers only. Applications are due by 5:00pm on March 15, 2022. Full RFA available here.
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CSDE Early Career Grant Working Group – consider joining!
Are you an early-career (pre-promotion) faculty member who is thinking about writing a grant? Perhaps you're just beginning to ponder the idea but don't know where to start - or maybe you're already experienced and still need some information, ideas, or moral support. If so, then you should join CSDE's Early Career Grant Working Group! We meet monthly in a hybrid (in-person in Raitt Hall and on Zoom) on third Thursdays from 1:30-2:30. Please email Steve Goodreau ( to be added to the mailing list and event invitation.
Please note: membership is focused on CSDE affiliates (any UW campus or external) who are in any kind of faculty position prior to their first major promotion (to associate or equivalent). If you have a question about your eligibility, please email Steve Goodreau (
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Call for CSDE Proposals: Population Research Planning Grants
CSDE has funds available to provide a variety of forms of support for affiliates submitting grants from now through this summer. This might include funding for hiring an RA (quarterly or hourly), hosting or hiring consultants from inside or outside UW, hiring CSDE scientific staff, acquiring data sets, organizing a mini-workshop or writing retreat, or many other possibilities! One key restriction, however, is that funds cannot be used for faculty salary support or course buyout.
Applications are rolling, and CSDE's core leadership will review proposals every two weeks until the funds are exhausted. Early applications are encouraged!
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