June 27, 2022
CSDE Affiliate Spotlight
CSDE Welcomes Four New Affiliates!
CSDE’s Executive Committee is pleased to introduce four of our new UW Faculty Affiliates:
- Kessie Alexandre -- Assistant Professor, Geography. Dr. Alexandre’s research focuses on public health risk and ethics; environmental racism; climate justice and the social implications of climate change adaptation; Black geographies and diaspora; and the politics and ethics of infrastructure. Her first book project, Floods and Fountains, is an ethnographic study of water insecurity and civic participation in Newark, New Jersey.
- Magda Boutros -- Assistant Professor, Sociology. Dr. Boutros is a sociologist who studies social movements against policing and the criminal justice system. Her book project examines contemporary French social and political mobilizations against racialized policing practices.
- Jin-Kyu Jung -- Associate Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences. Dr. Jung is an urban geographer and planner whose interdisciplinary research develops new ways of critical, qualitative, and creative possibilities of Geographic Information Sciences (GIS) and geographic visualization in understanding socio-spatial processes and politics of urban space and community.
- Maya Magarati -- Acting Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Dr. Magarati is core faculty in Seven Directions, A Center for Indigenous Public Health, a part of the Center for the Study of Health and Risk Behaviors. She incorporates Indigenous, landscape-based, culture-centered epistemologies in substance use, mental health, STI/HIV and environmental health research and evaluation.
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CSDE Research & Highlights
Glass, Geerkens, and Martin Publish Systematic Review on Factors Affecting Female Pubertal Timing
CSDE Trainee Delaney Glass, co-author Joy Geerkens, and CSDE Affiliate Melanie Martin recently published a review article surveying studies that examine measures of both prepubertal growth (e.g., weight, height) and psychosocial stressors (e.g., adversity, father absence) in relation to female pubertal timing. The authors motivate this research with the lack of discussion around causal mechanisms in studies of psychosocial stressors effects on puberty, opening up the potential for confounding mechanisms assessed here.
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Jones-Smith, Knox, Hurvitz, Hamilton, and Colleagues Publish New Research in Food Policy
CSDE Affiliates Jessica Jones-Smith, Melissa Knox, and CSDE Research Scientists Phil Hurvitz and Deven Hamilton recently published new research exploring the impacts of sweetened beverage taxes with co-authors Norma Coe, Lina Walkinshaw, John Schoof, and James Krieger. The authors assess the degree to which sweetened beverage taxes in three large US cities placed an inequitable burden on populations with lower incomes. They assess spending on beverage taxes across income categories, after taxes. They also examine whether there is a net transfer of funds towards lower income populations once allocation of tax revenue is considered.
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Long, Vigdor, Wething, and Co-authors Publish New Working Paper on Boundary Discontinuity Methods
Berridge and Colleagues Publish Research on Technology in Elder Care
CSDE Affiliate Clara Berridge, with co-authors Yuanjin Zhou, Amanda Lazar, Anupreet Porwal, Nora Mattek, Sarah Gothard, and Jeffrey Kaye recently received the Best Paper Award at the Designing Interactive Systems 2022 Conference. The study results stem from a survey of a U.S. online cohort of patients who use technologies to manage their own care. The findings show how important it is for patients to have control over monitoring technologies, including managing their privacy and other information associated with the monitoring technology.
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Updates from the CSDE Research & Training Cores
Training Opportunity in Research Integrity
UW researchers are invited to join the 2022 Biomedical Research Integrity program. The U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) requires that all pre- and post-doctoral researchers supported by PHS training grants receive training in the responsible conduct of research. The University of Washington School of Medicine Department of Bioethics and Humanities and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center developed BRI to enable its researchers to meet the PHS requirement. Lectures are open to the public, all are welcome. Register for BRI discussions and lectures, to occur July 5-September 9.
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Funding Opportunity for Research on Climate Change and Human Health
The Burroughs Wellcome Fund has a new request for proposals for research exploring the health impacts of climate change. The funding opportunity consists of small grants to promote growth of new connections between scholars, practitioners, educators, and/or communicators working to understand, spread the word about, and mitigate the impacts of climate change on human health. The funder is particularly but not exclusively interested in activities that build connections between basic/early biomedical scientific approaches and ecological, environmental, geological, geographic, and planetary-scale thinking, as well as with population-focused fields including epidemiology and public health, demography, economics, and urban planning. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis through August 30, 2023.
As always, if CSDE's teams can be of additional help with your research planning or an application, please let us know. You can submit your interest and plans to the proposal planning form or contact Belinda Sachs (belindab@uw.edu).
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Learn about the NSF Cultural Anthropology Program in Upcoming Webinar!
The National Science Foundation is hosting a webinar to discuss funding opportunities available through their cultural anthropology program on Wednesday, July 13, from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM Pacific time. Interested, but unable to attend? You can see a recording of their May 23rd session or find the slides from that presentation on the event page.
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Demography Events
Conferences & Calls for Papers
- Call for Papers: Critical Perspectives on Migrants, Migration, and COVID-19 Vaccination (Deadline: 6/30/2022)
- Call for Papers: Critical Perspectives on Migrants, Migration, and COVID-19 Vaccination (Deadline: 6/30/2022)
- Call for Abstracts: 50th Anniversary Special Issue on Population Challenges in the 21st Century: Looking Backward, Looking Forward (Deadline: 7/1/2022)
- Call for Papers: International Migration Special Issue, “Social networks in migration and migrant incorporation: new developments and challenges” (Deadline: 7/15/2022)
- Call for Papers: Southern Demographic Association 2022 Annual Meeting 10/17/2022 Knoxville, TN (Deadline: 7/15/2022)
- Call for Papers: “Black Reparations: Insights from the Social Sciences” The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences (Deadline: 7/15/2022)
- Call for Papers: Geographic inequalities in health and mortality: Factors contributing to trends and differentials (Deadline: 7/15/2022)
- IRSA XV World Congress of Rural Sociology: Rural Sustainability in the Urban Century 7/19/2022 Cairns, Australia
- Call for Papers: “New Horizons in Ageism Research: Innovation in Study Design, Methodology, and Applications to Research, Policy, and Practice” Journal of Applied Gerontology (Deadline: 8/31/2022)
- Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science 2022 Conference 9/20/2022 Minneapolis, MN
- International Conference on Family Planning 11/14/2022 Pattaya City, Thailand
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology |
csde@uw.edu 206 Raitt Hall (206) 616-7743 |
UW Box 353412 Seattle, WA 98195-3412 |
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