Tents in Seattle: Sanctioned and Unsanctioned Tent Encampments
When: Friday, May 21, 2021 (12.30 - 1.30 pm) Where: Virtual via Zoom
At the CSDE seminar on May 21st, CSDE Affiliate Dr. Karen Snedker will present “Tents in Seattle: Sanctioned and Unsanctioned Tent Encampments”. CSDE Affiliate Amy Bailey will moderate the discussion. Dr. Snedker will present on unsanctioned and sanctioned tent encampments in Seattle, based on both quantitative and qualitative data. Dr. Snedker is a Professor of Sociology at Seattle Pacific University. Her research focuses on mental health, homelessness, crime and violence, and neighborhood effects.
Register for Dr. Snedker’s Zoom seminar here. This quarter, CSDE is recording the seminar series and posting the links on its website. Visit our site here. (read more)
CSDE Affiliates Awarded Data Science Course Development Grants from UW’s Division of Social Sciences & the Data Science Initiative!
Congratulations are in order for several CSDE affiliates within the Division of Social Sciences who were recently awarded course improvement grants within the Data Science Initiative. Dan Eisenberg was awarded a course improvement grant for two courses: BIOA 3511 Principles of Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health and BIOA 355/BIOL 385 Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health. Alan Griffith was awarded a grant for ECON 410: The Economics of Networks. Melissa Knox was awarded a grant for Econ 448: Population and Development. These grants are part of the larger UW initiative to infuse data science training across the curriculum and represent a special initiative undertaken by the Division of Social Sciences. Last year’s social sciences awardees also included several CSDE affiliates: Zack Almquist, Steve Goodreau, LaShawnDa Pittman, Clair Yang, and Bo Zhao.(read more)
Applications Open for CSDE’s Demographic Methods Certificate Program!
CSDE’s Graduate Training Program is now accepting applications from UW graduate students who would like to pursue training in demographic research by becoming CSDE trainees–either by pursuing the Graduate Certificate in Demographic Methods or by pursuing the non-Certificate Track. We welcome students in any PhD or Master’s program, including terminal/professional Master’s degree programs to apply. The deadline to apply to the program is Friday, May 28 at 5pm. In addition to receiving excellent training in Demography, trainees also gain access to CSDE's computing and research resources, opportunities to apply for competitive fellowships, and mentorship opportunities. More details about the program, these two tracks, and how to apply to be a CSDE Trainee are available in the Call for Applications. For questions, please contact CSDE Training Director Christine Leibbrand. (read more)
Join us for NICHD Population Dynamics Branch Funding Briefing! (05/26/2021)
On May 26 @8:30 am, Dr. Rosalind King, Population Dynamics Branch (PDB) Program Director, will join CSDE for an hour long briefing about funding opportunities through the branch and NICHD. After a brief presentation and overview of PDB’s priorities and mission, Dr. King will answer questions from participants. Dr. King is both a PDB Program Director and Associate Director for Prevention at NICHD. Additionally, Dr. King chairs the institute’s Reproductive Health Interest Group and serves as a project scientist for the Science of Behavior Change Program within the NIH Common Fund. Register for this event here and join us by Zoom for the webinar. (read more)
Join TADA-BSSR Webinar – Integrating Data Analytics into the Social and Behavioral Science Research Lifecycle (05/20/2021)
Join this upcoming webinar on May 20, as part of CSDE’s partnership with the Training in Advanced Data Analysis for Behavioral and Social Sciences (TADA-BSSR) at NIH. The session will explore the ways that elements of Cook and Campbell’s validity framework can strengthen analyses of “big data” that are designed to study, monitor, and intervene in drug-related harms. This includes a discussion of the relevance of specific threats to internal validity, external validity, and statistical conclusion validity to these analyses, and strategies to minimize these threats. To register, click here. If you miss some or all of past TADA-BSSR Webinars, or want to view them again, links to the archived videos are available at this link. (read more)
Computational Demography Working Group: Talk by Paul Smaldino from UC Merced (05/24/2021)
On May 24 at 3pm (Pacific), Dr. Paul Smaldino will be speaking about how to approach agent-based modeling. He will also discuss insights from modeling contagions, and how scientists interested in modeling can get started. The Zoom link for the talk can be found here. More information about the Computational Demography Working Group talks can be found here. (read more)