Computational Demography Working Group Meeting on 2/9 with Emily Pollock
The Computational Demography Working Group is meeting February 9th at 2-3PM on Zoom (register HERE) with CSDE Alumni and NIH T32 Data Science & Demography Fellow Emily Pollock (PhD Anthropology UW, 2021), PHAM/PE Fellow, Division of STD Prevention, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. Emily's dissertation focused on demographic effects on dynamic network model simulations as well as the pros and cons of expedited partner treatment as a prevention method for chlamydia transmission among young adults. Emily is currently a fellow in the Prevention Effectiveness Fellowship’s inaugural Public Health Analytics & Modeling track at the CDC, working in the Division of STD Prevention. She works on modeling projects related to a variety of disease dynamics to support and evaluate diagnostic and prevention activities. Emily is excited to come back and talk with her extended CSDE family!
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CSSS Seminar: Racial Disparities in Mortality During the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in United States Cities
Apply to Attend: Population, Health & Armed Conflict in Asia Conference
On June 17th and 18th, 2022, the University of Utah’s Asia Center will host a conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, for scholars researching population, health and migration in contexts of Asia affected by armed conflict and organized violence. The purpose of this conference is to support, discuss, disseminate and elevate the profile of scholarship on armed conflict, population and health, and to demonstrate the significance of PHAC globally and especially within Asia. There is no registration fee, and conference sponsors will cover participants’ airfare (up to $500), ground transportation, meals during the conference, and two-three nights of accommodation. Applications are due March 1, 2022.
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CSDE Research Tools Workshops for Winter Quarter!
CSDE will be offering 4 workshops this quarter covering computational topics in GIS, survey statistics, and using Census and ACS data in R with the author of the tidycensus package, Kyle Walker. See below for the full schedule and links for registration:
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Register NOW for PAA 2022!
Registration for the Population Association of America 2022 Annual Meeting is now open. Important dates and deadlines:
- February 14, 2022: Last day the early-bird registration rate is available
- February 15, 2022: Deadline for all presenters to register
- February 15 - March 31, 2022: Regular registration rates will be in effect
CSDE Trainees who are presenting at PAA 2022 can apply HERE for registration and/or travel support.
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CSDE Early Career Grant Working Group – consider joining!
Are you an early-career (pre-promotion) faculty member who is thinking about writing a grant? Perhaps you're just beginning to ponder the idea but don't know where to start - or maybe you're already experienced and still need some information, ideas, or moral support. If so, then you should join CSDE's Early Career Grant Working Group! We meet monthly in a hybrid (in-person in Raitt Hall and on Zoom) on third Thursdays from 1:30-2:30. Please email Steve Goodreau ( to be added to the mailing list and event invitation.
Please note: membership is focused on CSDE affiliates (any UW campus or external) who are in any kind of faculty position prior to their first major promotion (to associate or equivalent). If you have a question about your eligibility, please email Steve Goodreau (
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Call for CSDE Proposals: Population Research Planning Grants
CSDE has funds available to provide a variety of forms of support for affiliates submitting grants from now through this summer. This might include funding for hiring an RA (quarterly or hourly), hosting or hiring consultants from inside or outside UW, hiring CSDE scientific staff, acquiring data sets, organizing a mini-workshop or writing retreat, or many other possibilities! One key restriction, however, is that funds cannot be used for faculty salary support or course buyout.
Applications are rolling, and CSDE's core leadership will review proposals every two weeks until the funds are exhausted. Early applications are encouraged!
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Events Happening at Other Population Research Centers
The Association of Population Centers now hosts a calendar of events featuring population research topics and scholars featured at population research centers across the country. You can visit this calendar here.
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