Congratulations to the Recipients of the Best Poster Award of the CSDE Winter 2021 Trainees’ Lightning Talks and Poster Session!
Over 70 participants engaged with last week’s CSDE Biannual Graduate Student Lightning Talks and Poster session! Their engagement, insightful questions and thoughtful written feedback to the presenters contributed significantly to the success of this event. Congratulations to Taehoon Kwon (Economics) and Carolina Coimbra Vieira (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research) who shared the best poster award. Kwon presented “Less Study, More Leisure? Impact of SAT and GPA Grading Policy Reform” and Coimbra Vieira presented “Assessing Cultural Distance between Countries using Facebook Data: The Case of Food as a Cultural Marker and the Role of Migration”. CSDE Training Director Christine Leibbrand invited a diverse panel of CSDE Affiliates to rate the posters and provide individual feedback. Thank you, Mark Ellis (Geography), Dave Grembowski (Health Services), Crystal Hall (Evans School of Public Policy), Rachel Heath (Economics), Taryn Lindhorst (Social Work), and Dafeng Xu (Evans School of Public Policy) for your service. The posters and presentations were evaluated based on the innovation, quality and appropriateness of research design and methodology, effectiveness in communicating the research, overall design and organization of the poster and effectiveness of visualizations. CSDE was lucky to have Maxine Wright, CSDE Trainee and Sociology Doctoral Student, organize the Lightning Talk session. Maxine helped recruit presenters, advertise the event, brainstorm an innovative method for holding the lightning talks remotely, and coordinate with the large number of people required to make the event a success. (read more)
Students and Trainees Checkout the Demography or Population-related Courses for Next Quarter
CSDE Welcomes Four More Faculty Affiliates!
CSDE’s Executive Committee is pleased to introduce four of our new UW Faculty Affiliates:
- Anne Conway– Urban Child Institute Endowed Professor and Director of the Child and Youth Development Lab, College of Social Work, University of Tennessee. Conway studies the development of neurocognition (i.e., focusing attention and ignoring distractions) and self-regulation (i.e., self-management of emotion, behavior, sleep), and associations with child well-being, health, and educational outcomes. Her research has been published in leading journals including Child Development, Psychological Science, Journal of Affective Disorders, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, among others. Conway joins CSDE as a regional affiliate.
- Jake Grumbach– Assistant Professor, Political Science, University of Washington. Grumbach's research focuses broadly on the political economy of the United States. He is particularly interested in public policy, American federalism, racial capitalism, campaign finance, and statistical methods. His book project, based on his award-winning dissertation, investigates the causes and consequences of the nationalization of state politics since the 1970s. Grumbach joins CSDE as a faculty affiliate.
- Elizabeth Harrington – Acting Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Washington. Harrington is a clinician and researcher with expertise in global reproductive health, family planning, and the social and behavioral influences on contraceptive decision-making. She is a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist with subspecialty training in family planning, and her research aims at understanding women’s complex needs and desires around prevention of unintended pregnancy. Harrington joins CSDE as a faculty affiliate.
- Darcy Rao– Acting Assistant Professor, Epidemiology, University of Washington. Rao is an infectious disease epidemiologist with training and experience in mathematical modeling of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and measurement of sexual behavior and healthcare utilization. Her research interests center on using mathematical models to bridge epidemiologic research and public health practice, with the goal of informing the design and implementation of effective programs and policies. Rao joins as a CSDE faculty affiliate. (read more)
CSDE Affiliate Berridge to speak at AARP & Future of Privacy Forum Event [03-18-2021]
*New* Shanahan Foundation Fellowship at the Interface of Data and Neuroscience [due 04-15-2021]
Applications are open for the Shanahan Foundation Fellowship at the Interface of Data and Neuroscience. This is a new, three-year post-doctoral fellowship program that aims to integrate data scientists in neuroscience research, challenge traditional approaches to neuroscience, provide multidisciplinary, multi-organizational co-mentorship, provide a network and community, and support career development in data science. The fellowship will be co-hosted by the Allen Institute and the University of Washington (through its eScience Institute and the Computational Neuroscience Center) and is directed by Dr. Christof Koch at the Allen Institute. Priority will be given to applicants who are not currently postdoctoral fellows or scientists at the University of Washington or the Allen Institute respectively. For full consideration, please submit your application by April 15, 2021. Learn more and apply on the Shanahan Fellowship Website. For questions, email (read more)
Join TADA-BSSR Webinar – Computational Analysis of Language and the Assessment of Suicide Risk [03-18-2021]
Join this upcoming webinar on March 18, as part of CSDE’s partnership with the Training in Advanced Data Analysis for Behavioral and Social Sciences (TADA-BSSR) at NIH. Dr. Philip Resnik will discuss computational linguistics research related to the problem of suicide, raising issues connected with computational research on mental health more generally and including not only the technological angle but also questions of data access, ethical considerations, and the role of computational technologies in the mental health ecosystem. This talk, to be given remotely in the middle of a pandemic, will be about a problem that already existed long prior to COVID-19 as a kind of international pandemic in its own right. Suicide has a worldwide death toll approaching 800,000 people per year worldwide, and in the U.S. in 2016 it became the second leading cause of death among those aged 10-34. Now compounding these existing problems is an “echo pandemic” of suicide and mental illness emerging in the wake of COVID-19, as people struggle with isolation, stress, and sustained disruptions of day to day life. To join through Videocast, click here. (read more)
*New* The Journal of Population and Sustainability just launched The CSDE community might be interested in a new journal launched by White Horse Press, which publishes a range of journals in the field of human-environment relations, – The Journal of Population and Sustainability – with editorial board members that include John Cleland and William Rees. read more… The JP&S welcomes submissions for peer review of articles from scholars engaged in research in any field of the population-environment nexus including: climate change and migration, population growth and energy demand, the consumption-population nexus, global food security, population, development and environmental justice, population ethics, population growth and biodiversity, population growth and local environmental change, population projections, sexual health and fertility. The journal also welcomes applications for membership of the editorial board. (read more)