CSDE Fall 2019 Biannual Trainees’ Lightning Talks and Poster Session
Posted: 12/1/2019 (CSDE Seminar Series)
Come meet CSDE’s trainees when they present their Lightning Talks and Posters. These trainees are eager to share their cutting-edge research and latest demographic insights with you.
Kathy Jung, Department of Economics
Spatial Search Friction and Allocative Efficiency in the Free-floating Car-sharing Industry
Nicole Kovski, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance
A National Investigation of State Earned Income Tax Credits and Rates of Child Maltreatment Reports, 2004-2016
Hannah Lee, Department of Sociology
Understanding Neighborhood Patterns across Asian Ethnic Groups and Immigrant Destinations
Claire Rothschild, Department of Epidemiology
Utility of Remotely Enrolling Women into a Mobile Messaging Platform for Contraceptive Research in Kenya
Esteban Valencia, Department of Epidemiology
Informal Caregiving during Young Adulthood and Its Impact on Behavioral Health
Hunter York, Department of Global Health
Within-Cohort and Between-Cohort Educational Inequality and Wealth Inequality at Varying Levels of Spatial Granularity as Predictors of Contraceptive Use in 37 Low- and Middle- Income Countries
Date: 12/06/2019
Time: 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Deadline: 12/01/2019
Location: Green A - Research Commons in Allen Library South