Hana Ševčíková is a Senior Research Scientist at CSDE and CSSS. She earned an MS in Computer Science at the University of Hamburg, Germany and PhD in Statistics at the Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Germany. Since 2003 she has worked at the UW on various projects involving statistical and parallel computing. For the past 15 years, she has worked in the area of statistical and computational demography, and developed many publicly available R packages. She is a part of the UW team that developed methodology and software that the United Nations adopted for their probabilistic world population projections for all countries. More recently, she has worked on developing methodology for probabilistic demographic projections on the subnational level, including for Washington State.
Hana also works as a Data Scientist at the Puget Sound Regional Council where she contributes to regional land use modeling. She was a core developer of the UrbanSim software, an agent-based land use model used by many Metropolitan Planning Organizations in the United States.