Spring Graduate Seminar: COM597 A “Interviewing for Social Research”
Posted: 2/4/2019 (Local Events)
Matthew Powers (Associate Prof., Communication) will offer a 5-credit graduate seminar, COM 597 A “Interviewing for Social Research” this spring on MW from 10:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.
“Interviewing for Social Research” is a methods class that introduces students to the strategies, issues and challenges associated with conducting interview-based research. Students will learn by doing: weekly exercises will help class members to design, develop, conduct, analyze and write-up an interview-based study. Course readings will immerse students in key debates regarding the use of interviews in social research.
Below is a tentative plan for the terrain we will cover over the 10 week quarter. The syllabus is still being made, but I am happy to share it with anyone when it’s complete.
Week 1: Course Overview, Identify RQ for quarter
Week 2: Validity and reliability in interview research
Week 3: Ethics and IRB
Week 4: Recruitment & sampling strategies
Week 5: Preparing for interviews
Week 6: Conducting interviews
Week 7: Issues that arise during interviews
Week 8: Preparing and organizing interview data
Week 9: Analyzing interview data
Week 10: Reporting interview data
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch. My email is mjpowers@uw.edu