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Karen Fredriksen Goldsen Discusses Research and Upcoming LGBTQ Events with KCPQ

Posted: 9/26/2019 (CSDE in the News)

CSDE Affiliate Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen, Professor of Social Work and Director of UW Healthy Generations Center, was featured in a live broadcast on KCPQ regarding her recent research on LGBTQ cohorts and two upcoming LGBTQ events in Seattle.

The research she discussed, funding by National Institute on Health (NIH), focuses on how LGBTQ elders are facing disparities, specifically in the state of Washington. These elders are found to be socially isolated and often feel as if they must hide their sexuality in order to receive adequate social services.

Fredriksen Goldsen also discussed a research project about LGBTQ individuals of all ages. In this project, Fredriksen Goldsen finds younger generations of LGBTQ individuals are also experiencing economic, social, and health disparities. They also say they are disconnected from elders and feel largely invisible in the community.

Thus, both events: LGBTQ Health and Longevity Conference and the Inaugural Generations Celebration Gala, address Fredriksen-Goldsen’s research findings by bringing providers together to learn how to better serve LGBTQ individuals and by celebrating those of the LGBTQ community. The conference is on October 4th and the Gala is on October 5th.

Click the link below to watch the full broadcast.

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