Author Meets Critics – Places in Need: The Changing Geography of Poverty
Posted: 11/17/2019 (CSDE Seminar Series)
This Friday, the CSDE seminar will feature a discussion of Scott W. Allard’s book, Places in Need: The Changing Geography of Poverty. Allard, a Professor of Social Policy at the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, will discuss the book with fellow Evans School faculty members, Mark Long and Laura Evans, and Bellevue City Demographer Dr. Katherine Neese. Allard, Long and Neese are CSDE Affiliate Faculty. Prof. Allard will summarize the main findings of the book, and Prof. Long, Prof. Evans, and Dr. Neese helping to contextualize the book and identify the questions it raises for future research, from each of their perspectives.
This book offers several important original insights into the interconnections between place, poverty, and the safety net in contemporary America using a unique combination of data from the Census Bureau, administrative data from state safety net programs, information about local nonprofit human service financing, as well as field work and in-depth interviews in three focal metropolitan areas (Chicago; Los Angeles; and Washington, D.C.). Together, these data provide multiple vantage points from which to consider the realities and consequences of the shifting geography of poverty in metropolitan America. With a careful analysis of how poverty has changed across cities and suburbs, this book provides a foundation for future inquiry and policy activity surrounding the changing geography of poverty in America.
Date: 11/22/2019
Time: 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Location: 121 Raitt Hall