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CSDE News & Events

*New Population Health Initiative Call for Proposals

Posted: 5/17/2020 (Conference and Funding)

The Population Health Initiative has released a new funding call to support the university’s research community in responding to the array of economic-related challenges created by the pandemic. This round is intended to complement our earlier call for COVID-19 rapid response grants.  Awards of up to $20,000 each are available for projects proposing novel research designed to better understand, mitigate, or reverse the economic impact of COVID-19 on multiple facets of life.  We are interested in ideas that will either (1) quickly bring to bear new knowledge, or (2) that will allow work on a larger, longer-term project to begin immediately while the research team seeks the necessary external funding for the larger endeavor. CSDE is happy to provide in-kind resources as part of a match for interested faculty or research scientists submitting applications.  Please use CSDE’s online seed grant portal to make your requests. If you have questions, please contact Steve Goodreau ( ).  Additional information about the PHI award can be found at: Note the quick turnaround (i.e., May 31 deadline to apply).

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Deadline: 05/31/2020
