Community-based Approaches to Strengthening Economic Supports for Working Families (Announcement Number: MP-CPI-20-005).
Posted: 8/4/2020 (Funding)
Award Ceiling: $450,000; Award Floor: $300,000. Estimated Total: $2,000,000. Application Due Date: August 17, 2020, 6:00 PM ET. The Community-based Approaches to Strengthening Economic Supports for Working Families initiative will serve low-income working families disproportionately at risk for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), including racial and ethnic minority families. This initiative seeks to determine whether implementation of earned income tax credit (EITC) outreach and education activities in communities at higher risk for ACEs can result in (1) increased EITC receipt and (2) changes in risk and/or protective factors for ACEs. OMH expects projects funded under this initiative to: (1) establish multi-sectoral partnerships to support EITC outreach and education activities in communities at higher risk for ACEs; (2) plan and implement EITC outreach and education activities in communities at higher risk for ACEs; (3) develop and implement a process and outcome evaluation plan; (4) communicate and disseminate findings, successes and lessons learned; and (5) plan for sustainability of successful interventions.
Learn more about this FOA and how to apply.
Deadline: 08/17/2020