Call for Papers: Immigration and White Supremacy in the 21st Century
Posted: 8/19/2020 (Conference)
Professor Pawan Dhingra (Amherst College) and Professor Tanya Golash-Boza (UC Merced) invite International Migration Section members to contribute to a special issue of the journal Social Sciences that they are co-editing, entitled Immigration and White Supremacy in the 21st Century.
Special issue information: “Where do immigrants fit into this renewed conversation on systemic racism? Immigrants have been victims of historic and contemporary forms of racial discrimination and nativism, which in turn have increased their economic marginalization. At the same time, immigrants are accused of trafficking in anti-Black racism and not supporting mass movements for racial equality. This special issue welcomes articles that incorporate an intersectional (of race, gender, sexuality, class, ability…) approach to the study of immigration and white supremacy, which immigrants are both victims of and accused of reproducing.”
Deadline: 09/06/2020