CSDE Affiliates Plan NOW for an NIH Population Dynamics Branch Research Application!
Posted: 1/24/2021 (CSDE Research)
Calling all UW demographers, population scientists, and population health scientists. CSDE strongly encourages you to consider preparing applications (larger ones (R01) or smaller ones (R21/R03) or career awards (K’s) or conference grants (R13s) or small training workshops (R25)) to the Population Dynamics Branch! The Population Dynamics Branch has a broad social science mandate that includes research, data collection, and research training in demography, reproductive health, and population health. Any research captured by CSDE’s Primary Research Areas is eligible, including: Population and Environment, Migrations and Settlements, Health of People and Populations, Demographic Methods and Measurements, Wellbeing of Families and Households. Upcoming due dates are the standard ones for NIH, which are primarily in early to mid February. The scientific review panels for PDB are comprised of social scientists, demographers, and reproductive health scientists. There are typically two panels where your research proposal will be sent, including SSPA and SSPB. Contact CSDE for more details about your applications. We’re happy to support your applications, including offering mock reviews!
In demography, the branch supports research on the scientific study of human populations, including fertility, pregnancy outcomes, mortality and morbidity (especially maternal, infant, child, adolescent, and young adult mortality and morbidity), migration, population distribution, population stratification (including disparities based on race, ethnicity, sex/gender, and age), nuptiality, family demography, population growth and decline, and the causes and consequences of demographic change. In reproductive health, the branch supports behavioral and social science research on family planning, infertility, and sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS. In population health, the branch supports research on how demographic, social, economic, institutional, geographic, and other factors influence human health, productivity, behavior, and development, with an emphasis on research using population-representative data and natural and policy experiments using methods addressing selection and other sources of bias. Research at multiple levels of analysis, involving interdisciplinary perspectives, incorporating social determinants of health, and elucidating mechanisms leading to health disparities are encouraged.