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CSDE Seminar Series

Population Research Discovery Seminars

Estimating Adult Mortality Using Sampled Social Network Data: Evidence from Brazil

Dennis Feehan, Professor & Director of Laboratory for Theory and Mathematical Modeling, Division of Infectious Diseases, Medical College of Georgia

Moderated by:

Zack Almquist, Assistant Professor, UW Department of Sociology


Register for Zoom Seminar HERE

12:30-1:30 PM PT

Measuring adult mortality is fundamental to science and policy, yet hundreds of millions of people live in places where most deaths are never formally recorded. Developing methods to estimate adult death rates has proven to be extremely challenging in part because it is rarely possible to collect data needed to estimate death rates in an environment where high-quality reference death rates are available for comparison. To help address this challenge, we conducted household surveys in 27 Brazilian cities ($napprox25,000$) to empirically validate two leading approaches to estimating adult death rates: the state of the art sibling survival method and the newer network survival method.

Dr. Dennis Feehan is an Assistant Professor of Demography at the University of California, Berkeley. His research interests lie at the intersection of networks, demography, and quantitative methodology.