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Cesarean Birth and Infant Health and Breastfeeding Outcomes in a Marginalized Indigenous Community in Argentina: Risk Pathways and Local Context

Posted: 1/3/2021 (CSDE Seminar Series)

In the first CSDE seminar of this year, Dr. Melanie Martin will present “Cesarean Birth and Infant Health and Breastfeeding Outcomes in a Marginalized Indigenous Community in Argentina: Risk Pathways and Local Context”. The talk will discuss findings from research on cesarean delivery and infant infectious morbidity and breastfeeding outcomes in a peri-urban Indigenous Qom community of rural Argentina, using birth records and longitudinal observations collected from 91 Qom mother-infant dyads between 2011-2014. Dr. Martin is an Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology at the University of Washington and Co-Director of the Chaco Area Reproductive Ecology Program in northern Argentina. Her research examines biocultural influences on growth, development, and reproduction, as well as maternal-infant COVID-19 risks and immune responses with Seattle-area families.

Register for Dr. Martin’s Zoom seminar here. This quarter, CSDE is recording the seminar series and posting the links on its website. Visit our site here.

Date: 01/08/2021

Time: 12.30 - 1.30 pm

Location: Virtual via Zoom
