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Tableau Dashboard Consultant, SHARE-NEW, UW School of Nursing

Posted: 2/14/2021 (Employment)

A consultant to help on a project (SHARE-NW out of the UW School or Nursing and the UW Northwest Center for Public Health Practice). Work would include building a series of Tableau dashboards displaying data for use by local public health departments to address health equity. We anticipate this work will occur over the next 6 months as we prepare for the launch of our website. We estimate this work will take about 30 hours total over the 6 months, and aside from scheduled meetings the hours are flexible. Please e-mail Melinda Schultz if you’re interested.

The first series of 3 dashboards has been built and undergone usability testing.  Now we need help to create the other 6 series of dashboards, which will all share a common format.  There are also a few technical issues for which we could use some consultation, such as:

·         Assigning different colors to first, second, and subsequent filter selections

·         Creating more user-friendly sorting options

·         Working with filters that may contain incomplete data

·         Displaying filters or parameter selections dynamically when they apply to the data displayed

The consultant should be familiar with Tableau features and functionality such as parameters and sheet swapping, as well as a master filter sheet to help users keep their filter selections across visualizations.  The visualizations themselves are bar and line graphs for our audience who come from a wide range of data literacy backgrounds.



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Location: University of Washington