Grant Reminders & Opportunities, Early 2022
Posted: 1/7/2022 ()
As we begin the new year, a reminder that the significant changes to the NIH biosketch and Other Support pages are effective January 25th. Other support pages will require your electronic signature. Most departments have an authorized DocuSign user to navigate the process; if you need help, CSDE staff members are trained and ready to assist.
Upcoming deadlines! If you anticipate submitting a proposal through CSDE in the next few months, please complete our Planning Proposal Submission Form and we will assist you with your application.
Here are some upcoming opportunities/deadlines:
- National Institutes of Health
- R01 (February 5 for new, March 5 for resubmissions) – current parent award
- R21 February 16 for new, March 16 for resubmissions) – current parent award
- R03 (February 16 for new, March 16 for resubmissions) – current parent award
- Ks (February 12 for new, March 12 for resubmissions) – current parent award
- AIDS-related proposals, for any of the above (May 7)
- Population Dynamics Branch (PDB) at the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
- R01, R21, R03, Ks are always available with standard dates (see above)
- R25 and R03 (2022 and 2023 opportunities)
- Visit Dr. Roz King’s presentation for more information about how to plan and apply for PDB funding, and to learn more about PDB funding opportunities.
- National Institute for Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)
- List of funding opportunities
- The Role of Work in Health Disparities in the U.S. (R01) (February 5)
- Addressing Health Disparities among Immigrant Populations through Effective Interventions (R01) (February 5)
- Addressing the Etiology of Health Disparities and Health Advantages among Immigrant Populations (R01) (February 5)
- Health Services Research on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01) (March 17)
- Effectiveness of School-Based Health Centers to Advance Health Equity (R01) (February 5)
- Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
- Fogarty International Center
- Mobile Health: Technology and Outcomes in Low and Middle Income Countries (R21/R23) (November 15)
- National Science Foundation ongoing opportunities
- University of Washington, internal grant opportunities
- Population Health, Tier 1 (February 1) – Guidelines
- Population Health, Tier 2 (LOI due January 14) – Guidelines
- Population Health, Tier 3 (LOI due April 1) – Guidelines
- Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute (March 15) – RFA
- Royalty Research Fund (March 27) – Guidelines
If you have any questions regarding upcoming submissions or funding opportunities, please don’t hesitate to contact Belinda Sachs (