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Bostrom and Co-Authors Publish New Paper on Methods for Assessing Responses to Earthquake Experiences

Posted: 10/16/2022 (CSDE Research)

CSDE Affiliate Ann Bostrom was part of a team that published, “Development of a companion questionnaire for ‘Did You Feel It?’: Assessing response in earthquakes where an earthquake early warning may have been received” in Earthquake Spectra. The goal of study is to develop a brief questionnaire, consistent with those already developed, as a supplement to the United States Geological Survey’s “Did You Feel It?” questionnaire that has provided earthquake intensities and information on behavioral response in earthquakes, both domestic and international, since 2004. Having the intensity level at each respondent’s location is essential for relating their perspectives and actions to the shaking they experienced. Understanding the intensity level of how earthquakes are felt by respondents is essential to relating their perspectives with actions to the shaking they experience. Congrats to Ann and colleagues on this paper and we highly recommend it for everyone’s reading list!

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