Evans School Research Seminar to Host Eric Chyn for a Talk on Long Run Effects of Residential Desegregation Programs
Posted: 2/19/2023 (Local Events)
Please join the Evans School Research Seminar on Wednesday February 22nd at 11:30am in PAR 360, where Eric Chyn from the Department of Economics at UT-Austin will be giving a talk is entitled, “The Long-Run Effects of Residential Racial Desegregation Programs: Evidence from Gautreaux.”
Abstract: This paper provides new evidence on the long-run effects of residential racial desegregation programs by studying the Gautreaux Assisted Housing Program. From the late 1970s to the 1990s, Gautreaux assisted thousands of Black families in relocating to predominately White, mostly suburban neighborhoods. We link historical program records from Gautreaux to administrative data and use plausibly exogenous variation in neighborhood placements to estimate the effects of Gautreaux on the long-run outcomes of children. Being placed in a White neighborhood significantly boosts children’s future lifetime earnings, employment, and wealth. Gautreaux children placed in a White neighborhood are also significantly more likely to be married and twice as likely to be married to a White spouse. Moreover, neighborhood placements through Gautreaux shape the neighborhood choices of Gautreaux children in adulthood. Children placed in White neighborhoods
Date: 02/22/2023
Time: 11:30 AM
Location: PAR 360, University of Washington